《Angel In Devil's hell √》20


"I don't want to go anywhere else, Ma", Tara told Roshni who caressed her cheek.

"Listen to Arjun baby. He knows what he is doing", Shraddha told Tara who just shook her head.

"I will not go with him. I am already scared of him. I will not go alone", Tara admitted shaking her head.

"Tara, please. He needs you right now", Shraddha spoke.

"Mummy Ji please, he is so disrespectful towards you still you are taking his side", Tara spoke shaking her head again.

"He is having a reason", Shraddha tried to make her understand which made Tara huff.

"There can be no justification for his misbehavior with you. He can't speak to his mother like that", Tara told her. Roshni held her hand making her look at him.

"Tara, at this moment, he trusts you the most. We just want you to be with him with he needs you the most. You bring out the best and worst out of him. He gets affected by you", Roshni told her as Shraddha caressed her hair.

"Baby, I know you love us a lot and you are not understanding what is happening but what we want to tell you is that we'll inform you everything but now is not the time. Arjun is leaving the house, that is his will but I want you to bring him back as well. Not by force but by his own will. I know it is difficult but I want you to try", Shraddha said as Tara looked at her for a second before nodding her head.

"Okay I'll try", Tara responded making Shraddha smile as she hugged her close to her heart.


"Did you pack everything?", he asked her coming inside the closet to find her pouting at nothing.

"Baby", he called again making her turn to him before pouting again crossing her arms.

"What is with the face?", he asked her as she shook her head.

"Baby", he called again pulling her in his arms but she didn't move away this time.

"You know right I am so comfortable with everybody here that why are we going", she asked him with a frown.

"Because you are not comfortable with me", he said making her look down.

"But I love everybody so much here", she whispered making him shake his head.

"But you don't love me then why should I listen to you", he spoke making her silent.

"Do we have to leave today only?", she asked looking at her packed bags as he sighed which was enough as an answer.


Tara wiped her tears as the car moved out of the gates of the Khurana mansion. It felt like she was leaving her home again because of her cruel husband who didn't even look a little bit affected by this thing.

"Don't cry like a baby, Tara", He told her while reading his emails as she sobbed softly. He sighed before keeping his phone aside and wrapping his arms around her.

"You are so bad", she cried as he hugged her closer to his chest. She kept her head on his shoulder hugging him back.


"Don't speak like this", he warned her.

"You always hurt me", she said punching his shoulder still crying.

"It's not like we are leaving the state. We would stay half-hour away only. You can visit your parents more often from there", he told her making her cry more loudly.

"People will say I made you leave your family", Tara said crying.

"And I said I don't care what they say. All I care about is what you think about me and you should care about that only me", He told her making her sob softly.

"Sleep. You didn't sleep last night as well", he told her knowing how worried she was.

She didn't answer back to that and chose to stay silent in his arms. He didn't pull away as well for a few moments when he felt her soft breathing. He smiled at her unpredictable behavior.

She would cry one moment and then sleep the next moment.

She wasn't known to the fact that they were going to stay in the same mansion which became the reason for her to be scared of him and he was not planning to inform her as well till the point they reach there.

There was some traffic in between which made them reach their destination later than he thought.

He picked her up in his arms walking her to his room. The house seemed to be silent and peaceful just the way he liked it. Only the sound of her anklets and bangles were echoing in the house when she was still sleeping.

He made her lie on the soft mattress on the bed covering her with the blanket sitting beside her.

"Why do you have to cry so much?", he whispered looking at her face as she breathed softly


Tara found herself in the middle of nowhere. She tried to run but it was like she was just pulled behind.

She tried to run ahead again only to be pulled in tight arms. She tried to run away but it seemed like her all efforts were fragile. At this point, she found it difficult to even breathe.

She took a deep breath before sitting. She looked around in fear but only to find herself in a dark unknown room. She got down from the bed remembering her being with Arjun before this.

She reached the door only to find it open.

"Ji", she called running downstairs. Arjun who was attending a call currently turned to hear her calling. Her eyes moved around to find him and the moment her eyes met his who was standing in the corner with a raised eyebrow.

She ran to him wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her picking her up a few inches from the ground to match their height.

He closed his eyes. It was like his dream came true the way she came in his arms herself.

"I was so scared", she whispered tightening her grip around him.

He made her stand properly before looking at her face only to find fear in her eyes.

"Tara, I told you many times. I don't want my wife to be scared of anyone", he told her as she shook her head.


"I am scared. I am scared of so many things. But the thing which scares me the most is you. I am scared to be with you", she said in a weak voice which made him take a step back.

"I am scared to be with you", she repeated again. Arjun felt like something was breaking inside him with her words when he reached him wrapping her arms around him as he stood limply without any moment.

"But more than that, I am scared to lose you", she spoke making him blink registering her words.

He thought she rejected him again. The thought itself crushed his cold heart.

"I don't know why this happens. You hurt me every time but I can never hate you. I try so damn much to stay away from you but it's like something inside me can never stop caring for you. You forced me to say yes to the marriage and I thought that was the only reason to say yes to the marriage but now that I think of it, I started feeling so much in this one year without you. I don't even know why I am saying this right now. But the moment I saw you with those girls I felt betrayed. I cried myself to sleep so many times because of you and you don't even care about my feelings. All that matters to you is what you feel nothing else", she said nuzzling her face in his chest. A small smile covered his lips as he registered her words.

"Why are you telling me this now?", he asked her.

"I don't know. Maybe because you took me here knowing well that I am not comfortable here just because you want me to get comfortable with you", she spoke holding his bicep in a tight grip.

"And you are not comfortable with me", he asked as she pulled away from him.

"You are just too big and scary. See your arms are thrice the size of mine", she said her stupid reason for not being comfortable with him but that was true on her account.

She was scared of his height, his muscular body, his heavy voice, everything about him was just so massive.

"Baby, leave your reasons because they are not even serious enough to be kept in mind. Why were you calling me? Why were you scared?", he asked her as she shook her head pushing her hair back.

"I just had a dark dream", she told him as he nodded.

"Come here", he spoke softly before wrapping his arms around her as she breathed softly.

"Only two hours here and you are already in my arms", he whispered in her ear making her struggle in his grip making him laugh.

"How are you so adorable, Baby?", he asked making her pout feeling him teasing her.

"Leave me", she spoke like a stubborn child pulling out her lower lip.

"Never", he spoke kissing her neck making her shiver.

"I am not saying in that way", she spoke softly as he let her go looking at her flushed face. Her eyes moved around the house before stopping in the direction of the scary room where her pictures were.

"Don't worry. I will not take you there again", he told her truthfully.

"You seem very worried for me", she said in a sad tone.

"Of course, I am worried for my little baby", he spoke making her frown.

"I am not little", she said with a deep frown.

"You said I am bigger than you which makes you little in front of me so, of course, you are a little baby", he told her making her huff.

"I am hungry", she said wanting to change the topic.

"Oh right, I'll order pizza for us today. You go and take rest", he told her turning back to his work when she held his wrist.

"You also come, please", she said in a mere whisper making him look at her.

"Are you scared here?", he asked her as she nodded her head softly.

"This mansion seems to be like those in the horror movies. I don't want to stay alone here", she spoke looking around at the royal-looking huge mansion.

"Alright, I'll stay here for the time being. But what about the time when I'll go to the office", he asked her as she looked down busy in her thoughts.

"I'll go to college then", she said making him smile.

"You will have to stay alone sometime. You are my wife, baby. People should be scared of you not the other way around", he told her making her nod her head softly.

"Ji?", she called as he looked down at her.

"Yes, my love", he answered looking at her angelic face as she was busy in her own world.

"I can trust you, right", she asked making him wrap his arm around her shoulder.

"We shouldn't trust anybody blindly in this world, Baby but I do promise you. I would never break your trust", he told her making her smile brightly.

"We'll have food now and after that, we'll watch a movie", he said which made her cringe.

"Can we watch an animated movie or some comedy? The last movie we saw together was just too too...", she stopped trying to find the perfect word for it.

"Too romantic", he asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"Intimate", she stated making him shake his head at her cuteness.

"Comedy it is then. I can never watch an animated movie without sleeping", he said making her frown.

"I and Bhai used to wake up till late to watching Barbie movies", she told him making him laugh.

"Barbie movies seriously?", he asked as Tara nodded her head.

"When was the last time you did it?", he asked her thinking if they used to do it in her childhood.

"Two days before our marriage", she told him making him silent. No doubt her brother loves her a lot. Who watches a barbie movie with their little sister even after having a little baby?

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