《TNS Piper Season 8 (Must Read)》It all comes down to this (pt 1)


Nobody's POV:

It was 6am in the morning, and some of A troupe were still asleep. Piper, Richelle and Amy were awake in their separate rooms and were getting themselves ready.

By half 6, the rest of the girls were awake and had gotten themselves ready, so they just chilled in Richelle, Kenzie and Summer's hotel room. Half an hour and a lot of YouTube later, there was a knock on the door and Kenzie got up to open it to reveal the boys.

"What took you guys so long?" Kenzie asked, rolling her eyes in a joking fashion, whilst ushering them into the room. "Sorry Kenz, Ozzy woke up late and Kingston spent too long in the bathroom." Henry said, laughing as he went up to Amy and hugged her. Finn sat next to Piper and kissed her as Kingston did the same with Lily.

"Then there's us." Richelle started, looking at Kenzie. "Enjoying the single life!" Kenzie finished, fist bumping Richelle, before everyone burst out laughing.

"I wonder where Nick is?" Summer wondered out loud, and as she said that someone knocked on the door. Summer got up and opened it to reveal Nick looking as jovial as ever. "Hey guys! Henry, you've got quite the day today! Are you ready?" Nick asked excitedly, as Henry laughed and nodded his head.

"Great! So, we can go down and have breakfast and relax for about an hour 'till about half 8, then we can watch Henry go over his routine, before going down to wardrobe. Sound good, everyone?" Nick explained, then asked, as everyone nodded with glee. "Okay, let's go eat then!" Nick exclaimed happily as A troupe laughed and ran out of the door.

A hearty breakfast and a lot of coffee later, A troupe were in a small hall watching Henry go through his routine. "I think it's great, the moves are tight, the energy's there and the tricks are awesome! You guys agree?" Finn asked as everyone agreed and nodded. After Henry went over his routine twice, full out, Amy made him take a break.


"You don't wanna tire yourself out, do you?" She had said whilst laughing at his persistence, which was true as A troupe wanted Henry to do his absolute best in the male soloist round. Henry was doing a strong hip hop solo to the song 'Summertime' and it went well with his dance, so Henry was pretty confident in himself.

"You're gonna do great, Hen!" Finn said, patting him on the shoulder. "Yeah babe, we all believe in you!" Amy squealed, hugging him. "Yup, we have total faith in you, you're gonna win!" Piper said happily, her nerves for Henry disappearing. "Uh huh, I feel bad for whoever's going up against you, 'cus they're gonna lose." Richelle said sassily, with a proud smile on her face. "Yup, for sure." Kingston said confidently.

"Thanks guys. It means a lot to me to have your support." Henry said gratefully, as they all "aww"d and tackled him into a warm group hug.

"Alright, I've just been to talk to Emily and Michelle and they wish you luck. Henry, you can go over your routine one more time, then it's time for wardrobe then showtime!" Nick said excitedly, bursting into the hall that they were in. "Okay, let's do this!" Henry said confidently, as A troupe cheered him on.

He went over his dance perfectly and he went to wardrobe. They all accompanied him to hair and makeup and just talked to him, to keep him calm. "Hey Nick, can you go over the order of the rounds at nationals?" Heath asked, as Nick nodded.

"Okay, this is day 2 of nationals and it is still male soloists. If and when Henry wins, then tomorrow will be small groups and then female soloists. Then day 4 will be the ten person group dance and on the final day, it will be duets. Got it?" Nick explained then asked as Heath and the others all nodded their heads, and headed to the wings beside the stage.


"Do you know who you're up against?" Lily asked Henry, as he nodded. "Yeah, I saw it on the board earlier. I'm up against some guy from Dancedance studios." He said. "That's him." He replied again, pointing to a male dancer taking the stage.

As they watched the dancer perform, Henry could feel nerves seeping into him, this dancer was incredible. But Henry's was just as good, probably eve better than this guy.

"Um guys, I'm not so sure anymore..." Henry stated nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "Don't worry, babe, you're so gonna win!" Amy said, kissing him. "Yeah bro, you're much better than this guy, we have faith in you." Ozzy said, patting his shoulder. "Yup, and I stand by my earlier statement. I still feel sorry for the guy that has to go up against you, you're going to win for sure!" Richelle exclaimed, as A troupe agreed, hyping up Henry.

They were interrupted by a loud applause and they turned to see the dancer walk off to the opposite side of the stage, to join his team. "Ooooh, you're next Henry, good luck!" Nick shouted excitedly causing them all to laugh.

"Wow! What a performance by David from Dancedance studios! Next we have Henry from The Next Step. Keep in mind, that this is an internationals winning team, so let's see what they bring to the table now!" Chuck Anderson exclaimed into the microphone as we heard people cheering and clapping.

"You've got this Henry!" Amy shouted, as they all shouted words of encouragement to him as he walked onto the stage. As he took the stage, the crowd cheered and Emily, Michelle and Riley, in particular were heard screaming things like, "You've got this Henry!" and "We believe in you!", which made Henry beam.

He stood in position centre stage, with his head bent and arms crossed. As the song started, Henry flowed through his routine; every move was executed flawlessly and he finished in style. A troupe watched him with pride and happiness and screamed the loudest when he finished.

"Wow, that was fantastic! It looks like the judges have made their decisions, so can David from Dancedance studios please join us on stage?" Chuck said, as David walked on stage and stood next to Henry.

"The winner of this Male soloist round is..." The announcer started as A troupe and the audience listened closely on anticipation.


The audience cheered and applauded, as all of A troupe came running on stage crushing Henry into a giant group hug. They waved at the audience and walked off the stage as a group, as the curtains came down, the audience still cheering.

"Well done Henry! We all knew you could do it!" Nick yelled as he hugged Henry. A troupe congratulated him too as they went back to the hall.

"Okay, thanks to Henry, we're onto the next round which is small group, and then female soloists, so, Richelle, Kenzie, Summer, Kingston and Ozzy, I hope you guys are prepared because you're on tomorrow morning. And in the afternoon, Piper, you'll be on. So go relax and rehearse! Well done again Henry!" Nick explained happily as they cheered and celebrated with cupcakes.

Next rounds were small group and female soloists but the question was: are they ready?

Guess we'll find out.


•Hey guys!

•Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed it!

•Will they win the next rounds of nationals?

•Will anything go wrong?

•Will anybody slip up?

•Please go check out my other book 'TNS Oneshots' I have updated it and I plan to do it more regularly, so please go read it! I hope you enjoy it!

•Don't forget that when this book finishes, I will add 5 extra bonus Oneshots for you guys to read as a belated christmas gift!

•Thanks again, and don't forget to vote and comment!

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