《Edge of Glory | Supergirl 1》Chapter 41


"Max, how exactly do you plan on killing an army of Supermans?" Cat followed him out of the room.

Max turned to the group, "I'll tell you the plan when I know you're all on board."

Kara shook her head, "Killing is never the solution."

"Except we're way past villains-of-the-week and kittens stuck in trees. We're at war. And the only way to win a war is to kill the enemy before they kill us. So, time to grow up and put on the big girl cape."

Cat moved closer to Katie, "Oh, it looks like someone made it through security."

Non walked in, "The son of Jor-El has already knelt before me. Soon you will too." Leah took a step forward, blocking Kara, "I don't want to fight you, my child."

"Why?" Leah glares at him, "Afraid I'll win?"

"You've already lost. Accept it and the glorious fulfillment of Astra's vision. In the end, she defeated you."

Leah looked around, "This doesn't look like victory to me. And all you're doing is betraying her. I was with my mother in her final moments. We forgave each other, we paid respect to our blood bonds. She didn't want this."

"Of course she did. It's what everyone wants, is it not? Peace on Earth. Goodwill towards man."

Cat stepped forward, not afraid because she knew her daughter would protect her, "It's a lot less like Christmas out there and more like Dawn of the Dead."

"The human race finally has a chance to live. Or it would suffer the same fate as Krypton. And the same thing is happening on Earth, with a populace more interested in reality stars and political circuses than working together to solve the world's problems."

"So, mind control is the answer to global warming?" Max clicks his tongue, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Thanks to Myriad, there are no more racial divisions, no Republicans, no Democrats. Only one people, working with one purpose towards one goal. To save the world."

"This is not saving." Katie points to her brother, "This is enslavement. Humanity is better than this."

Kara circled around him, "If you really want this planet to avoid the fate of Krypton, then work with us."

"With these people? These two are the best of your world and all they do is help the populace amuse themselves to death. If anything, they laid the groundwork for me."

Winn suddenly moved, "You've already turned us into drones."

Leah ran over to him, "Winn? Winn, can you hear me?"

"Your inventions have drowned out sense and turned it into nonsense." James suddenly spoke.

Kelly stood from her seat, "But now everyone is united, everyone's creativity and thought dedicated to eradicating famine, disease, climate change."

Max looked over at Non, "You're harvesting the brain power of everyone in the city to solve the world's problems? National City is a giant think tank?"

"This is not the way to solve the world's problems."

Allison, another worker at Catco stood from her seat, "Your heroics have done nothing to save the planet."

Dylan stood up from his desk, "This is the inevitability of Myriad."


"Father, stop this!"

"These are your friends, aren't they?"

"Let them go."

"I've have lived with loss. Allow me to return the favor."

Winn, James, Kelly, Allison, Dylan, Richard, and Sam all began to walk toward the veranda. Katie looked over, "What are you doing to them?"

"Non has ended crime in National City in one day. One second."

"Winn!" Leah cried out to him, "Winn stop."

"Which is more than the three of you have ever done."

"James." Kara took a step forward, "James?"

"Kelly?" Katie looked at her, "Dylan?"

"Oh my God." Cat gasps.

Max turns when he realizes what they are doing, "No, no, no, no, no, no!"

"What's happening?"

"What's happening?"

Non smirked to the three heroes, "Catch."


All three flew out the window, Katie could only shoot the fire from her feet so she could grab the people. She snatched Allison and then grabbed Dylan before he hit the ground. Leah grabbed hold of Winn and Richard. Kara grabbed James and Sam, but all three saw as Kelly plummeted against the concrete floor. All three of them landed, setting down the civilians on their hands.

"Oh my God." Katie ran over to her, "Oh my go..." She covered her mouth as tears glistened in her eyes.

"You missed one." James spoke, "Do not stand against me."

"Or more will die," Winn added. He slowly walked over to Leah, "Everyone you know, love, and care for will die. Accept defeat, Ka-El." His hands moved to her cheeks, "I have already saved National City. Next, I will save the world."


"Are you three finally ready to do what needs to be done?"

Kara sighs, looking at Katie and Leah for permission, the two could only give her a small nod, "What's your plan?"

"Before you and I sang Kumbaya and decided to be friends, I was working on a weapon to use against the Kryptonians. All Kryptonians."

Katie crossed her arms, "What kind of weapon?"

"A bomb. Filled with Kryptonite dust. It'll irradiate the entire city. Choke them all. No more Myriad."

"Um, Anderson, do you think you could hold on for just a skosh?" Cat moved her phone away from her ear, stammering, "Forgive me, but won't that kill Supergirl and Superman? Along with my dau-"

"Your daughter." Max states, "Yes, Cat, I know that Captain Marvel is Leah."

"Answer the damn question, Lord." Katie snaps, her arms crossing, her body emitting heat.

Max inhales deeply, "Not if the bomb is detonated over the city center. Then the three can skedaddle. They won't be able to come back to National City for roughly 50 years-" Cat releases a laugh, "But that's a small price to pay to save the world, right?"

"What about the human beings? Will they be affected at all?"

"The concussive force to properly displace the Kryptonite dust will result in some losses."

"Hmm, Anderson, I'm gonna have to call you back." Cat hung up her phone, stuffing it in her pocket, "What exactly are we talking about, Max? Losses."


Max almost didn't respond, "8% of the population."

"8% of the population." Cat repeated loudly, "8% of four million people? That is over 300,000 people, Max."

"Versus the seven billion people on the planet that Non wants to turn into zombies."

Cat turned to the heroes, "Are you seriously considering this?"

"They are." Max states, "Because they know it's our only chance. If this spreads from National City, it won't be long before every man, woman, and child, including the rest of your children," Max pointed at Cat, "Will be on their knees. I won't let that happen. I swore to save this world. That's exactly what I'm going to do."

"What if we tell Non we have this weapon? Force him to see reason."

Max scoffs, "Tell that to Kelly, the office skydiver."

"Please, have you no shame." Cat rolled her eyes.

"No. Not anymore. All I have is my mind. And for how much longer I'm not sure. What I know is that for every second we don't act, we risk the end of humanity. Time to save the world. Are you with me?"


Leah looked over at her mom, "I know you're upset-"

"Upset?" Cat rose an eyebrow to her, "If you go on with this plan I won't be able to see you for fifty years, I won't be around by the end of that."


"And your brother." Cat says, "Carter adores you, Leah."

"I know, mom." Leah moved closer to her, "But I can't lose you, or him, or anyone I care about."

"I'll lose you."

Leah laughed, wiping her mother's stray tear, "No crying at work, mom, remember?"

"Don't use that back on me."

Leah pulled her mother in for a hug, "I'll always love you, mom. I always will. But right now-" Her eyes move to Kara, "Supergirl needs someone to talk to her."

Cat gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead, "I love you, Leah, even if you are not my blood. You, and will always be, my beautiful little girl."


"No more sadness." Cat walked up to her daughter, "Supergirl's got a better plan."

Katie rose an eyebrow, "What?"

"Let's go." Kara nods her head, "I'll explain."

Katie pushed the door open, allowing them inside, Max looked up, "Good. You changed your mind. I was starting to regret saving it in the first place. For the record, I seriously thought the two of us would be having a lot more fun during Armageddon."

"Oh, Max, we're not here to talk about your bomb. Supergirl has a plan."

Max chuckled, "Which means Cat browbeat you."

"Inspired is closer to the truth."

"I'm a muse, Max." Cat smirked, "To the world."

Max clicks his tongue, "So, what's your plan?"

"Hope," Kara responds with a smile, that made Katie and Leah smile behind her.

"You know what? I'm gonna go with the plan that has the bomb and kills the bad guys instead."

"No bomb." Kara shook her head, "No one dies."

"You think I wanna do this? It's the only way to win."

"Win?" Katie rose an eyebrow, slowly taking steps forward, leaning against the table, "We're going to win more chaos? More destruction? More lives lost? You hated Supergirl and Captain Marvel for months because you thought they'd use my power indiscriminately, kill people with no regard for their lives. That is exactly the choice you're making with this bomb."

"Please tell me you've had enough analysis to know that she's right."

"You were afraid of them." Katie points to her friends, "Now, you're afraid of Non."

Kara stood next to Katie, putting a hand on her shoulder, "I understand that fear. But we cannot let it drive our actions. Make another choice that honors your parents. And mine."

Max looks down breathing deeply, before he lifted his eyes to them, "I'm listening."


Katie waved the dust from her face as she walked in, "Will any of this equipment work?"

Cat pulled one of the clothes off the top of it, "Well! No reason why it shouldn't."

"So, you brought us to your very first, very out of the way TV station so we can... What? Dust off your Daytime Emmy?"

Leah rolled her eyes, "No, Max, we came here to inspire. One of optimism, love, and, yes, hope. A sight so undeniable, that people will recognize it even under this spell."

Max shook his head, a tight smile on his face, "You are Cat Grant's daughter. Where do we start?"

Kara looked at Max as he messed with the machinery, "Do you think you can do it?"

"We can't stop Myriad's signal, but we can piggyback off of it. We're lucky. This TV station is old."

"Not that old." Cat points out, not even bothering to look at him.

"Not old-old. But old enough that it uses broadcast technology instead of digital. We can transmit a signal by calibrating it to Myriad's frequency, without leaving any online fingerprints."

Katie remembering the blue alien, "Take that, Indigo."

"Who?" Leah looks at her, "Did I miss that too?"

"It'll ride the wave without anybody knowing a thing."

Cat crossed her legs, "I have one question for you, Max."


"The earrings, how did you know I would wear them?"

There was a long pause, "I didn't." He turned to her, "I guess... I just had hope."

Katie sat up when she heard a loud bang outside, "You two, stay here."

Kara walked out, the three females spotting Alex. Kara squinted her eyes at her, "Alex? What are you doing here? I told you not to come."

"I warned you what would happen if you worked against me. I found your ultimate opponent. One that knows your every weakness. And if Ka-El or Solar Flare try and assist you, I'll have your sister die on the spot."

"No..." Kara gasps, "I'm not doing this. I am not going to fight my sister. Did you hear that, Non? If you want to fight me, come out here and do it yourself. I'm not gonna hurt her."

"You have no choice. Kill Alex Danvers or let her kill you. Either way, you lose. Recognize this? It's the same sword your sister used to kill Astra. It's almost justice."

"Alex, please wake up."

"She can't hear you."

Leah stepped forward, "Revenge won't bring mother back."

"I don't want to bring her back. I want you to join her."

Kara looked at Katie and Leah, "Go back inside. You heard what he said, if you try and help, she'll die."

"But Kara-"

"No buts, get back inside. Help them get that stuff up."

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