《Angel In Devil's hell √》19


Arjun looked at his wife who was sleeping peacefully while the movie was being played on the LED. He expected something like this only after all she was very tired after the whole outing thing.

He switched off the television before making her sleep properly on the pillow. She snuggled more in the blanket like a small baby making him smile. He placed a soft kiss on the top of her nose making her hum in her sleep.

He caressed her hair looking at her face with admiration.

He sighed not able to touch her till now. She was still not comfortable around him. This fact was troubling him more than anything. She was comfortable with everybody but him when she should be comfortable with him the most.

He switched off the lights of the room pulling her close to him wrapping his arms around her waist.

He sighed thinking about his life these days. This angel had made him saner than any other person in the world.

Arjun completed his morning work out till 6 in the morning before wiping his sweaty chest with the white towel walking downstairs to get water for himself.

He walked to the kitchen only to stop when he heard Shraddha's voice.

"Roshni, Tara is my last hope for Arjun. She is the only one who can bring my son back to me", she spoke as Roshni nodded her head.

"You are right, Bhabhi? We have seen the change in Arjun after he met Tara. I just hope she can bring our little Arjun back to us more importantly you", Roshni spoke as Arjun fisted his hands before walking to his room only to find his wife brushing her hair gently.

He walked to her wrapping his arms around her nuzzling his face in her neck.

Tara gasped at the sudden intrusion of her privacy. She thought he would try to kiss her or something but nothing like this happened. She turned still being in his arms cupping his face instinctively.

"What happened?", she asked him softly as he closed his eyes feeling the warmth and softness of her hands on his cheek.

"Nothing", he said with a sigh making her worry more about him.

"Okay. I'll not force you but you know right I'll not judge you for anything", she spoke as he nodded.

"I want to take a bath", he said opening his eyes making her look down immediately. She nodded her head removing her hands from his face before taking a step back. She was about to walk past him when he held her wrist making her stop still looking down.

"Tara, I have invested my trust in you. I don't want to get betrayed again", he spoke when his past clouded his eyes and his grip increased around her wrist. Tara gulped feeling the tight grip around her wrist.

"I have never betrayed anyone in my life. At least I think I haven't", she spoke pulling him out of his flashback. He looked at her before placing a kiss on her hair partition making her close her eyes.

"I know you can never do such a thing", he spoke before walking to the closet and getting his clothes for his work.

She stood there processing her words. She didn't know why he was being this weak today. Though she was not really fond of him but seeing him like this somewhere she was feeling suffocated herself. She felt a different sadness looming in her heart.

She kept her hand on her chest feeling her heart beating quickly.


"What is happening to me?", she asked looking at her reflection in the mirror.

He took a shower and they both went to have breakfast together. Arjun was getting calls again and again from his secretary which was irritating him badly. His personal life was again creating havoc in his mental health and he just needed to get over this thing.

"Do you have anybody in your life who you like romantically", Anav asked his sons who just shook their heads having their food silently.

Arjun stared at Tara who was silently serving him his food looking at his plate with her utmost concentration.

"Tara, I spoke to your mother. She was missing you so much", Shraddha said as Tara looked at her mother-in-law with a small smile.

"Who won't miss her? She is such an innocent and beautiful girl", Roshni spoke caressing Tara's face who smiled at her.

"Will Mumma- Papa have food in their room only?", Anav asked Shraddha who nodded her head eating her oats silently.

"You should continue your studies, Tara. Nobody would disturb your studies", Anav told her as Tara nodded. Arjun thanked his stars that Tara was admitted to a girl's college. He didn't have to worry about anything.

"You should've gotten admission in a co-ed institution. You could've gotten so many experiences", Kenit spoke as Arjun frowned. What kind of experience was he talking about?

"Rubbish. She would do what she likes. Don't put your nose in everything", Roshni told her son strictly glaring daggers at him. Arjun put his phone on silent irritated by the calls.

"I was just pointing a fact", Kenit said as Roshni fed Siddharth who was looking at his new Bhabhi with curiosity.

"Why are you looking at Tara, baby?", Roshni asked as Tara stared at the little baby who smiled brightly once he got her attention.

Tara smiled at the chubby little baby who waved his hands at her while she waved back looking adoringly at the baby.

"Why don't you both go out for a movie or something?", Kinshuk proposed to Arjun looking at Tara who was pulling Siddharth's cheek who was giggling loudly.

"I didn't really think about any such thing till now. But now that I think of it, a movie could be a good choice", he spoke which was heard by Tara making her freeze.

"Brother when we got married we were so shy and look at this young man", Anav said shaking his head at his nephew.

"Time is changing and so is Arjun", Adhi spoke closing the newspaper putting it aside.

"You can go for dinner as well", Shraddha proposed trying to speak to her son.

"Mrs. Khurana, I am not doing any such thing", Arjun spoke after controlling his anger taking a deep breath.

"Arjun, you are married now. At least respect that only", Roshni scolded him.

"Ma, I don't care about any such thing. If you want me to respect this woman who cooly ignored me when I needed her the most then I am sorry I can't do that. I only saw you as my mother. You had Kenit and Kinshuk with you, still, you took care of me like your own son. I can't forget it even if I try to. Where was this woman when I was having a fever? Oh right, she didn't care. She left me like I was nothing to her", Arjun's voice boomed making Tara jump lightly.

"I am sorry but I am trying...", Shraddha tried to speak when Arjun showed his hand to her.

"You have your food quickly or should I get it in the room", he asked calmly looking at Tara's plate which was still untouched.


"Arjun, let her have her food peacefully", Roshni scolded Arjun who just stayed silent.

"I'll have it in the room", Tara said timidly when Roshni held her wrist. Tara stared at her while Roshni shook her head at her and pointed at her plate. Tara nodded having her food silently as Arjun started having her food.

"Tara", He called her walking to his room after having his food. Tara looked at him before looking at others who were looking at them. Shraddha nodded her head at her as Tara followed Arjun to his room. The moment she entered inside the room, she was pushed to the door and his lips covered hers making her hold his bicep in fear.

He sucked on her lips like a thirsty man sucking the air out of her. She tried to push him away but his hold on her waist was too tight. When she couldn't think more, she turned her face to the other side breathing heavily making Arjun's lips fall on her cheek.

He closed his eyes fisting his hands. He felt irritated at this moment.

Can't she feel his love for her? Why she always ignores his touch?

He punched the door in anger before opening it and walking out angrily.

Tara opened her eyes in fear shivering lightly. She closed her eyes falling on the floor feeling all the energy leaving her body. She was not ready for all this. Was there any problem in her for rejecting his advances?

"You think you are doing right", Roshni asked Arjun who was looking in space.

"If you are talking about my so-called mother then I can't help you in this", Arjun stated.

"If you continue behaving like this even after your marriage, Tara would lose her respect for Shraddha as well. Would you like that?", Roshni asked as Arjun snickered.

"That girl can never speak in front of anyone. She is just too... too", he stopped trying to find a word for her.

"Lovable?", Roshni asked making him silent.

"I don't like the way she respects Mrs. Khurana. It's like she is her mother", Arjun said leaning on the wall.

"Isn't the mother-in-law like own mother", Roshni asked.

"She is not my mother", Arjun spoke angrily walking out of the room.

"Any result?", Anav asked coming inside the room as Roshni sighed sitting on the bed.

"He is being stubborn now", Roshni spoke as Anav shook his head.

"His childhood affected him a lot. You need to understand it", Anav said as Roshni sighed.

"I am scared he is going to affect his relationship with Tara because of this as well", Roshni said as Anav stared in space.

"You can't always protect him, Roshni. He is mature now and can take his decision himself", Anav said sitting beside her taking her in his arms.

"You still treat me like a child", Roshni told him like a child as he laughed.

"Because you act like one", he told her as she pouted.

"I am a mother of three. You need to understand this", Roshni told him as he laughed.

"Of course I understand it", Anav said shaking his head.

He thought about it for a long time before coming to the conclusion he already had in his mind. He knew he was going to do this but was not having any idea that this day will come this soon.

He came early from work today walking upstairs immediately.

"Pack your bags", he ordered coming inside the room looking at his newlywed wife who was looking at something in her phone. His sudden statement made her jump.

"Ji?", she asked as he stared at his wife with a blank face. How can somebody be so stupid and innocent at the same time? He considered her stupid because she was coming in his mother's words so quickly. For him, his mother was using her innocence against him.

"We are leaving. I guess you didn't start your unpacking till now. Get whatever clothes you took out from your bag", he said which made her think for a second.

Was he throwing her out of his life because she wasn't letting him touch her? But it was because nobody touched her before this and she was scared.

She already felt weird when he kissed her. She was not ready for something more. But was it something which made him think of leaving her? What will she tell her mother if she asks why did he leave her daughter?

Her eyes started clouding with tears as she thought about all the worst possibilities.

She sniffed softly before rubbing her nose to find him speaking to somebody on call.

She thought twice before wrapping her arms around his waist from behind crying on his back.

He froze on his place feeling the delicate arms around her and the sudden weight on his back. Soon her sobs reached his ears which made him frown as he turned to see what actually happened.

He cupped her face as she sobbed loudly looking down.

"Please... I am sorry... I just am so uncomfortable with a male touch but I'll try. Nobody touched me like this before. I am still trying to get comfortable with your small touches but I will try. I swear I will. I won't push you away anymore, please don't leave me", she cried as fat tears leaked out of her eyes.

He tried to understand why she was behaving like this when he realized what was going on in her little brain. How can somebody be this adorable? He wondered.

He was ready to correct when another devilish thought came into his mind. If she would not try, she would never get comfortable around her. If she continued running away from his touch, they could never become one.

"You promise you'll behave", he asked in a harsher tone making her sob harder as she nodded her head. Her hair strands jumped around on her cheeks.

"I promise...", she sobbed knowing well he always wants an answer in words.

"Good wife", he complimented her wiping her tears as she sniffed looking down.

"Pack your bags", he said. She was about to cry again when he placed a finger on her lips.

"We both are leaving", he stated making her frown. Her still wet eyes narrowed at the ground trying to understand what he meant.

"We are getting shifted to my mansion", he stated as she opened her mouth to speak but came up with nothing.

"You wanna say something?", he asked.

"But everyone in this family stays together", she asked as he came closer to her. She was about to take a few steps back when she realized what happened a moment ago and stood on her ground.

He nuzzled his face in her neck making her hands shiver. He did notice is as he interlinked their hands together.

"But we need more privacy", he said as she continued with a frown not knowing what he meant.

"I don't think I can keep my hands to myself when you are around me. I don't want to embarrass you because I don't really care", he stated the second reason why he chose to leave.

"But Mummy Ji would feel sad", Tara stated when she felt a hard grip on her jaw as he forced her to look at him.

"Stop calling her your mother. She is nobody to me", he said angrily as she stared at him in shock.

"But she is your mother. She showed me your childhood pictures", she spoke and he sighed before placing his lips on hers taking her aback. He finally found somebody who could calm his anger whenever he thought about the woman people know as his mother. This was the reason why he wanted to shift in his mansion. His so-called mother would try to sweet talk his wife which he didn't want.

He wrapped one hand around her neck pulling her more into himself while his other hand continued rubbing her back calmingly.

He pulled back after a long while she continued keeping her eyes closed.

"Guess what? I found my favorite dessert", he stated making her slowly open her eyes not getting what he meant.

"Go pack your bags before I do something else with you", he said and she immediately ran in the closet to get her clothes scared of his wild side.

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