《A Mindful Old Soul》24




He shushed everyone in the room to remain in their spot. Everyone was transfixed and moved forward with curiosity as they stooped over where Dan knelt. Standing before the pleasant sight of the little plump girl and the fluffy kitten, Lena ducked over at her little sister and prodded to wake her up. Half-awake, Serena barely opened her eyes and yawned as she stretched her arms at length. The kitten was still curling on her lap when an awe sound came in unison. This was too adorable in the eyes of the Ryder's, and Serena began to gently carry the little pet aside from her lap. Crawling out to the arms of her sister, Serena stood up and rubbed her eyes.

"Is the storm gone now?"

"Yes. That's why I am here, Serena."

Lena touched her little sister's droopy head.

"She's coming again tomorrow right? We're going to celebrate mother's day in here." Aileen reminded, hoping that the Fosters would come.

"I'm mighty sure everyone will be able to join and celebrate if tomorrow won't be as freezing as before," explained Mr. Ryder, meddling in. "You know what just happened today and if this goes on we might have to cancel."

"So what," Dan grunted. "Who celebrates mother's day anyway. Nothing special. I don't want any guests to come and ruin my day just to finish dad's brownies." Dan shot a sharp glance at Serena who was in sleepy mode.

Ace nudged his little brother by the side and raised his brows as he spoke,

"The heck. It's mother's day, you doofus. Maybe you ought to be grateful our mom is here. I bet the rest of us in your grade as well as mine would want to join."

"Too bad. I don't want them to be here." Dan gruffed. "Neither do I want to see your girlfriend Janet."

"Quit it, boys." Mr. Ryder snapped rather sternly at his sons.

The soft-spoken lady, Mrs. Ryder who hardly ever spoke a mile a minute, felt that she needed to mollify the situation. She shifted her attention towards the Foster sisters, especially to Lena.

"It's midnight now and you came all the way here just to pick her up. It must be tiresome. Do you want to stay here for the night?"

"Oh, there's no need," Lena politely refused the offer with a nod.

"We're good."

"Why, it's too dark outside. Are you sure? We are happy to welcome everyone as always. Even if the season here isn't becoming. I do hope you can bring your mother with you tomorrow. I'd like to meet Mrs. Foster very soon." and the woman touched Lena's shoulder which had drawn her to believe if she suspected the truth already.


"We'll try our best." Lena returned a weak smile, hiding the truth was something she was not used to, but for the sake of her little sister, she would not tell.

A pleasant day arrived when the morrow came. The golden light hits the windows when it was glowing in every room. Winter wasn't exactly a suitable season to go about the town, however, the Fosters did not find it a problem. Axel was in The Foster's yard, rolling over the snow in his playful mood.

This little scene took Serena's attention and she leaned in to take a closer look at the window. In an instant, she pulled out her coat from the bed and bounced out from her room upstairs, heading down to the door where she joined in with Axel outside.

Venturing to play along, she made snow angels on the side of the house, so consequently, her pom-poms fell off. Her hair became dishevelled after making plenty of snow angels around the yard.

Throughout playing with Axel, Serena wore a smile. But then her smile broke off when Axel began to growl through his white fangs beside her. His sharp teeth were polished and white as the fence across them.

It appeared to be a brown-boy she noticed, standing there by himself under the winter sun behind the gate. It looked like he had been expecting someone to come over, so Serena got up and drew closer to the shadow of the boy.

"Hello! who are you?"

No answer came from him.

"I'm Serena," she promptly introduced herself with a confident approach and then pointed at the furry animal beside her. "This is Axel."

The child petted the husky dog who wasn't growling anymore, and she began to study the boy's face under his cap. Tilting her head in wonder, she stood staring at the bruise she later found out on his left cheekbone.

"What's that on your face?" Serena inquired as she threw a puzzled look.

Again, no answer was received.

"Are you hurt?"

In truth, he was. When the child wandered to look up at the boy, his eyes were burning, and his bruise was painfully numb. His brown hair fell over his forehead, hiding the painful bump on his brow and yet somehow he still bore it like a man.

Her childlike spirit was beginning to win his trust and the anger he had within a few hours ago, began to wither.

Serena offered him a handshake and to this, he took it.

"Ken." was all that he said.

A few seconds later, the little angel opened the gate for him. "Do you want to play with us? Axel won't bite. He only barks to strangers but after you get to know him, he doesn't do it anymore. He's not what you think he is and he doesn't drool like those bulldogs. They are disgusting because I hate gooey things—Don't worry, he is not a monster. He welcomes people if they are not bad. Right, Axel?" She gazed down at the husky dog as he wagged his tail and barked in reply.


"Oh, see? He said you can come."

Serena gave a contended beam and fondled the dog in return.

With that, Kenneth nodded and stepped forward in the yard. As they began to play around, Lena suddenly got home from work after she had her music classes. By the time she had reached the front gate, Serena bolted swiftly to greet her sister when her presence was here.

"Hey Lena, we have a guest here who is playing with us!" and the child pointedly angled her small finger to the brown boy.

Lena finally blinked in surprise when she recognized him. "Kenneth?"

He faced her at length and when he did, the look on her face fell. She stood speechless for a moment, then began to walk across and examine the bruise. In mute heartache, she could not bear it for it wounded her to think that anyone would do this to a young boy. Her countenance was written in immense sympathy until she said,

"You wait here, I'll fix this up." and so away she slipped off to take a hot pad. Kenneth heaved a breath and he didn't expect his music tutor would be this sensitive.

The door was opened again and Lena was looking much in haste when she came back with the heating pad in hand. She laid it onto his cheek where it relieved his pain. Not only it relieved his pain, but it relieved his heart. After knowing her for some time, he grew fond of her gentle character, and learned to admire her when he acknowledged the kindness she shared. The boy did not show it, but those dark eyes of his said something else and he wondered if he could ever repay his kindness back someday. Her touch was comforting that he did not even dare to move. Though once he held it on his own, Lena freed her hand.

"Better I hope?" Lena asked with concern.

He only nodded.

"Is he having a cold?" queried Serena suddenly.

Lena shook her head for him.

"Nope. He's fine, little sister." and just when Serena proceeded playing along with Axel, Lena turned to see him. "Are you?"

He shrugged his shoulders almost carelessly. "Nothing serious, I guess."

"If you need anything just tell me."

"Don't worry, I will." The pause was long, but he finally began. "I actually came here to ask you something."

Lena looked at him. "What is it, Kenneth?"

He sighed. Reluctant at first, but got over it quick. "I was wondering if we can go to the park together."

"The park?" Lena repeated in emphasis.

Kenneth nodded. "Yeah. Is it okay if I can bring your guitar? I left mine at home."

"Um—okay, I'll get the guitar inside while you can tell my younger sister about this, okay?" and both did their task at the same time.

In his arms, he held the guitar. There were hardly any people in the park except a few. But he still kept playing the instrument and had drawn a lot of attention within a span of a few minutes. Not far away from the place he was in, Lena together with Serena sat on a bench as they watched his performance. Eventually, as time had swept on, Kenneth was gathered by a group of audiences that were enjoying the song throughout the play. The sound of his soft music was pleasant for the ears of many because it seemed even more of them thought it was worth the wait. Some of whom even stumbled upon him and recognized the youth and they began to exchange words inaudible whispers. Thus, the earthly rise of gossip began.

"Goodness, isn't this Mr. Lambert's son?" whispered the old woman whose thinned face was written in dismay.

"I'm afraid so, mother."

A stout man came around the corner, and took a few shots of pictures with his camera he was holding. Nearly the audiences filled it with rumors and gossip targeted merely about the boy. Upon the pathetic little group, they all bluntly blurted with whispers.

"What is he doing here?"

"Does this young Indian fellow wants money?"

A woman clicked her heels from where she sat. "He looks like one of my sons classmates."

"What happened to his face?"

"Where's his father?"

"Why is he playing a freaking guitar during this season?"

"He looks sick."

"The mother is a drunkard."

"Hey, I think I know him somewhere—He always gets beaten up by a bunch of seniors around the block."

Then a kid snorted behind. "He's going to get so much trouble at home."

Among them, a teenage boy folded his arms after watching him perform for quite some time. "He has talent. I wonder why he's not playing in a band."

And so on.

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