《TNS Piper Season 8 (Must Read)》Where are we going?


Piper's POV:

Not going to lie, I was terrified. I mean who wouldn't be?

I was in the backseat of some beat up car, and I had no idea of where we were even going. Not to mention how cold I was, my skin was literally getting paler and paler, almost blue, because we were technically having a dress rehearsal as we hadn't had one yet, and now I'm in this costume, in the middle of a Canadian autumn.

My costume was really pretty; it was a wine coloured two piece outfit, with a lot of pretty jewels and gems decorating it.

It was one sleeved, and the material was lace around the cropped top and the shorts, and there was a silky material covering the back of the shorts. It was really cute but definitely not fit for this weather.

I sat gingerly in the backseat of the car, trying and failing to ignore the chill air being blasted from the car. Thanks, Josh! (Please note the sarcasm!)

"W...where are we going?" I asked Josh, who looked at me, then rolled his eyes. Something told me to shut up but I thought that if this guy loves me as he claims to, then he wouldn't do anything to me, but I was wrong.

"Josh? Um....where are-" I started quietly, but I was interrupted by the piercing sound of a slap. My cheek was sore and I could tell that there was a huge red hand print on it.

Fighting against the tears threatening to fall, I settled back into the seat and looked out of the window. I closed my eyes for a bit but woke up about half an hour later.

I wonder if anyone realised that I had gone missing. I missed the team so much; I should have been with them, rehearsing and relaxing, not in the backseat of some car with Josh. I also missed my family; they'd be getting their seats right about now, to watch the first of the five days of Nationals.

My face was still sore but I couldn't care less, I really needed to know where I was. "Where are we going?" I asked gingerly, bracing myself for another slap, but all he did was groan and then he said, "We're going to another country. We're about 20 minutes from the border and it was meant to be a surprise for you, to show you my love."


I mentally rolled my eyes. Oh, I'm sorry wasn't kidnapping me enough to show your love?! I really needed to get my phone out and text someone but I was afraid of Josh seeing and taking it away.

I was holding my phone in my hand when he took me, but I had no pockets to put it in, so I did the next best thing. I stuffed it into my bra.

"But...but I have to perform at nationals." I said, panicking at the thought of being taken abroad against my own will.

"Doesn't matter. We can find you a better dance studio to go to." He replied, brushing it off.

"What about my friends, my boyfriend and my family. You can't just take me away from them. You have no right!" I exclaimed getting angry but Josh just rolled his eyes and slapped me again, irritating my soft skin.

"You don't need them, you have me now. You were heartbroken when I left but I'm here now. When we cross the border, I'll take you to a small country and we'll start a new life there. Just you and me." He replied, making my heartbeat double in fear, he's really got this all planned out.

"But what if I don't want that?" I asked. "You do want this, you just don't realise it yet, but it will be okay, I'm right by your side." He said, as I kept quiet. I have to get out of here or else my life will quite literally be over.

"You know, when we get to that country, we could even start a family." He added after a moment of silence and my jaw hit the floor.

What the actual f-

I'm only 17, what is he thinking?!

There's no saving this guy, he's a stage 5 psychopath.

'StArt A fAmILy my ass' I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

Who does he think he is?!

We hit traffic and Josh was not happy, which I didn't mind, it buys me some time to come up with a plan.

If his plan does succeed, I'll never see my best friends and family ever again, and who knows how long I'll last with this sociopath in a foreign country.


I thought of A troupe.

Ozzy and Heath trying to get me hooked with legions of lasers.

Me, Henry and Kingston showing each other the funniest memes we could find.

Finn being the best boyfriend that I could ask for, always making me smile and laugh, even when I'm down.

Me, Kenzie and Richelle trying to one up each other with our best sassy and funny remarks.

Lily teaching me how to text fast and showing me the tricks of the internet.

Amy, my best friend, always there for me, making me laugh and cheering me up.

I thought about my family too.

My mum embarrassing me every chance she got, babying me all the time, and making me laugh with her road rage and mum jokes.

My dad, overprotective just like James, making the absolute best dad jokes and being the most 'chill' parent. *cough* unlike my mother *cough cough*.

Julia and Lauren hanging out with me every chance that they got when they weren't in uni, them giving me pep talks and girl talks, and them protecting me from James's pranks and overprotective and overreacting ways.

Aunt Cathy and her funny jokes, always knitting me jumpers; uncle Arthur, always going over car safety with me and teaching me how to park correctly, also embarrassing me in front of my family.

Don't forget uncle Enzo, always making me and Riley try on clothes from his store. I laughed quietly at the memory of Riley reluctantly doing a maternity fashion show for my family and hers, at the request of uncle Enzo. Emily couldn't stop laughing and taking pictures, it was hilarious.

Last but definitely not the least was James. My big brother, he is always there for me, he cheers me up, makes me cackle with laughter and helps me out all the time.

I thought about all the times he made me try his concoctions that he created in the kitchen using a cookbook from aunt Cathy.

All the pranks he pulled on me, that were actually pretty good not going to lie.

All the surprise WWE attacks that had me complaining to my mum and dad, and all the times I was woken up by him throwing me into the pool early in the morning.


No, I will not cross this border with Josh.

I have to find a way out and I have to find one now.

"We're gonna miss our hotel reservations!" He grumbled.

'Oh boohoo!' I sarcastically thought to myself, as I just looked out of the window, looking for an idea to escape.

Josh repeatedly beeped his horn at other drivers, pissing them all off, which got another driver to stick his middle finger at him, angering Josh.

I used that opportunity to get my phone out. Doing so, I texted trying to explain what just happened with Josh and to tell her that I was 20 minutes from the Canadian border, then I messaged James and Finn to give them an overview of what happened.

Thank goodness Lily made me text-race with her, or else I would have never managed that!

"SHUT THE F**K UP!" An angry woman yelled from in front of the car, which made Josh stick his head out of the window and cuss her out.

As he was occupied with this lady and some other dudes who were shouting and beeping their horns at him, an idea popped into my head.

I can't just open and close the door, because one, he locked it and two, if I somehow got it to unlock he would hear it because the doors squeak when you open it. Annoying right?

But, I do have an idea, and it just might work, if I'm quick and quiet.

Here goes nothing!


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's pretty long, sorry!

I had to cut out a huge chunk of it because I didn't know if people wanted to read super long chapters.

Do you guys like longer chapters??? Let me know in the comments.

Will Piper make it out in time?

Will Josh get her across the border?

What will James and Finn do and say when they find out?

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