《Sinful Aroma { k.Th}》Part 6


When you give your everything for him, to him

But in return, your hands are still empty

Does it hurt?

"Three weeks have passed and this is the 8th girl who's kidnapped all of a sudden from nowhere, how can it be possible without any clues or traces, sure from this we can assume they're so professional in this and talented". Yoongi spoke while gritting his teeth in anger.

"Sure they look professional yet dangerous". Senior cha eunwoo stated nonchalantly but the amount of stress he's holding under three weeks he only knew that it's eating him from inside and feels so helpless for the innocent young ladies.

"We have to protect our daughters and sisters from them, we can't trust fate". Officer Kang mouthed in fear as he felt so disturbing about the recent horrible events that occurred.

By hearing those words something hits on Yoongi as he realised something "Hana, she's going for a trip". Yoongi mumbled himself as senior cha eunwoo heard it but didn't understand what was he talking about?

"Yoongi is everything alright?". Senior cha eunwoo asked worriedly as Yoongi nod in response yes and gave reassurance that he's ok.

But still, he was worried for her, if he stops her then she'll get mad and get upset, but little did she know maybe it'd be better for her not to go outskirts for her safety not from the kidnapper but from someone who's waiting for the right time to attack her.


It was a beautiful season, where the butterflies were flying and I'm trying my best to catch them, I was running behind them but unfortunately, I'm not able to catch them and they flew away.

I smiled at them, thinking how beautiful they are and nature was. The waterfall looks like aquarium blue which is gushing over the small rocks and it was a gigantic bluish pool which looks like a drape of aluminium such as it'd lushness, the weather is a bit cold making us shivers, when I insert my feet into a pool I felt tingling sensation causing me to giggle, birds were chirping so do I with them making our sounds blended.

It was a Gods creation, so beautiful so heavenly by seeing it surrounded by the dense forest of green plants.

" look here Hana it looks so beautiful". She yelled at a distance, I forcibly my steps as my feet felt heavy due to soaked in water so I can't able to walk on the water body.


"Coming yeri wait up idiot". I yelled back, I'm curious what she wanted to show me?.

I went near and saw what's shes holding and when I saw my eyes were widened in awe. It was an orange fish, it's so beautiful so smooth when to touch but she was struggling for air then I realised what she's doing. " Yeah yeri what are you doing with her?". I yelled in anger as she was confused.

" Yeah, pabo you are killing her just put her into a water otherwise she'll die". I took the fish from her hands and placed it into a water body gently.

She was again started swimming into the water as I smiled at how beautiful it was to see. Then I heard a familiar voice from my behind as I rolled my eyes in annoyingly.

"Seems like girls having so much fun ah?". He stated teasingly.

"Ahh Taehyung comes and see the fishes are so beautiful here". Yeri yelled in amazement making me scoffed at her how closed she becomes with him in just a few hours.

Me and Yoongi Oppa was on the ride going to the bus station from where I've to go for the trip. I was excited about the trip but I don't know why Oppa is silent all the ride? Does something happen?

"Oppa is everything alright?". I asked hesitantly as he answered," of course baby I'm fine". The tone is low and I can feel something is bothering him.

I reached the bus station as Yoongi Oppa helping me over my luggage, he hugged me before going back but he stayed quiet I don't know why he's behaving weirdly? And then he left without any word, what the hell was that?

My whole focus on the road where he left me without any words as I heard a familiar voice from my behind and I knew who it was, I smiled widely before turning my head but when I turned around my smile fades away.

A tall man in a black jacket and jeans enters a station riding in his bike, when he pulled his helmet my eyes widened in amazed his bangs were flow down on his forehead touching his eyebrows with light pink lips and caramel honey skin the beauty he holds no other women here are having though ladies should look beautiful the man looks more beautiful his eyes are like the same galaxy deep and mysterious with a slight sparkle, he smiled at someone as I was confused to whom he was smiling at then I followed his eyes and landed my gaze on Yeri.



Both were exchanging their sincere smiles as I was confused to know who's he? And why Yeri is smiling.

He came towards us while smiling as he each step towards us making my heartbeat Lauder than Lauder at that time I wanted to clutch my heart and let out a deep breath but I was preventing myself from doing any mad action in public. His eyes are focused on Yeri but I felt like a pang in my heart. Why my heart is beating so fast?

"Meet Hana he's my friend Tae and Tae she's my only best friend Hana". Yeri introduces us to each other when his eyes diverted at me and our stares met I froze at that time he smiled at me and I standing like a statue.

"Hi". His voice woah when he spoke my heart dropped at that moment. His voice is like him deep and mysterious.

I feel like someone is shaking me then the realisation hits I was staring at him like a mad person.

"Hana where are you?". Yeri asked worriedly as I nodded hesitantly not wanting to show my weakness in front of him.

I replied with one word "hello". And as soon as I answered I back up and left from there.

"Taehyung". I mumbled to myself, yeri and Taehyung both were casually walking towards me. Same just like the same first meeting when my chest pounded crazily.

"HI, Hana how are you?". He asked while giving his warm smile my mind couldn't process any more yeri interrupted my thoughts causing me to snap out of my trance.

"He's telling you something say hi to him". Yeri whispered yelled near my ears but he can also be heard as I rolled my eyes and answered. Just to control me I started to play Cooley.


"I'm sorry but you look like a lost puppy". He stated while grinning as I narrowed my eyes in suspicious and spoke, " what do you mean ?". He chuckled at my statement and shook his head as I was confused.

"You came here to hit on me am I right?". I retorted as he chuckled again, he was showing his boxy smile ouch his smile please don't smile my heart can't hold this. He's indeed handsome nope wait I didn't even notice that day he looks so handsome and a beautiful man.

His bangs covering his forehead, golden honey skin, dark chocolatey brown eyes ufff he looks so adorable in his attire.

"Do you think I'm some street boy who came here to hit on you at first conversation?". He asked by maintaining his boxy smile but I can't believe his words as I get annoyed and answered "boy? Who's boy-man? I don't see any boy here?". I retorted again, as I mentally scoffed at his too much sweet behaviour.

"Yeah, your right Mam here no one is boy I'm a man you have got a chance if you like to try -". Before he could say something more I interrupted him and asked in a stern voice," Chance as in? And what's the mean of try?". He chuckled again as I got annoyed by his too much sweet c'mon man show your true colours.

"What do you think a man and woman do?". He asked by giving his mischievous smirk as I narrowed my eyes in suspicious what the hell he meant?

"Hey excuse me Mr what do you think I'm? Do I look some street type chicks who can fall for your charms?". I growled in a low tone as I don't want others to know what's going on in between us, yeri was stopping me from telling further but why would I stop? I'm not wrong to show him, his correct place.

"I was just asking for coffee Mam, I think you took me in the wrong way, I'm sorry if my words hurt you in any way, that's not my meant". He defended as his smirk fades away yet a worried expression appeared.

Before I could say more yeri pulled me with her into a bus before bowing to him as I gave him an annoyed look, he needs to know I'm not interested in him.

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