《Sinful Aroma { k.Th}》Part 10


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When you try to find love in his deep eyes

But find only lust

Does it hurt?

" I don't like when someone ignores me, especially the one I like them". He stated nonchalantly as my eyes went widened. Did he just confess to me?

"W-what?". I stammered while asking as the words aren't coming from my mouth and were agape slightly in shock.

When he said, " THE ONE I LIKE THEM". My heart dropped for a second as my mind went foggy.

"Oh, so your angry cause of last night incidence?". He asked curiously as I was confused.

"What do you mean by last night incidence?".

"I laughed at you cause you talk to your bae night sky".

"Bae night sky?". I asked curiously In a low tone. He laughed at my reaction as he answered my question.

"The only your imaginary boyfriend or lover". He mocked while smirking as I rolled my eyes, he won't change.

I turned around to leave but he didn't leave my hand instead of his grip become more tightened on my wrist. I again turned around to face him confusedly as his stares were so intense to handle more than 5 seconds.

I try to release my hand from his hard grip by giving annoyed look but I couldn't look into his intense stares for not more than 5 seconds and I lose.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry I was just teasing you". He apologised again as I sighed in disbelief.

How many colours does he have?

One minute this and on the next that, unbelievable. His teasing stares one day killed me for sure.

"What you are exactly Taehyung?". I asked perplexed. I heard his sigh before giving answers as he speaks in his deep voice that sends shivers." I'm the man of surprises Hana". He winked before leaving me dumbfounded.


I was standing there completely amazed as my heart is hammering loudly, I gulped in nervousness what does he mean by the man of surprises?

What surprises does he have?

Why my heart is beating very fast?

Why am I feeling so vulnerable under him when he touches me?

What indication is this?

As I stare up to see the sky for seeking my unanswered questions.

Tomorrow morning we will be going back to the city, we have spent 4 days here and it'd be enough for us besides yeri she's freaking gone mad about going back, she wanted to spend more time here but the chances of here are too low and I'm glad. I don't want to be here more the reason behind this is I don't want to see the face of one person, he's making me crazy.

I was laying on the sheet which is spread on the gravel sure we are facing difficulties while sleeping due to the hard surface but we are helpless beside me yeri is sleeping peacefully and me struggling for sleep.

I was changing my positions constantly, a small lantern is hanging onto a tent making it more beautiful and illuminated. I smiled at the scenario but before closing my eyes I heard some weird noises as I get confused.

I stood up on my feet and left the tent in slow steps not wanting others to disturb, sure I heard some voice so I followed the sound leading me to the green tent, as I frowned before peeking what sounds would be?

I head towards the green tent in slow steps as I about to remove the cloth someone called my name from behind as I get startled.

"Hana what are you doing here Hana?". When he asked me I noticed that the voices from inside are stopped. " umm I was just passing from here and then-". I couldn't complete my sentence as I give awkward smile him.


"You should sleep go back to your tent, it's dangerous you know at this time roaming around". Taehyung's friend and my senior Beakhyun exclaimed as I sighed deeply and nod before leaving.

I was doing my work with this girl, I feel so ecstasy while thrusting in her deeper than deeper, she's a classmate of Hana 'Sera' yet one of my trophies.

I heard someone's voice from outside, then the realisation hits that he's my bestie Beakhyun as I frowned what happened outside then the sentence of him makes my eyes widened.

"What are you doing here Hana". I cursed beneath my breath and I immediately closed her mouth only to preventing further sounds of hers. Shit what she's doing here? Is she saw me while doing this?

I pulled away from her and quickly dressed but before leaving the Sera stopped me," where are you going? She asked as I rolled my eyes and replied, " miss I'm not going anywhere but I'm leaving you here". She frowned in confusion as I left her and headed towards Beakhyun.

"Can't you do your work silently?". He scolded as I scoffed in disbelief look who's telling, " Mr don't forget your one of us". I sarcastically replied.

"What if she knows about your pretty evil secrets?". Beakhyun asked as I frowned "who will tell her unless I'll be allowed?". I stated in a stern voice as I can see he was scared by my serious look and tone.

"Still Dude be careful next time". I nodded at his statement as he again asked. As I took my cigar and lighten it before puffing.

"But why are you doing this to her? What she has done to you?". I raise my left brow before answering, " that's none of your concern bro chills"." still dude I'm curious you know". He smirks as I rolled my eyes before muttering.

I came back home after my duty in the coming days I've to do night shifts also only to work on my current case of kidnapping. I approached Hana's bedroom, I know she's not there but I missed her so much so I came Into her room to have a glance once.

I feel so calmed when I hear her sweet voice and relaxes when I see her cute face. And I loved it when she gets annoyed when I tease her. Brothers are meant to tease their little sisters, isn't it?

I chuckled mentally and opened the door only to meet silence and darkness as I sighed.

Tomorrow morning you'll come back here I'm glad the four days have passed but every day seems like a year for me Hana.

I was afraid when you get married you'll leave us, leave your brother one day. I just hope you'll find love and warmness in your husband.

I wish he loved you, just like us, just like me.

I saw her beautiful picture frame on the nightstand with me as I smiled while showing gummy by recalling our memories. I caressed the frame of our, one day beside you, your husband would be standing and taking the pictures, instead of me

I didn't even realise while smiling a tear dropped on the frame as I frowned and rubbed my teardrop on the frame to vanish the stains as I sighed.

I wish he protects you and your beautiful innocent smile never fade away.

May you live your life carefree without tears my sweet little sister Hana.

Kim Taehyung

Min Yoongi

The battle for love or lust or vengeance is about to start.!!

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