《A Mindful Old Soul》12



Serena was the type of girl who was ready to handle the world. The roly-poly figure pranced among the marigold flowers where she greeted them as her face held in a sunlit beam. The girl was engulfed in her own imaginative world until Lena interrupted her. Her sister slipped off to meet her presence and called over behind the bright gate, "Serena, what are you doing here, little sister? You are late for school!"

Serena spun to look when she heard the familiar voice.

"Wait, I'm coming!" and the little girl stooped over to pick the flower that caught her attention ever since she was there.

"What took you so long?" inquired Lena, worriedly. "I was looking all over for you."

"You should see the garden, Lena. It's so pretty! I might as well come and visit here again." Serena turned herself back to meet the picturesque view.

"You didn't ask my permission, Serena. This is not exactly the time where you should wander around by yourself," Lena paused, and gazed around the forsaken house that left her eyes dwelling for a short time.

"Besides, this place isn't our house."

"No one lives here." Serena shrugged off her shoulders, without any guilt plastered upon her face. "This house doesn't belong to anyone"

"I know that, Serena. But you must understand when going out by yourself isn't going to make it any good either. Next time don't make the same mistakes you did today," Lena rebuked. Then she sighed afterward. "Just ask me next time, okay?"

And added a mutter of, "I couldn't bear losing anyone anymore." but it was a good thing her sister didn't hear any of her mutterings.

This time, a slight tremor of guilt washed over Serena's face "Okay, I am sorry. I won't do it again."

Though, all the way to her school she was still rather disappointed.

Inside the school building, the two sisters stood in front of the hallway before class was about to commence soon. Some of the kids wildly pushed and bustled among the crowd in a hasty manner, leaping their way to their assigned classes.

Before the two sisters parted, Lena bestowed a quick kiss to Serena's crimson cheeks and smoothed the tight braids that were hanging behind her back.

"I will come and pick you up after school this time" and Lena kept her word.

"Remember," Serena emphasized the word in the most presumptuous air, yet too amusing when one witnessed this.


"Be back at around-"

"2 o'clock sharp. Yes, I remember, little sister," Lena put in. "I won't forget."

"Finally," Serena rolled her eyes sarcastically. "you didn't forget."

Lena gave a low chuckle. "What makes you think that I'll forget?"

"Obviously," she put in. "Unlike you, dad hardly forgets anything."

"I mean I guess that's true." Lena half admitted to herself.

"No, guess," Serena shook her head.

"It is true."

Talk about the time, Serena was in no mood to be molly-coddled anymore, so away she rushed herself across the hallway in between Lena's voice calling her out to say a "Goodbye and see you soon!" being shunned in the distance.

It was as if something daggered and wounded Lena's heart for a while when she encountered this. Lena saw the little girl she once took care of was suddenly growing up too soon. Her voice trailed and soon faded. Albeit, Serena regretted the minute after she went into her new classroom. She did not answer the voice that belonged to her own sister. Yes, out of all people, she ignored her big sister. Even for a little girl like her, this feeling she had was something that she could not let go of out of her conscience. As she thought about it over, aching so desperately to go back and hug Lena, a sudden thud hit her head until she fell backward on the floor.

"Oops!" a boy exclaimed as he walked over to Serena and took the bouncy ball out of the away.

"Ow, that hurts." complained Serena, rubbing her temples. "This is a class! You shouldn't be playing it here."

"It's not my fault, kitty." He said in a bold demeanor.


"Yeah, you're chubby like my pet kitty," he replied calmly. "That's why I called you kitty, kitty."

"How dare you?!" boomed Serena, vehemently. "I am no pet of yours, you dummy! What if I call you Dum-dum from now on?"

The word did not even affect the boy.

Instead, he gave a blank look. "I don't mind being called a dum-dum. Because I know it isn't a tad true."

She turned red, and her eyes filled in hatred towards the stranger who seemed to be the little devil in the game who seemed to enjoy tormenting her.

"And also," he wanted to add with a sneer. "You look funny, too."

But before she burst into a fit of temper, a girl intervened them and pacified the situation. Her countenance had the same resemblance as the boy next to her. The girl's hair was long in a ponytail, thick like a bush until it was distinctly clear and conspicuous. She offered her hand with a placating smile, and Serena took her hand in hers.


"Sorry about my brother. He can be a very naughty sometimes," pardoned the girl in a whisper, and scowling her brother next to her. He was somehow languidly bouncing his ball. Aileen turned back to Serena again.

"This is my twin brother, Danny."

"Dan." he corrected, briefly.

"Yea, so," she ignored her brother while she covered his mouth. "I am Aileen."

"Aileen The Fiend." He mumbled under her hand.

"Shut up, Dan!" roared his sister, running out of patience as she dropped her arms. With a pretended look of dismay, Dan gasped when he heard this.

"Mommy told us not to swear-"

"Too bad she isn't here," retorted Aileen. "You see," she sighed, calming herself down. "This is one of the reasons why I hate him so much."

"Me too!" Dan squealed like a little girl. "We are both in common, so there is nothing you can do about it! Ha-ha-ha!" he pulled back in a sarcastic laugh.

"I feel very sorry for you, Aileen." said Serena as she began to loom over in full pity.

Then Dan began to look at her. "Don't be, kitty."

"I told you my name is not KITTY!" she shouted in rage. "It's Serena." she held an air that was plain of contempt.

But of course, Dan didn't find this offensive.

"Okay, Ki--"

"Quit messing around, Dan." snarled Aileen snappishly.

"Okey-dokey." he nodded to his twin sister in complacency.

"So? Go now!" ordered Aileen in a loud tone. Too loud that almost all the kids in their class can hear.

"Bleh! I never thought you girls will end up like wild cats!" ejaculated Dan, his face turned amused.

"If that's so then I guess I will leave you two alone since I can tell both of you don't want me in here." and with that, Dan bounced his ball and he headed his way to his group of friends.

"Did you see that? He is a very naughty boy. I don't understand why I am related to him," Aileen groaned.

"He is always getting into scrapes, no wonder he isn't anyone's favorites in the family. Mommy always prefers me over Dan."

"Mommy?" questioned Serena in bewilderment.

"Yea. Our mom," replied Aileen.

"I am mommy's favorite and our eldest brother, Ace, is daddy's favorite. He is in his freshmen year now," she told.

"Ace said that once he graduates from school, he will not be daddy's favorite anymore."


"Because he will go away to college for a year or more, so that's why daddy has no one to accompany with except us."

"Why do your parents have favorites," scoffed Serena. "My dad loves both of us and he never picks one over the other." Serena declared and knew this from the bottom of her heart.

Despite that it was the first day of school, the kids were still playing around in class without any teachers supervising them. Thus, Serena and Aileen took most of the time to proceed with their chattering. It was almost as if they had already trusted each other as best friends. Enjoying the fun times in that precious little hour as they talked and laughed until each of them bobbed their ears which were partly hysterical to view.

"How was it, little sister?" asked Lena outside the hallway when she arrived in about precisely the time she promised her to be.

"Made any friends?"

"Only a friend, but she seems really fun to hang out with! Her name is Aileen and I am starting to like her very much," answered Serena in sheer joy.

"We talked about a lot of things before class and during break time. I am so happy I can get to play with her!" but then Serena added with a detestable groan when she remembered something,

"Even though her brother is a bit annoying."

"Well, I am glad you had a fun time in your first day, little sister." Lena formed a smile.

"By the way, I am planning to go to the supermarket. Wanna join?"

"Sure! Can I buy those colorful cereals? They're perfectly delicious!" Serena danced in anticipation.

Lena tried to stifle a chuckle.

"Of course, my little sister." she grinned broadly.

"But do you know the magic words?"

"Please, Lena." and Serena gave one of those pleading look as she formed her tiny hands together with a clasp.

"Alright. Lets go then." Lena nodded.

They both went out of the school building and hopped in the car that was parked near the area. Serena opened the door handle, so did Lena. As they buckled their seatbelts in the vehicle on a humid day, Lena started her car and drove away.

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