《Supergirl》Chapter 15


It was Sunday morning, one of those days to myself. I had told my parents what had happened the night before and they went into protective mode, checking to see if anything was broken. Which isn't possible. Now all I had to do was text Liz.

Chris: Hey can you come over quickly?

Bæ: Sorry I'm busy

Wait why does that say bæ? Uhhhh Liz changed her name. Liz would so do that.

Chris: Oh well... I by mistake ruined ur dress I promise I'll pay you back and I'll give you the details later!

Bæ: Don't worry my parents are like filthy rich. And I definitely want details!

How did I not know she was rich. Ahh whatever. I laid down on my bed getting my laptop out to go on Netflix, only to be interrupted by my phone dinging. I look to see who texted me and of course. My day is ruined.

Aaron: Hey want to go out today?

I don't think he gets it that he's my EX-boyfriend. We broke up for a reason. For a very important reason. You see Aaron was a really nice guy until he started to think I was cheating on him. Which I wasn't! He would start to yell at me, but he never hit me. He became really overprotective until I said I wanted to break up. That's when he hit me. It didn't hurt because I'm Supergirl, but I didn't like it. Actually I think it hurt him more than me.

Chris: I'm busy today.

I lied because there was no way I was going on a date with him just to hear him yell at me again.

Aaron: I know you probably don't want to go out with me, but I've changed. If you're busy today how 'bout tomorrow night?


Uhhh I know there's no way out of this. It's either I keep saying I'm busy or get this over with. Maybe he has changed. My mind tried to reason with me.

Chris: Sure tomorrow night is fine.

Aaron: Awesome I'll pick u up at 6

Now I honestly did not feel like watching Netflix. I decided to go and patrol. Usually the day time is quiet, but you never know. I got my suit on and went out my window. I flew around not finding much just a few idiots trying to steal minor things.

It was around 7:00 and I was getting bored. I was about to leave to go home when I heard someone behind me.

"Hey long time no see." I quiet unmistakable voice said. I turned to look at NightWing who was as usual smirking. I started to smile, but my conscience came to me.

"My dad would kill me if he saw me talking to you right now." I said looking down at the city before me.

"I could say the same about Batman." he agreed walking closer. "Look I just came here to say this. The kiss between us can't mean anything. If we even thought that we like each other, which I know we don't, then we will be in huge trouble. We're supposed to hate each other, when really we've been seeing each other every night."

"So you don't like me in any way?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I actually thought he liked me. I even told Rick that I might like someone else. That basically threw away our whole relationship, but I guess I was wrong.

"Well no, and besides we can't. It's not like you like me, right? It was just a kiss." he answered making a single tear slide down my cheek. I was so stupid to think that. I must look like a wimp right now crying over a stupid crush. We don't even no each other's real names.



"I guess I was wrong," I whispered looking him. He looked at me surprised when he saw my tear stained cheeks. "but you're right. The kiss was just a waste of time."

"Wait Supergirl. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." he said lamely trying to grab my arm as I turned to leave.

I was about to lose it. At first we hated each other. Then we at least became friends. Then I actually kissed him! And he just said that it was nothing!

"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU IDIOT!" I spat pushing him into the ground. I had lost it the tears were falling and I didn't care. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. I EVEN TOLD THE GUY I LIKED THAT WE COULDN'T BE TOGETHER JUST INCASE!... You're such a waste of time." I yelled, just whispering the last part. First he looked hurt and then he just looked surprised.

"You told the guy you liked that you couldn't be together." he said like he was just understanding me.

"Why do you care?" I spat turning around. When I flew away I looked back, but he was gone. What an idiot! I started to actually think good thoughts about my date with Aaron. Better than anything else going on.


, ' . ' . . .


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