《A Mindful Old Soul》18



The Lambert Mansion

She was dressed in a blue pinafore with long sleeves and wore a chain of silvery necklaces she had bought from her previous trip out of the country. There in the sitting room, they sat by the polished fireplace as the warmth of its heat gradually ignited in order to swallow the cold air of November.

"How is it there in Istanbul?" asked Lena, consumed with sudden interest.

"Now that you remind of it, it feels as if it happened ages ago."

Lena cast a questioning look at her friend. "What do you mean, Olivia? You were just there a few days ago if I am not mistaken?"

"Yes, I know. I often don't give a damn when something happens in my past. Everything in the past goes down to history. Unlike those folks who are still stuck in their precious memories of their own-I ain't like that."

Lena knew what she meant. "I can tell, already."

"Exactly, Lena-petite. But if you ask me what I've been up to in there. I don't mind," she went on.

"Now, as a solitary traveller who travelled almost all of Europe as young as I am, I don't think it'll be a fitting image in your case. As for myself, I don't give a hang. It never mattered to me and if I can take it then I am mighty determined to do it alone if I must. Thanks to my travel guide, I manage to get some beneficial information from her on the first day. 'Cause I couldn't afford to have a travel guide all the time, you know. At any rate, I don't ever intend to spend heaps of my money throughout my trip. "

"Sounds reasonable enough. It does save up your money a bit."

"A lot actually. It was one of the reasons why I only paid for a day. Why, I prefer to learn and experience things my own way instead of a tour guide who would've probably spoiled me things I should've known myself. I use them as a tool so I can advance my knowledge and continue to self-taught. I know I am simply better off doing it alone. Anyways, I have something to show you." Olivia brought out her bag this time and placed a few of her scarves on top of the table.

Lena's head tilted slightly and gave a closer look to scrutinize. "You bought those?"


"Uh-huh. What'd look at that! Splendid isn't it?"

"It's pretty." Lena breathed as she drew closer and traced her fingers upon the scarves.

"Mhm. I bought it in the Grand Bazaar. Local shops have cheaper price in my opinion. But I focus on the qualities first and then the price. Oh-I should tell you something incredible when I was in there."

Lena stretched a smile. "Something happened?"

"Yuppy-doo. I was wandering around the Grand Bazaar until a very lovely lady came up to me. I realized that she worked in one of the shops. She spoke in broken English, but it was sufficiently clear for me to comprehend. You know, the lady told me if I bought a bundle of scarves from her, she'll give me something free in return. So I did and gosh she gave me a small jar of saffron for free. Just imagine! These things cost very expensive. I don't think it even reached the price of the scarves I bought; I tell ya."

"How generous of her," Lena rested the scarf on her lap and faced her friend.

"Orignally from Turkey?"

"Nope, from Iran. It does have lots of health benefits when it comes to saffron. Suits in with almost everything because you can put it in any food or drinks. "

"Really? That's new for me," Lena's smile didn't break throughout the conversation.

"Tell me more about your adventure, dear friend."

"Yes, I'll tell you further about the palaces and history all right. But you must promise me something." Olivia lifted her left brow earnestly with a pause.

"What is it?"

"You and your little sister of yours will have to come to Turkey someday."

"Wait. You mean Serena should join too?"

"I don't see why not? As far as I can see, your girl has the artistic eye and I've searched decent universities and art academies from places like Europe. I am positively certain your little sister of yours will love it."

Lena turned skeptical when the thought of her little sister being far away from home ever even crossed her mind. She wasn't ready for this conversation yet.

"She's a dreamer, no doubt about it. Only, she's not old enough to think ahead like this. I'll ask her when it's the right time."

In about a jiffy, in came Serena into the room when she caught a glimpse of the two young ladies sitting in the parlor. She eyed the newcomer almost quizzically, whom she later happened to know the face belonged to Miss. Olivia Baker. She was just about to walk out the door to visit Mr. Allan's house and his dog, Axel. But the plan was unexpectedly abandoned when the guest came into the scene.


"Aha! Now there's your little girl, Lena!" exclaimed Olivia brightly.

She turned to see and there stood Serena in her wintry clothes and leather boots, all prepped up and ready to go.

"Where are you going?" asked Lena confusedly.

Serena slowly raised her delicate chin.

"I was planning to go to Mr. Allan's house."

Then Lena raised her brow this time.

"What for? He's coming here tonight."

"But I want to see Axel."

"Who is Axel?"

"His dog."

Lena barely put on an expression to imply she was stunned.

I didn't know James has a dog.

"So, can I go now?" whined Serena impatiently.

"Not yet. Before you go-wear your pom-poms first."

In the following afternoon, Lena was scheduled to tutor her new student today. Aware that she was only given an hour to teach, she arrived at the place earlier, glancing down her watch to check for the sixth time. The first greeting she ever received when she reached the tall built house was a lady in her late thirties. The woman who happened to be the owner of the house ushered her to get inside.

"You must be Ms. Foster. You're coming here to teach my son are you?" She inquired when they stepped into the entrance hall.

"Yes. That's me."

"Alright. Wait a minute here, Ms. Foster. Do you drink?"

"Uhm. No, I don't actually."

The woman's swarthy face crept up an impression of surprise. "You mean to say you never even tried once?"

Lena only shook her head.

The woman blinked several times. There was no need for her to say anything. Her face spoke in volumes and the mere sight behind her eyes were conspicuously mocking in front of Lena. A hidden sneer crept up underneath her thinned lips.

"You're missing a lot. There is no way I can restrain from wine or alcohol for a day. It's my medicine for my daily life. You sure you don't want?" She persisted.

"No. I'm fine, really."

"All right, suit yourself. So probably tea will do." The woman shrugged and finally slipped off from the hallway to fetch a tea for her guest.

Lena found herself standing before the commodious hall and there was no one in the room except her. Lena looked around the place and believed that this was certainly no house at all but a mansion. It was just too fanciful altogether because she had never gotten used to places like this before.

From the chandelier above that were made from rich gold, the staircase stood steadily that were made from rough ivory, the renaissance paintings in which were put in frames against the walls, to the roccoco furnitures placed in the hall. It represented the old display of the world she never gets to see. It never brought to her mind if she would ever teach a kid who might be from a wealthy background in town. Despite that she could not relate to any of this, she still remained in control and she wouldn't expect anything special from them.

A while or so when a few minutes ticked by, a tall young boy appeared in the banister. As he was going down the stairs, his right hand was holding the handle of the guitar. Lena looked up at his presence when she heard a sound of a footstep. He knew she was there but he did not pass over a smile or even a greeting. He ignored her well being.

"There you are, son." The same woman came into the room again but with a cup of tea in her hand.

"Ms. Foster, this is my son. His name is Kenneth Lambert. Son-" she shifted sharply at him.

The boy nodded flatly.

"Afternoon, Ms. Foster."

"Good afternoon, Kenneth."

"You already know Ms. Foster will teach you how to play the guitar and what not. Well, here is your teacher to cheer you up." Mrs. Lambert introduced Lena to Kenneth.

He stiffened, troubled with the ignorance of his mother's tone which was expressed in clear abscence.

Mrs. Lambert turned to look up at the clock. She hurriedly handed a hot cup of tea to Lena while they were still standing.

"Here is the tea. I've got to go out for an appointment. Go ask the maids here if you need anything." She said, carelessly.

"Okay, I guess my duty is done now for today, son. Best if I go now." Then within a few minutes Mrs. Lambert departed.

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