《Angel In Devil's hell √》13


Arjun reached downstairs as the people around were gossiping so and so about each other. He didn't know why he said the last part. Maybe because he wanted her to be scared of him not in a negative way but in a way that she would never leave him.

"Where is my sister?", Dinesh asked him seeing him alone there.

"In her room", Arjun stated as his phone started ringing with another business call.

"Excuse me", Arjun spoke before walking out. Dinesh shrugged before walking upstairs knocking on her door. He was about to open the door when he found it locked.

He frowned at this as Tara never locked her room.

"Taru", he called as Tara sobbed in the bathroom wiping her tears quickly hearing her brother. She wiped her face before walking out.

She opened the door to smile softly at him. He continued frowning at her before caressing her cheek.

"Why are your eyes red?", he asked. She didn't notice it in the mirror.

"Nothing", she said sneaking eye contact with him.

"Is it because of the fight", he asked coming inside holding her shoulder as the dam of her tears opened as she cried hugging him.

"Bhai, I don't want this much attention. It is scaring me", She admitted sobbing on his shoulder.

"No, bacha(baby). You don't have to think about it. Your brother is there with you. Stop feeling this depressed", he told her pulling away from her wiping her cheek.

"Did that Arjun say anything to you", he asked angrily but she didn't answer.

"You know I will break his jaw right now only", he said and was about to walk out when she remembered Arjun's strong arms.

"Bhai, No. It is just that we talked about the marriage thing and I got really emotional", she spoke as Dinesh nodded glaring at the door.

"You had some work here", she asked wiping her wet cheeks.

"Oh right. You were asking that being the new Bua, I need to buy you a dress so the celebration is starting soon. You need to dance as well so I brought this dress for you", he said pointing at the box making her stare at it in interest.

"Get ready quickly", he told her tapping her shoulder before walking out of the room.

"You don't have to be worried about anybody, Taru. Don't forget who is our father", he told her which made her smile as she nodded. He left after closing the door behind.

It was getting darker outside and the dress was going well with the night party.

She wore her earrings adding to the beauty of her dress. She smiled at her reflection wanting to forget every single thing which happened in between these four walls. If this was in her destiny to her marriage to the devil himself then she was going to do it.

If this same thing would've happened with somebody else, she would've asked that person to speak to her parents. But this was not possible at the moment.

If she spoke anything her parents would end the negotiation that moment only which would infuriate Arjun more than ever. The way he was warning her it was clear, he didn't have good intentions at all.

He would be true to his words and kidnap her.

She was aware of the fact that how humiliating would that be for her family and she never wanted to be the reason for their bowed head. If her lifelong suffering is a way for their smile, she would happily suffer.

She combed her hair which was a little wavy with the curls her Bhabhi did in the morning. She stood up from her place wearing her Jutti(footwear). She was in no mood of wearing heels at all.


She took a deep breath before leaving her room.

"Ji, where is your daughter? Everybody is already here", Supriya asked her husband looking around.

"Maybe she is in her room", Nagesh spoke finding Dinesh with Trisha conversing about something.

"This girl?", Supriya mumbled.

"I am sure she wouldn't even be ready till now because I didn't get any clothes out for her. I don't know how she is going to manage after her marriage", she mumbled shaking her head before walking to the stairs only to stop. Nagesh looked in the direction where she was looking before smiling sadly.

Seconds later every single person in the hall was looking at the fairy nervously standing on the top of the staircase feeling so many eyes on herself. She gulped before walking downstairs trying not to stumble on her steps.

Her dress trailed behind on the stairs. She looked angelic with her innocent eyes finding familiar faces around. She reached her mother slowly holding her elbow looking down.

"I thought you are not even ready", Supriya admitted as Tara gave a small smile to her mother.

"Take care of your nephew, he is crying non-stop", Sakshi said giving the little boy to Tara who took him happily smiling brightly at the little boy.

"My doll", she cooed at the baby as he moved his hands around happily.

"Who is looking the best here? Of course, my chiku", she said hugging the little boy who made a loud happy voice.

"He took all his looks from you only. Nobody would say he is our son", Dinesh spoke looking at his son who was a copy of his aunt.

"That is why he is the cutest", Tara spoke.

"Let's go. Everybody is waiting for my dumb family", Nagesh spoke making Dinesh and Tara look at each other before pouting.

Loud music was playing in the backyard as the party was taking place in the garden.

"You are okay right taking care of him, we are going to enjoy our day today", Dinesh said looking at Trisha who shook her head at him.

"Of course, my baby will stay with his dear Bua", Tara said as the baby smiled at her as if understanding her words completely.

"He loves you more than me, how unfair is it", Dinesh spoke glaring at his son who smiled at him moving his hands and legs around.

"Go have your food", Tara said as Dinesh took Trisha with him while the little baby stayed with Tara.

"My baby is looking so handsome. Isn't he?", Tara asked him as he moved his head trying to hold her nose.

She moved her face closer to him before moving away making him make a happy voice. This continued as she smiled at her nephew.

She felt eyes on her which made her look up only for her eyes to clash with the black eyes of the man she started fearing. He moved towards her making her gulp looking down. He reached her before caressing the cheek of the little baby who looked at him with curiousness.

He moved his head moving closer to Tara's chest.

"He adores you", Arjun stated looking at her but she continued staying silent.

"You look beautiful, baby", he said moving her hair away from her face making her close her eyes scared of his next move.

"Show us the baby as well", Kenit said looking at the little baby making a loud noise. This resulted in the little baby pulling his lower lip out looking at Tara which made her realize he was going to cry.


"Shh... Nothing happened. Calmy calmy baby", she cooed pulling him closer to her chest as he wrapped his hand around her neck. She glared at Kenit who made a sorry face.

"He looks like you? Why are people saying this?", Kinshuk asked looking at his face as the baby glared at him.

"Because he looks like me", Tara told him straight away.

"This boy is glaring at me while he smiles at you", Kenit said.

"Because he also realized how stupid you both are", Tara spoke making them glared at Tara.

"And you are really intelligent. Aren't you?", Kinshuk asked as she nodded, the baby made a loud happy voice making her smile at him.

"He is already your flatterer", Kinshuk pointed out as she shook her head at him.

"Stop speaking like this with my dear nephew", Tara told him making them pout.

"We don't have a nephew till now", Kenit pouted.

"Then go ask your brother about it. Stop troubling my baby", she spoke only to realize what she said. She closed her eyes in embarrassment as Kenit and Kinshuk smirked at Arjun who gave them a black look.

"I don't know if it is right to speak about it to our brother now. He is going to get married soon. We'll ask him then", Kenit said.

"Yes Mumma, coming", she spoke suddenly walking away making them laugh.

"I didn't hear aunty calling her. Did you?", Kinshuk asked his twin who shook his head as well.

"Stop teasing her. She is your Bhabhi now", Arjun spoke strictly shutting the twin's mouth completely as he walked away.

The girls walked to the stage as Tara asked her Bhabhi to sit. Trisha gets very tired standing for long after her delivery.

Tara stood beside her playing with her nephew.

"You can at least tell his name now", Dinesh asked but she shook her head looking at the girls dancing.

"Alright everybody we are going to cut the cake", Dinesh spoke after a while clapping his hands.

They opened the box in which the cake was present when Dinesh's eyes moved to Tara who smiled brightly at him.

"Shamish", she whispered looking at the little boy who started moving his hands and legs quickly as if loving his name.

"What is its meaning?", Supriya asked smiling at the sweet name.

"It's another name of Lord Shiva. I want my baby to be always blessed by the almighty. I want him to have all the luck, happiness, and wealth in the world and make me proud for giving him this name", Tara said kissing his forehead which made him close his eyes before clapping his hands suddenly for the first time which made everybody awe.

"Now cut the cake, please", Dinesh told Tara who was holding Shamish.

She nodded her head before walking into the center.

"You come as well", she told her Bhai-Bhabhi.

"Why she is cutting the cake?", Kenit asked Shraddha who was standing beside Arjun.

"She is the first girl born in Singhud family after many generations. They consider her as a gift of God. When she was born, she brought a lot of luck with her. Her chachu-tauji won a few important cases and her father got a prestigious award", Shraddha said.

After the cake cutting, Tara moved to the kitchen to have water. She took a deep breath smiling at her family looking at them through the window.

She kept the used glass in the sink before moving to the exit clumsily closing the door loudly gasping softly when her fingers came in between the door. She controlled the scream escaping her lips.

She moved her hand looking at it to find her middle finger lightly scratched while her ring finger brutally hurt. The blood oozed out of her wound. She felt tears blurring her eyes as she blew air on her finger.

"What are you doing here, Tara?", her mother asked only to stop seeing her holding her finger.

"What happened?", she asked her approaching her holding her finger as the tears Tara was controlling started falling down her cheek.

"Baby?", Supriya asked as Tara sobbed.

Nagesh was standing outside the kitchen talking to Arjun when he heard sobs from the kitchen. He frowned before entering inside as Tara sobbed holding her finger.

"What is wrong?", He asked as Tara cried.

"Her finger came in between the door", her mother said blowing air on her wound.

"Show it to me", Nagesh said looking at her wound which was bleeding.

"Mera Bacha", he cooed taking her to the tap washing up her wound as she cried loudly.

"It's cold now, the wound will hurt more", her mother said looking at her daughter.

"Did she get hurt?", Dinesh asked coming inside looking at his sister.

"Good, everybody just come here. In a few minutes, every guest would be here", Nagesh said strictly already feeling bad with his daughter crying.

"Who gave her this dress? You know how much she is sensitive with bad eyes. I also forgot to put Kala tika behind her ear. It is all because of that", Supriya said caressing Tara's head wiping her tears.

Just then Arjun took her finger applying the ointment on her as she winced feeling her wound burning.

"Shh... It's done", Arjun spoke blowing air on her wound before wrapping the bandage around it.

"Bacha, go back to your room and rest", Nagesh told Tara who seemed sad leaving the party this soon.

She nodded her head before walking to her room sniffing softly.

"Arjun beta, can you please stay with her. She won't like being alone right now", Supriya said knowing they have to return back to the party. Arjun nodded his head following Tara to her room to find her crying in the corner holding her wound.

"Tara", He called as she sniffed lightly wiping her cheek.

"Please, leave. I want to stay alone right now", she told him.

He closed the door behind him before reaching her taking her hands in his. She struggled but he didn't let her remove her hand from his hold.

"Please Ji", she pleaded with teary eyes.

"You cry so much baby. More than your nephew", he pointed out as she sniffed.

"Is it hurting too much", he asked as she nodded her head quickly.

"Why are you so clumsy?", he asked her but she continued being silent.

"You should change and sleep", he told her as she nodded getting her clothes from the closet before going to change.

He looked around in her room looking at her family pictures. There was one picture with her nephew as well.

He sighed looking at her bedside to find a photo frame lying upside down. He picked it up only for a smile to cover his lips. It was his picture. She had a picture of him that too on her bedside.

He knew that she adored him and she had a place for him in her heart but whatever small doubts he had got cleared as well.

She came out in her white t-shirt and black trouser wiping her face with a towel.

"Sleep", he told her as she silently followed him not wanting to talk to him. He covered her properly with the blanket staring at her face. She was looking at him with curiosity.

"You sit properly on the bed as well otherwise you would get tired", she told him softly. He removed his shoes before sitting beside her on the bed. She covered him with the blanket as he leaned on the bed rest.

"You don't want this marriage?", he asked suddenly making her look at him.

"I would marry you", she said scared of his earlier behavior.

"You don't know how much happy this statement made me", he told her kissing her forehead making her shiver under him. She closed her eyes breathing softly as he held her hand looking at her wound. Her eyes were swollen lightly.

He caressed her cheek as she moved closer to his touch which made him realize that she was asleep.

He looked at her tired face.

"I Love You", he whispered near her ear as a smile covered her lips unknowingly. He caressed her cheek. He continued looking at her face till the time the party came to an end.

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