《A Mindful Old Soul》25




During the blessed spring, the tranquil breeze whirled in a slight fit of heavenly bliss. The mountains beneath the horizon were the finest sight that the eye ever beheld. The bell chimed in through the town where it echoed the streets around. The townspeople were alarmed by the ringing sound.

Lena Foster sat on the public bench on the side of the road. Her work hours were over and upon this particular day, she could take the remaining time just to be alone and away from the enervating teachings. It was enough to ease her mood.

Lena paid much attention to every detail in her surroundings, where a wave of footsteps and cars that sped were heard in her dainty ears.

In the same place she was at, a stomping sound blared roughly in the distance. A man's voice startled her to look up as he was heading across the road when the traffic light flashed in red.

"You there, Miss!" He spat crossly.

Lena paled when she looked up previously and pointed herself with a bewildering look just to check if he was shouting at her.

"Yes, you!"

The man in the suit was white and starched all over his face. It caused her a little quiver in the chest, for his sturdy and tall form was intimidating. Not to mention his menacing and powerful voice. With all the folks walking by, they spun to look or glance over from the shopping windows when they heard the familiar voice.

"I'd be damned if you brought my son here too without having my consent. Now, I say," he demanded and began, "What made you think you are entitled to put my son in such disgrace in front of the public eye?!"

She sprang up to her feet by now, while her hands were trembling behind her. "Sir, you're mistaken. I-I suppose you've got the wrong person-"

"Mistaken! You're Miss Foster am I right?"

Lena stared, stunned, then nodded her head.

"Pooh. You take me as an idiot. Do you expect me to be deceived from the likes of you? Bullshit, I've had enough of it. Dealing with people like you who think they can get away with me that easy. Do you even know why the hell I came up to you in the first place? I cancelled my business meeting due to these these dim-witted rumors I've often heard a couple of days ago at my office. I sure don't know if this was true, but you better start explaining now, Missy!" He roared and everyone around either threw looks in their direction or traded a few whispering with every turn when they overheard the conversation.

"I-I can't seem to follow—Is there something I might've done wrong to you, sir?"

The man scoffed it off in a sarcastic tone. "Dodging the subject again, are you? Well, let's find out about it. Do you even know who I am?" He growled and his eyes darted to the cleaner across him. "Hey, pal! Do you know who I am?"


"Oh boy, the devil has to ask." The cleaner muttered under his breath, halted from whatever he was doing, hid his frustration, and turned to display as he stretched out both of his arms with a friendly gesture.

"Do I even have to ask? Come on, you are the famous man whom everyone knows around here, Mr. Lambert. Thanks to you for running your business, my nephew got hired by one of your companies. Everything manages pretty decently and it tackles serious issues of our men being unemployed today. That's enough to get rid of those lazy bastards in the house at least. Glad you asked." and so capitally he showered those compliments to Mr. Lambert without any trace of sincerity. It was all an act, and when the cleaner turned on where he left off, he wore a blank look hidden under his albino face.

"Now that's the kind of talk I like!" Mr. Lambert cried pompously.

By the time he flashed his glare again, Lena was already in a hurry and decided to snap out her purse in her arms.

"Now, don't you dare run out to me like that. Just who do you think you are? You put me into a situation where I had to deal with these sickening rumors all over the town! Did the wages I paid meant nothing to you at all, young woman? First, my wife-then now what my son? What kind of a mad-woman are you?!"

At this point, Lena was ever so puzzled and utterly clueless at the man's rage, yet she allowed him to rant on until his temper faded. She bore it patiently and kept herself in silent dignity.

Though slightly daunted by his voice, Lena finally had the spunk to speak up.

"I do apologize if I did anything wrong," Lena paused a moment before adding a little firmly this time, "But so far, you haven't explained to me anything about what I've done to you and your son, so I don't see any reason why you should curse in front of me." spoken like a true prima donna who knew when to speak up, she managed to get ahold of herself and carried on defensively. "Sir, you could've at least told me what was going on. Instead of leaving me hanging without a clue. It is much easier for both of us to solve the issue and settle the matter. If anyone is being mad in here, it's you, sir."

The man snorted at her reply and a sneer crept up in his hard lips when he was troubled with the sudden tone she used. He was not accustomed to strong women around him, and this was perhaps his initial experience to get involved. For a man in his position, he always took the role of being in charge in almost every situation. He got used to it, and he was the typical chap who was entitled to walk over anyone below his class, since Mr. Lambert was brought up as a dominant being.


He couldn't believe what he had to do. It struck him to think that he came all the way here just because of the rumours that have been going around in town. Another one of these gossips about his family was suddenly on the rise again, and this disturbed him immensely. At this point, It was beginning to be troubling for him because his employees already knew about the talk.

Mr. Lambert was clearly infuriated by the time he tightened his fist, holding back his anger to prevent him from releasing his outburst. Despite his conduct, Lena managed to handle it and looked less tense than before. Her gentle touch overcame her fear and this however upset the cranky man even more.

"This is absurd! Do you hear? Dammit to you and all!" He marched off in high dudgeon for a brief moment when his ego was a little wounded. Lena stood stiff and scanned around the witnesses who stood there and watched the scene, throwing a few unpleasant looks in her direction.

As she released a sigh and sunk back to the bench with a heavy heart, a newspaper was suddenly thrown on her lap. "Here!" the man in his business suit burst again behind.

Lena was not the only Foster who was being tested with her patience. On the same day, Serena had to go through a slightly rough time during school. Ahead of her, Dan and the boys were immensely active outside in the playground.

Serena found herself alone and had no friend to sit with for the rest of the break. Aileen was nowhere in her sight and her childish sorrow burdened her as time went by. Soon, tears were seen until the child knew this was not going anywhere for her. Wiping it off from her cheeks, Serena went to find the boys, and felt the need to talk to someone at once.

Pausing herself below the bars, she asked, "How come your sister didn't come to school today?" Her girlish voice reached out to Dan when he was climbing up on the monkey bars with his chums. He jerked his head topsy-turvy, but ignored her question.

"Hey, I am asking you," Serena's brows transformed to a frown, not at all pleased by his silence. "Are you deaf?"

He went swinging on and kept ignoring her question as if she was not in his presence.

Serena was slightly worried.

"Is she sick?"

Again, he brazenly climbed on with no answer.

Then, with not a moment to waste, Serena twitched her dear little nose and set her chin high after mulling over an idea that would provoke his nerves. "You know what, dum-dum? I think your dad likes me better than you." and by saying that aloud, Dan jumped down, landed on the ground and wore a seething look. The little haughty head faced squarely at the rascal this time.

Dan sneered, which somewhat nettled him when the topic was being brought up. "You're wrong, kitty. He's my dad! You've got a dad of your own."

"Too bad your dad doesn't love you as much as my dad!" snapped the little angel, who was doing the complete opposite of what an angel would do when she stuck her tongue out.

Tom and Gerald who were playing along with each other, decided to meddle in as they exchanged glances. Something in those words arrested Dan and he knew there was truth behind it. That was what he felt when his father was mentioned. But Dan paid no heed and brushing off the thought, was in full bitter mode.

"Well," he was burning inside. "At least I can get to see my mom. She isn't dead unlike yours!" he blurted out, causing everyone in the playground to stop and stare.

The atmosphere drove in earthly silence and Serena could not tolerate the scandalized eyes upon their direction when they heard the horrid truth through their ears. It was hard for her to stand there and not cry since she had been so desperately hiding the truth from others.

Suppressing her emotions, the little girl choked back a sob. "How did you know?"

"Because you didn't come to our house on Mother's Day." He answered simply. "That's why I figured."

"That doesn't mean anything. You're lying!" Serena boomed in denial.

Dan shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not fibbing. The rest of the moms already suspected. Just admit it, kitty."

Serena could not hold it any longer when all eyes were on her, and this pressured her until she dashed away by saving herself from this painful humiliation.

"I hate you!" she declared momentarily with such vehemence that her voice was strained in heartache pain. When the little figure was gone from his sight, it left the kids flowing with full of queries or curiosity around and Dan thought it did serve her right after all. He was heartlessly shrugging it off without any whit of care and went back to his group of friends to play.

But it seemed to him that the voice was still echoing in the back of his mind in which only lasted for a while. Then the rest of the hour went back to usual.


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