《A Mindful Old Soul》31


Kenneth Joins

Mr. Foster was about to climb down from the garret room while Serena was playing her dolls in the foyer. Lena was still in the sitting room, writing on her checklist and fumbling through some papers including the music sheets from her folders. She got distracted when the doorbell rang through the whole room for the third time.

"Lena, I think someone is waiting outside." Mr. Foster called from the stairs.

"Alright, I'll get it." She stood up and snatched the key from the round table where she unlocked the door to allow it open.

It took her by surprise to see the brown boy on the veranda in his mahogany jacket with a black shirt, dark jeans and wore a cap on his head. The outfit seemed to suit him, and when she paused at the threshold, he looked glad to see her.

Not a word was uttered until the young woman closed the door behind her and greeted him with a concerned look.

"Hello Kenneth, is everything alright?"

The boy snapped from his stare and nodded his head as he briefly replied with no sarcasm, "Everything is alright."

"You can come if you want. We have tea and chocolate milk in here." As she gestured to draw him inside, the boy suddenly shook his head before she could reach her hand on the knob.

"No. I'm not here for that, Miss Foster." there was no curtness in his tone nor was it bitter or cold, but something in him was different in a good way.

So, Kenneth took a deep breath, almost as if he was eager to bring good news because his eyes said it all with just a glance. "I'm here because I needed to tell you something, Miss. There is a band we have in my school, and they asked me to join them tomorrow. One of the members has an uncle who owns the restaurant and he offered us to play."

"Really? When did this happen?" she was sparked with full interest by now.

"A few days ago," He said and gulped down a lump in his throat. "We'll be off to play the duet by tomorrow. But since my dad got rid of the guitar, I don't expect myself to join. It's not possible if I don't even have an instrument with me."

Lena stirred forward with a kind hand on his shoulder, where she lay it there and said with a drop from her tender heart, "I'll give you mine if you want."

He blinked momentarily and shook his head. "No way."

"Yes, way," Lena emphasized it in a resolute air. "You need it. How else are you going to play?" Lena drew her hand away from his shoulder.

Kenneth gave a calm shrug. "I would prefer to borrow."

"You don't need to borrow it. I can always get another one."

"Are you sure, miss? You don't mind?"

"Oh, not even a whit." Lena glowed a benign smile.


"Thanks. I might have to be cautious with it if I'm at home and outside the public." He considered this thoughtfully, and not to make the same mistake as before. "Or if not the town will blow up like it did."

"Yes, you're right. Your dad will find out about it if he catches you. You'll have to go through his scolding."

"I know. Know it damn well, miss. Worst of all, he'll get rid of the guitar again." The glow on his face faded and a stoic look appeared under the shadow. Kenneth stood erect and forced back the sentimental feelings aside, avoiding the aching feeling of a schoolboy. "Um—so Miss Foster are you going to come tomorrow?" he asked, changing the subject when his father was mentioned.

"Of course, I will," Lena promised. "I'll bring the guitar with me so you can use it for the duet." and after she said this, he took her word with him, putting his trust in her at this point.

"Thanks again. I was hoping you would say that, miss Foster." He replied with an expectant nod.

"Remind me, Kenneth. I just hope I won't forget." Lena suggested, raising some doubts in herself.

"Yea, I'll make sure of that. See you then, Miss Foster." He promptly pulled his cap down over his ears, making sure he adjusted it properly. She watched him leave and by the time he reached the curb, he was off from the spot.

Henceforth, Lena kept her promise and proved it when the morrow came. As she parked her car nearby a local cafe, Lena found herself gazing at the stout billboard above the local restaurant. She remained inside for a little while and got out of the car the moment she checked her watch. After she walked behind the car, Lena lifted the trunk and carried the guitar all the way by crossing the road.

The brilliant shine from the ball of sun brooded over the arbour flowers in this humid weather. In front of the steps, there were nests of pots with soft and sweet colors of primroses by the windows where they lay there to bloom under the warm sprinkles of sunlight.

There was a brief moment of pause when the door was opened for a short time. A delicious smell had a mixture of toasty-crisp from the room when it floated and mingled the air outside the local restaurant. The aroma fired even stronger when she entered inside.

Nearly half of the room was vacant, so the absence of customers was fairly disappointing for the staff members merely because this could affect their daily wages. A myriad of customers that have been to this local restaurant wouldn't wish to come back again. Here, hardly anyone came by to stop at this particular place. Critiques had patronized and mentioned many of the flaws in the past, and one of them was just the lack of meals on the menus. The food was fine and delicious, but unfortunately, it was still a new business. Nevertheless, they still managed to run it and continue to improve as much as possible.


Lena looked up and noticed Kenneth with his fellow members at the end of the stage. Beside him, a man with spectacles was having a conversation with the band. From the looks of his gesture and how he interacted with the workers before, she was under the impression that he must be the owner of the restaurant. While they were busy discussing things, the stage in front of the tables had a keyboard player, a guitar by the chair, and a wooden Cajon on the end.

When Kenneth's bronzed figure turned, the boy flashed a glint in his eye as he acknowledged her presence and immediately fixed his attention on Lena.

She waved at him and held the guitar in the air. As he was about to approach her, another man with a mustache clambered up from downstairs. He was in his formal attire, had a pudgy form, medium-height, and broad shoulders. He flew his fingers to his mouth and whistled the man whom he seemed to have close connections with almost as if they were companions. It was the man with the spectacles, so he broke away from the conversation, following him.

By the time the two men were gone, Lena stepped forward to a table nearby and laid the case for her to open it.

"Hey Kenneth, I brought you the guitar."

"Thanks a lot, Miss Foster. You don't mind us taking your time right?"

"No, you don't need to worry. I've nowhere else to be at this moment." She glanced up at the members for a brief pause. "You've brought your friends with you?

"Not much. They're part of the band. One of the members, uhm Janet invited her boyfriend over here just to watch our performance. I mean we have someone we invited from school, I guess."

"Oh!" was all she said as her face was ever so filled with wonder even if he made it sound dull.

Once she bestowed him the guitar, the performance was about to start soon in a wave of seconds. Despite being in a room with little customers, the plan was not cancelled. She settled down on the chair and watched the performance. The golden hour swam in the room from the windows while they were playing.

A minute later, In came Ace Ryder whose eyes were looking straight before his young lover while she was singing with the members who were playing musical instruments in the background. He slipped in one of the seats in a cool demeanour, leaning back against the chair. When Janet saw him among the audience, her heart began to pound rapturously with delight, beaming until her white teeth were displayed.

In the meantime, Lena was enchanted by the talents they all possessed in the band. Kenneth did his part very well throughout the duet, and so did the others. Once it was finished, they received an echo of applause from the audiences, including the customers.

"You did wonderful back there, Kenneth." Lena said when they were strolling along the pavement by the shopping windows where Kenneth carried his new guitar.

"I-I did?" His stunned emotion betrayed him on the spot.

"Yes. I wasn't half as good as you are when I was your age. Especially your friend out there who sang. She has a deep melodic voice and the guy who plays the keyboard—he played the piece very beautifully. You all did."

"He's the one who invited me to the group in the first place," Kenneth added briskly. "His name is Evan."

With a glance, she saw something in him. "Then Evan knew you have potential." and she already had a feeling that his future would be bright someday.

They went on strolling, and there's a queer sound of laughter coming from the area. Kenneth knew there was something about to go wrong when he caught a few familiar faces again. In the street, the gang was idling around the corner of the steps.

"You've got to be kidding me." He muttered under his breath.

They were the last people he would ever want to meet.

Nobody said a word until the two were passing by where things changed quickly. One of Aiden's gang made a bold move. He puffed up his chest and cried a "whew" insinuating as if the schoolboy was a male escort. This seemed amusing for them. "Ha! Guess we were wrong about Kenny over here! The social slacker had the balls to make a move on a few hussies."

A murdering glare flashed from Kenneth once he heard this. He clenched his fist tightly and stepped an inch back, facing squarely at the senior. "You take that back." he was about to fight again when a soft hand on his shoulder prevented him from doing so.

"We should go."

Kenneth was reluctant at first but eventually complied. As they watched them leave, the gang disparaged the junior behind and they threw some awful names at him.

"Sorry about that, miss." Kenneth heaved a heavy sigh when they were out of sight.

This gave her a clear understanding of why he had bruises all the time during their lesson. "I should have known," Lena began. "All the signs were there. If they hurt you again, you should tell your parents about this—"

"My parents won't give a damn." He snapped bitterly. "I'm sorry—I just think my parents wouldn't do any good." He paused in silence."Besides, it's—it's nothing."

"No, it's not nothing," She countered.

"Kenneth, you must tell."

"I know I ought to, eventually. But for now, I can't, miss." His colourless cheek looked as if pain numbed him. It seemed to him that this was not a big deal, but for Lena it was. "Go tell them," She calmly urged him once again.

"They'll help you."

For a moment, he did not speak. Yet there's a firmness in his tone when he, at last, said,

"I'll try."

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