《A Mindful Old Soul》26


The Apology

The children in her grade came up to her in dismissal time and asked if what they heard was true or not. Such a question induced her to spark in anger, a face red as a pepper, and the child was fed up with this altogether. As she cast a disdainful air, she raised her lofty chin, pushed through the flock of classmates and left them without an answer. They all blinked behind Serena who departed out the school hallway in a matter of seconds.

Waiting for her sister to pick her up, the little girl's countenance darkened as if a blotch of ink ruined her mood. Her world was now a spoil. Because of what happened, no imaginations could impress the child. The image of Dan was a nightmare and replaying the moment again was just making it worse.

Just on time, a white car appeared and she already sensed it was Lena when her sister gradually pulled down the window pane.

"Hey there, little sis," greeted Lena as she threw a sunlit beam despite what had happened this afternoon.

Serena sulked in reply.

Lena shot a glance and noticed the look. Quick to read anyone's expression especially her little sister, she later turned to inquire, "How is it? Everything okay?"

Ignoring the question, Serena hopped in when her sister finished leaning in to open the door for her.

They were rather silent throughout the drive. Her little sister was completely avoiding everything around her and she only locked her gaze on the road in a grim pout. Lena watched her little sister and studied her face but did not bother to ask, because she knew it wasn't the right time. When the light hit red, the car halted, and the child gritted her teeth as she muttered aloud,

"I will never forgive him," Serena blurted out and folded her chubby arms. "I am not going to be his friend and never will." in a grave tone.

"Do you need a little tickling for that so you can forgive this boy?" Lena curled a smirk as her arms drew away from the steering wheel and danced her fingers together.

Alarmed at the thought, Serena looked at her sister in an instant. Her dark eyes were flashed wide in defiance, catching a glimpse into the pools of her sister's emerald eyes.

"Not a bit!" cried the impetuous girl, full of ardency in her voice.

"Well, are you sure about that?" and before Serena could answer, Lena held out her arms and tickled the life out of her sister. Serena threw back on her seat and broke out a fit of giggles, where the child wiggled herself from the clutches of her sister's tickles who knew her tickling spot. The smooth freckled skin, the pink angelic cheeks, and her small ears brought out her sudden aura akin to a doll.


Her laugh bubbled on until the fair little girl finally yielded. "Aww! Fine, Lena! Please, stop!" Serena couldn't handle the tickles anymore, then pleaded Lena to stop, and stop she did. Given the freedom to breathe out, at last, the child sat up straight and spoke firmly, "Though I won't forgive him unless he asks for it."

"At least you won't regret it once you forgive. Who is this boy that's been bothering you anyway?"

"Aileen's twin brother. His name is Dan the dum-dum."

"Oh? He's the same boy I met when I came by to pick you up in the Ryder's household."

Serena nodded her little head. "He's the youngest son. Ace is the oldest and Aileen is the second oldest. She's just forty minutes older than Dan but I think she acts older than the two boys combined."

"How funny."

"See? Even my big sister finds it weird!" Serena shot a wide-eyed glance. "But Dan is the weirdo out of all of them."

"Did he swear or said anything bad about you, little sister?"

"No. But he found out about mom already and he said it in front of the whole school. Now everyone knows about it. Even the moms because we didn't even come to their house on mother's day. Thanks to you and Ken."

The little sarcasm behind it went as if it stabbed Lena's heart. Taken aback, she looked even more hurt at the child before her.

"Oh, we must have forgotten about the invitation." A pain of regret strained in her voice. A thought came to her mind if only they did join.

The light flashed green and Lena gripped firmly onto the steering wheel again. During the ride, Lena was biting her lip to restrain a single tear from the shimmered eyes.

Nearly an hour had passed, they finally got out of the car when they reached their ochred house.

The sound of footsteps came from the sisters as they were heading their way to the porch.

The rosemary leaves from the cherry blossomed trees combed the spindled boughs when they were swaying during the breezy spring. Butterflies flew past them as they fluttered in pirouettes above the red ferns and hovering about the cobwebs trap. A pair of spiders crawled upon the bitter and twisted twigs. The wind sailed through the garden ahead and the phone distinctly rang inside the house.

"I wonder who's calling?" Lena questioned when her hand fell upon the knob.


On the threshold when the door was opened, they caught Axel's furry form was in slumber outside at the edge of the patio. In the parlour, the phone was ringing wildly from the wall across the television. The ringing went on like that until Lena eventually answered the phone. Serena followed after her sister in mere curiosity and hopped in the chesterfield where she sat across with her pair of plump hands against her chin in sheer wonder.

"Hello?" Lena remained silent and listened to the speaker on the phone as she tilted her head.

A sudden gasp came from her in delight. "Oh, yes. Of course," Judging by her expression, she was slightly struck by the news. "No-no. Of course not. That would be lovely, actually. I am sure my father would definitely approve." Lena assented in a hearty smile.

"Yes, we just got home. You're right, I think we'll be there about seven." twirling the knot of the phone cord while looking up at the clock. "Thank you, ma'am. Will do. I'll soon tell my family about this." Then ended the call when she hung up.

Serena's head bobbed out from behind.

"Who's that, Lena?"

"It's Mrs. Ryder. She said she wants to invite us over to dinner at a restaurant. Sounds fun right?"

"Aileen is coming too?"

"Yes, everyone will come."

"Even Dan?"

"Yes, him too."

"I don't want to come then."

"We have to, Serena. I mean they invited us. We'll need to take a shower and change our clothes. I'll have to call dad about this." Lena turned and strode away from the room to get upstairs.

A groan escaped from her lips. Serena dreaded the idea that she would have to see the rascal again. Her day was all spoiled merely because of what he had told in front of the whole school. But she wouldn't mind a bit if Aileen was coming. Without any choice even if she was bothered, she blew out a sigh and trudged along the stairs like a good girl.

It was at night when they arrived in front of the restaurant, earlier than the schedule they had planned. There were aureole lights festooned under the canopy outside. A balmy wind flowed in the distance when a stray cat emerged from the shadow around the corner.

Mr. Foster and his daughters entered the busy restaurant, amid the customers at every table where the waiters or waitresses bustled about the menus and orders from the customers. One of the waiters within the room escorted them to the table that had already been served by the Ryder's.

They did not expect the family would be here since they arrived early, but nevertheless the Ryder's were here and all stood from their chairs the minute they saw the Foster's. Serena rushed to her chum when she appeared in her sight.

"Aileen!" and dashed to hug her sick friend.

Mr. Ryder was the first man who gave a firm handshake to Mr. Foster. He was tall in height, nose crooked, and broad-shouldered. Beside him was his wife, Mrs. Ryder who was a lot older than her husband. Her hair was knotted into a bun and under her bangs were her eyes ever too dark as the night sky.

By the time they were seated, Mr. Ryder suddenly rose to his feet and walked over to his little lad. He pulled Dan lightly by the ear and dragged him up in front of Serena.

"Now, son. Go on and say it."

Dan groaned an 'oww' and rubbed his ear that was slightly swollen. This was poppycock. He felt mortified to do this in front of the public. His head drooped and eyes rested on the ground, avoiding to look up at the girl whom he had hurt before. "I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier." he murmured under his breath.

Dan received a pat on the shoulder by his father. "Come on, son. Say it loud and clear."

"I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier this morning, Serena-" he added it with emphasis and it must be the first time he spoke her name aloud. A genuine tone marked his voice and he retreated from his position where he was seated back in his chair again.

Lena glanced over and nudged at her little sister. "Do you forgive him?"

"Okay, fine," The little girl sighed. "I do forgive him." Serena rolled her eyes in a vexed air and slid the menu in her hands from the table.

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