《A Mindful Old Soul》17


So Close

. He pulled out his suit and left it hanging on the wooden stand. Astonished by the young man before him when he slipped into the dining room. Immediately, James rose from his chair and the two men patted each other's backs in delight. They have finally reunited at the moment once again. Mr. Foster's eyes were sparkling in joy, yet underneath those eyebags of his were haggard and smudged in dark circles.

A short while later, Serena sprang herself from her seat and flew to the welcoming arms of her father. Then she withdrew from the hug, still in rapture.

"Daddy, Mr. Allan invited us to go to the amusement park! I want to go, dad. I desperately want to go!"

"Hey, hey slow down, my kidlet." Mr. Foster briskly calmed the little creature.

"You know your big dad isn't capable enough to get information as fast as your tongue." He tousled his daughter's ruffled hair while his grin was stretching across his face.

She gulped in a hurry. "Daddy, this is important!" whined the little girl, gripping her father by the arm. "Lena's longtime friend invited us to go, please say yes to this, daddy." she implored, eagerly anticipating the event.

Mr. Foster folded his arms across his chest and let out a sigh in resignation. He approved of her consent in the end, nodding his head along when he said,

"Crumbs, I don't get to have options, do I? In that case, my dear, you may go if we all go together at the same time." He permitted.

Finally, the apple-cheeked girl brightened in return, and she was skipping her foot lightly around the table while hoots of laughter resounded from the room.

"Hurray! Let's go now!" cheered the girl almost impatiently.

The amusement park was adorned in festoon lights, glowing in sundry colors under the dark olive trees. As they entered toward the park, a sound from the distance echoed when a trackless train moved past them from behind. Serena followed her gaze to the kiddie train and bounced up in a thrill. She tucked her father's sleeve in felicity and implored to accompany her for the ride. When they were gone, James and Lena were left behind.

The night grew festive, little children frolicked and bolted down the steps with their sparkler in their tiny hands. James and Lena were leisurely strolling around the park when he caught peony flowers aligned beside as they passed by. He paused from where he stood, and with such gentle care he picked a peony that dragged his attention. The peony he picked up was queer among the rest of them. The color almost resembled Lena's velvety cheeks and the peony flower was bent as if it was humbler than the other peonies in the park. He looked at it for a while and said,


"Look here, don't you see how shy this flower is?" He began in fascination.

"I find her a true beauty," remarked Lena, smiling in the pink corners of her mouth. "Don't you think?"

"Yes, and it reminds me of someone like you."

And underneath her meek eyes, a blush formed. It was no doubt she was flattered by his flowery compliment which took time to wither in her thoughts. He thought of her as a lovely and delicate beauty. Where her blouse was white as the moonlight and against it was her dark satin bow silhouetted around her slim waist. It brought reminiscent things when he saw her like that. How beautiful and soft. But Strong, quite strong for him. He never thought he would ever deserve to have someone like her. Even if he had a chance to.

"I didn't expect you'll still be the James I knew back in Norland High," Lena said, curling a grin.

"I can recall the days when you would pick me up every single day after school. You are too good for me. You've always been there when I needed you the most." Lena sighed with a retrospective beam.

James smiled faintly at this, which the smile did not remain long.

"I reckon it's the opposite," he said in a rather bitterly voice. "Life beats me every time. You wouldn't say that now once you get to see my real state."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let's just say the old me you thought of is not here anymore." He answered simply.

"Don't expect me to be perfect all the time, Lena. It's more likely you'll fall into a heavy disappointment if you end up assuming I was." He blurted out, cold as dead ice and switched into a sudden stranger.

"You're wrong, James. I never thought of anyone as perfect," she went on solemnly. "Showering me with compliments also doesn't satisfy me in the slightest bit, you know. But I can't handle it, nor does everyone."

"What do you think of me, Lena, honestly?" He asked hesitantly in a low voice.

"You're a good man. You are never mightier than the others and never condescended anyone below you. I admire your bright energy and it makes me think that there are more people like you despite the hideous world we live in. We tend to forget about those. James, the reason why I've been waiting to tell you this and I-" she was about to say something important the minute when Serena cut into their conversation and ruined the whole situation without the child being aware.


"Lena, Lena!" cried Serena as her feet made a loud sound onto the pebbled path that led her way.

"Yes, Serena?" Lena returned in a high voice this time.

"Guess what, Dad and I rode the choo-choo train. It was so fun and I had a blast!" She panted breathlessly.

"Come with us! There is a Ferris wheel over there!" Serena pointed her childlike finger, where the Ferris wheel lighted up almost the whole park. All stood as they raised their heads to follow where Serena pointed. Serena grabbed both of their arms and headed toward the place she was excited about.

The volume of the crowd lined with people was filled in tumult noises. Mr. Foster appeared and Serena grabbed his sleeve again when they finally got into the Ferris wheel. Followed by James and Lena when it was their turn.

"You work as a music teacher now?" James asked when the Ferris wheel started.

Lena nodded her head. "Uh-huh, how did you find out?"

"The kid told me." He flashed a wink.

Throughout the ride, James and Lena were chattering as if the good old times replayed the moment again. His charm was exactly the same as before in her memory. His words poured out sweet as music and yet there was something she noticed when his silvery eyes didn't gleam. It had always meant to shine whenever he smiled like that. But behind the reflection, it momentarily dilated it in gray with gloom. She felt something in him was missing. It was clouded in hidden secrets of things she hadn't been able to fathom or acknowledge yet.

"You're silent," James broke in a blunt remark when he turned over his gaze to meet the comely form. "I want you to say something because damn I am bored as hell."

"I am the one who is supposed to say that," said Lena with laughing eyes.

"You're the talker and I am the listener."

"Pfft, what poppycock notions have you put up all this long? Remind me if we have those rules once back in the day when we were still together."

She heard this and another timid blush was rising upon her soft cheeks. She tucked her hair on the side of her ear and abruptly responded in humility,

"Don't be a pain."

"I was just joking," he chuckled, rather amused by her earnest tone.

"I don't desire to be a pain and ruin our reunion."

"Good, then. I need some comfort here. Now, behave and don't be a nuisance." she warned flatly.

"I won't, ma'am." He laughed and rested his hand on the back of his head with an air of satisfaction.

"Have you tried bowling before?" inquired James when they were off from the Ferris ride.

Lena shook her head.

"Never," said Lena, briefly. "I've got no time."

"How come?"

"I had to take care of Serena in most of my waking hours. It's difficult to spend the time just for the purpose of having fun. But I don't regret any of my decisions, you know."

"Do you value most of your time for her?"

"Certainly, until the day I die." she declared resolutely.

"Say," he pondered for a while. "Why don't you join me tomorrow for old times' sake?"

"There's not much activity tomorrow. But I do have to teach someone in the afternoon. Where do you plan for us to go, anyway?"

James then cleared his throat.


Once the parade of crowd regress as time flew on, James and Lena together with Mr. Foster and Serena arrived outside the house that same night. Mr. Foster thanked for the night and Serena sent an adorable wave with plentiful smiles across her delicate little face. They were off inside the house by the time they had bid a farewell.

Lena, in her prim outfit when her demure figure leaning against the porch pillars, was sure the most beautiful thing James laid eye on. No doubt she looked like an angel tonight.

But again there was something she realized when James looked like he had an urge to say something. It was entirely quick because when the moment James opened his mouth, he closed it shut again. Unfortunately, the words he yearned to pour were not able to escape from his mouth. He was officially lost with words and he only made a nod to her. With a murmur he said, "See you tomorrow, Lena." and so that was it for the night. He went along to his car without turning back a farewell wave.

Thank you for taking the time to read. I did promise to my fellow readers about updating soon. I must admit it took me time to do this because of all the delays that's been bothering my free schedule. There is no way I am going to finish this novel by the end of December. But I do hope I can finish it on January which will take a long process for me to finish it. Anyhow, thank you for reading this chapter. There will be another chapter coming soon. 😊

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