《A Mindful Old Soul》15


The Neighbors Dog

This made her think about it even more and it was like watching the very same thing repeatedly on Television Shows or Films. Truly, this was starting to bother her. Perturbed her in every sense of the word. The mere difference was that it all happened from her thoughts and she could hardly handle thinking the same gruesome image she imagined over again.

Not wasting any time, the girl swept the thought off. Serena had already worn a delicate tiara and a pink tutu dress for dress-up day in her school. She looked very pleased before the mirror. It was told by the school that everyone had to wear costumes just for this particular day. Everyone wore different costumes and outfits and a great number of them rolled out of their classrooms the minute they heard the bell rang. A flock of kids scampered out toward the school playground during this period while Serena and Aileen were exchanging their foods on the stairs. They were accustomed to this routine by now.

Aileen, who did appear rather appealing in her own cowgirl costume, wore a hat on top of her head and shiny boots that invariably made a clacking sound whenever she tapped her foot upon the floor. Evidently, her tomboy character revealed itself.

"Who are they?" whispered Serena in her friend's ear when she saw a group of boys in the hallway.

Aileen stirred, and eyeing across the hallway when she caught a few familiar faces among them. She turned her head back again.

"Those are Dan's friends," she said at ease.

"I know that's Tom. We hang out a lot with Dan because he is one of our neighbours, and there's Gerald-He's a close friend with Dan. Not a lot of boys in our class likes him because he is always a weakling in the pack." said Aileen bluntly.

"Why is he a weakling?" queried Serena.

Aileen leaned over and said, "We were playing in our backyard once when he suddenly cried like a baby for no reason. I heard Sawyer said mean things to Gerald earlier that day about his dad leaving him and his family. I think it had something to do with his parents' separation. I don't know if it's true, but after Sawyer said those things to him, he cried like a sissy and ran inside," she then proceeded to move on.

"Ever since that happened, he got all sulky and quiet especially to Sawyer. He doesn't play with us anymore."

Serena was slightly concerned. "Does he play with anyone?"

"I guess he only plays with Dan most of the time. Or not, he'll often be sitting in the corner all alone. I guess that's why not a lot of boys are fond of playing with him."

"I'd love to play with him," retorted Serena in alert.

"Who cares if the boys in our class dislike him. I think he is a splendid boy." she said ardently as a bell, defending the boy with words she felt needed to be said. "My sister told me to never never judge someone when you haven't been in their shoes."



"Not literally, Aileen." Serena gritted her teeth, flipping her curls behind impatiently.

It was the first time Serena defended someone. But she knew distinctly anyone would have done the same exact thing if they were here right at this moment. She knew Lena would do the same.

Then a head bobbed behind the stairs, meddled their privacy in a chant.

"Serena and Gerald sitting on the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" razzed the brown boy in his drolly looking costume as he hopped and clapped in a jeer.

"Dan!" cried Aileen unexpectedly.

"Haha, fancy now! Kitty wants to have a smooch with Gerald!" He played from the tip of his lips provokingly and with a sound so loud that Serena despised him with all her heart.

"Shush now will you!" Aileen scowled and returned to see her friend who was now lifting her chin in contempt.

"Your brother is a jerk." scorned Serena, beginning to be cross in her part. Dan intended to irk her with all his might and in doing so, he put on a face in front of her. If he poked her temper again one last time, she would've slapped this little rascal across the face. Or even worse, push him down without a whit of care. But thankfully, he stopped when Aileen managed to slap him by the arm.

"Hey, don't make fun of my best friend," warned Aileen. "Or else—" in a threatening tone.

"Or else what?" persisted Dan, raising his brows.

Dan searched everywhere in his sister's eyes, checking if she was going to avenge his trifle act. But he soon found out that she had no words to say. He scoffed at her silence that flowed ridiculously long.

"Bah! You girls are lame at making threats," ridiculed Dan. "Now Kitty won't have brave friends."

Finally, Serena couldn't stand it anymore until she shouted in flushed rage.

"Well, I don't care! Who wants to hear any of your very mean opinions especially coming from the mouth of an ugly frog!" she sat up in hot fury until she swung her small backpack and brushed past Dan without any care.

"Serena, it's not time yet!" Aileen called behind while Serena was heading off to the hallway door. She paid no heed of any voice or sound in the back; for it didn't matter to her who it belonged. As she finally pushed the door to breathe the air outside, her tiny figure stood before the ray afternoon.

A loud slam from the door echoed through the hallway, causing a disturbing sound in the classroom behind. Her little form vanished from the school building and went out in high dudgeon. Relief washed over her freckled face without even fully aware of how dangerous she led herself into.

Especially for her age.

Serena was gifted with a sharp memory and she knew the way back home. Her house was quite near and when she passed by the neighbourhoods, every sign and detail she caught were familiar to her by now. A few blocks away, Serena spotted a house she once visited before. It seemed empty, and later she felt a sudden desire to go there which her feet obeyed her to. Serena went across the opposite side of the road with her little backpack on.


Standing before the front gate, the little angel rebelled and climbed over without anyone seeing her. She was certain the house was abandoned and desolated until she saw from the corner of her eye, a furry animal appeared in the distance. The animal's ears twitched alarmingly when he sensed an alien in the front yard.

It was unexpected since the last time when she was here, she thought there was not a soul who lived in this place. Not even an animal of any kind. How wrong she was, now that she couldn't climb her way out. She could see his teeth were clearly intimidating. His white fanged claw and its paws were on the ground. He barked and barked as if the place was his own territory, and no one shall pass. The dog kept on barking, and Serena did not dare to move even when he stepped forward from his recent position.

His loud bark ceased once a young man came out the door in the middle of intrusion. It was good he came, since the dog stopped and hurried to lick his owner joyfully. The man had dark raven hair all over his head and a face radiant with charm.

He approached Serena with his dog following beside him.

"You don't seem to be afraid in your first impression are you, kid?" She could see the young man dimpled.

Serena shook her head.

"You're brave, kiddo." He smiled in admiration. "A brave little gal."

Serena nodded shyly. "What's your dog's name?"

The young man knelt and patted the husky's head. "This is Axel, like the Axe."

He rose his feet back again.

"Axe and I came here yesterday from the city and we're planning to stay here for a month." He announced.

"Are you our new neighbour?" bewildered Serena, trying to recall a face similar to his.

"I reckon so. It's years I haven't been here since—" he trailed off and there was a sudden pause laid by the gentleman.

He let out a sigh after that, revealing no emotions but only gave a weak smile that failed to reach his silvery eyes.

"Anyway," he swallowed deeply. "It's been a while I haven't paid for a visit in this town, and I am willing to spend my month here to take a break from work, mostly." He said and then he tried to move the subject.

"I didn't get your name, kid. You don't mind me asking, right? Since I am a stranger here." He began as he rubbed Axel's fur head.

"It's okay," she nodded. "It's Serena."

Then his eyes suddenly flashed when he heard the name. "Wait," he paused, gazing intently at her with an earnest tone.

"Are you-are you one of George Foster's daughter?" He looked carefully at her, almost as if he found a treasure of hope.

Quite startled at his reaction, she managed to keep herself tact and reposed.

"Yes, how did you know?" she stared at him, blinking a few times.

He grinned at the puzzled girl. "If your sister ever told you about me, I am Mr. Allan. I was close to your sister, kid. We went to the same high school during our first year." He returned, forming a smile across his face.

"Oh—I think my dad said you were a nice boy back then. You treated my sister as if she was your own."

"Really? Did he really say that to you?" He asked with interest.

Serena nodded her little head again.

He began to rub his hand in the back of his neck.

"Is-Is your sister doing well?" He ventured as a color arose suddenly from his forehead when he brought up this particular question. Serena wasn't aware of it, surely.

"Yes, she's doing fine. She goes to work and teaches music to kindergarten students. Then often comes back home in the evenings," she paused then said,

"It gets really boring without her because dad doesn't play dolls with me as much as Lena. My big sister always sings lullabies and songs every single day before going to sleep like she always does. Don't you think my big sister is lovely?"

"Very much—" he smiled, picturing the comely schoolmate of his who already bloomed into womanhood.

An idea snapped into his mind and however his look did not betray him.

"Tell you what, kid. There's an amusement park that's coming out tonight. If you want to go, I'll ask you out with your family. See if they will accept my invitation. Does that sound good?"

"Oh, sure! I do like that very much! Will there be any horse ride?" squealed the child in a merry cry.

The young man laughed inwardly.

"Sure thing, kid. There's lots of new stuff that's going on around in this town. Anything that you wish will be there I am sure."

Undoubtedly, he was in no way a stranger in her eyes.

And when she walked back home, the door was unlocked. Assuming no one was inside, her smile lingered in delight. No ounce of regret whatsoever. With a bright smile, it hung on marvellously golden as a bell. Her anticipation grew as if it never happened in her life before.

How nice the fellow was when she met him for the first time! She thought his behaviour and his kind approach was nothing like a stranger. No wonder why her family was close to him back then.

Once the little girl bounced herself onto the couch, she looked up at the clock from the corner of the corridor. Knowing her sister would appear soon in a few hours, she felt complacent and there was nothing to fear when a sudden sound made Serena a great stir. Behind the stairs, a shadow of a slender woman appeared above. Her hand slid in a graceful flow on the staircase, and when the form was out of the shadow, it turned out to be Lena.

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