《A Mindful Old Soul》3


An Owe of Promise

The girl with mahogany locks gasped, half scandalized and partly in disbelief. "I can imagine that wretched girl hates her life." She blinked in sheer horror, where she stood together among the students that were lining up for their next class. "I mean she does look beautiful. How do you know if she is a teen mom anyway?"

"I saw her the other day while I tried to follow the school bus. I mean like I said I saw her carrying a baby in her room."

"What floor? Was it nice?"

Clarissa, who brought up the conversation in the first place said, "I'm not sure, but I know it's upstairs." She tightened her thin ponytail. "Oops, there's the new girl."

Lena was on her way toward her locker as she passed by the two girls who were secretly gossiping about her private life. Her arms were stocked with a handful of heavy books, firmly carrying it until she was dying of exhaustion. Naturally, she would smile during the early hours of morning sunshine, but this time she wasn't in the mood. In spite of the flat expression she wore today and the soundless panting, her aura was clear of radiance and her beauty could sometimes be the center of anyone's attention. The only thing she was conscious about herself was her birthmark. Her locket about her neck would conceal the mark she's always conscious of, and Lena would often hide it under her hair.

After a while, a freshman girl rushed from the three flights of stairs. She spotted Lena flipping the pages of her book by the lockers, and once she noticed this, the girl came right to her.

"H-hello!" She echoed, nearly out of breath as she handed a paper for Lena to sign. She coughed and bent over where her hair flopped across her face, hands on knees. "I-I urge you to join the book club. I-I see you brought books over here!" cried the freshman girl as she straightened herself. "You're a bookworm, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't say I am." Lena chuckled lightly at the junior. "These are books for my subjects. I'm kind of way behind in class."

"Well, of course. Duh, you're the new girl," She emphasized dramatically. "Even if you aren't an avid reader, you can still join. After all, it'd be a good opportunity for you to make friends."

Lena thought for a moment. "Well, you're right." She admitted, tucking the strands of hair behind her ear. "I mean I'm not much of a reader, but I'd love to join. Never really been to one." She finally grabbed her pen and signed her signature on.

The freshman girl drew back and folded the piece of paper. "Alright thank you, Lena. Welcome to the group."

"Yup, what's your name?"

"The name's Olivia Baker. Lots of students here calls me Livia. I got some pretty common lines when everyone knew about it. 'How are you doing, Livia? Oh, I like your name! What a pretty name! I'm not really used to your name, but I love it. I wish I had a name like yours. I'm going to call my daughter Livia someday. Your name does sound like it is living.' And so on and so forth." Olivia cleared her throat with an ahem sound, "It's too foreign for their ears, you see. Everyone used to call me Olivia before, but once I told my classmates about my hidden nickname, the whole school made a big deal about it and I felt like I was wearing a crown for the whole day."


"How funny. Although I do prefer Olivia better," Lena smiled faintly, rather liking her direct approach. "But I was just wondering if there are a lot of people in your group?" She asked, hoping that not many had signed.

"I wouldn't say there's a lot, but there are several of them. Mostly the deaf ones. I believe they can read lips, but we do still have an obligation to use sign language in the book club. We'll have to communicate with them through signing at some point," Then she asked briskly, "Don't you know how to use sign language?"

"Only a little," admitted Lena. "But I've always wanted to learn it."

"Well then, it's about time you should learn it."

"Oh, I'll try. I am also new in this school, so you must understand that I have a lot of things to catch up for this year."

With that, Olivia promptly drew her pen and wrote something upon her book.

"Noted." She raised her hand and bowed in a funny manner.

As soon as class was dismissed, Lena trundled out of the building while she was carrying some handful of books from the public library. Her hands were fully stocked with them until she couldn't steady it anymore, so she lost her balance and dropped all of the books from its original position.

"Great," she murmured under her breath.

Not for long, a voice broke out from the steps. "Lena, you need help?" Above her view, a figure of a guy was in her presence and she already knew who it was.

James finally went down and managed to pick up some of her books that fell from her feeble arms. "I can drop you off at your house if you want." James said casually, and carefully led himself toward his car as he placed her books inside. "I don't think it's far from gran's house."

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"If I minded, I wouldn't have offered, Lena." A snort came out from him and his dark raven hair sparkled under the sun. Lena would have blushed on the very same spot. But of course, she tried her best not to and only thanked him in return.

Once Lena got into his car, James shut the door for her and within herself, she felt comfortable. Ever since the day she met James with his grandmother, Lena knew the old lady's grandson had won her trust. Right there in his car, she sighed and melted into a puddle of pure content. It was a rare sweetness that could reach the heart of any girl. Especially to someone such as Lena who adored to see the love of a family bond. How touching it was and she couldn't forget the little scene of James with his loving grandmother.

The minute when James got into his driver's seat, he felt as if a bullet shot him right in the chest. He noticed the lovers whom he knew so well before, appeared in front of his car. James started the car and drummed his fingers incessantly upon the steering wheel. He tried to stifle his envy from the sight of the couple who were still in the midst of their romantic exchange. Whatever they did, the light died from his face. In the next few minutes when they were finally gone, James let out a sigh and finally drove away from the area.


"I assume your house is near to the bus stop I parked last time?" James asked while his eyes were on the road.

"Yes, you're right." Lena nodded gently. "How is your grandmother by the way?"

"She's good as gold. She said lovely things about you yesterday while we were on our way to drop her off. It's a shame you didn't get to join. If I had known you were a transferred student, I could've at least brought you along with us."

"It's alright. I could tell she's a sweet lady from the first time I saw her." Lena's face brightened, and she imagined the old lady again.

"Wait, what? It's the exact same thing she said about you earlier. I think you two are destined together as hearty friends or something."

"Yes, I also felt the same when I met her there. It's possibly one of those rare miracles I had in a long time. I hadn't seen elders lately, and to get to meet a lady like her was something I am so glad about."

"Not too many older people in your block, eh?" James asked.

"No, not really—" she agreed and paused for a moment until she cast a look like someone that was just awake from a dream. "Sorry I didn't get to ask, but how are you though?"

"No, it's fine. I'm actually good. Better," He turned to take a glance at Lena. "How about you?"

"I'm fine as ever," She responded lightly. "Where is your grandmother now?" She had been expecting to see her again when she was waiting for her bus in the morning.

"She's at my parents' house. Staying for a few days."

"That's good," Lena said.

The rest of the drive, both were silent in the car until Lena leaned slightly against the window and gasped. She noticed her locket suddenly fell loose from her neck. "Oh, dear." Alarmed, she took out the golden locket that fell on her lap.

"What's wrong?" James halted the car by the time he parked at the side of the desolate curb.

"It's broken." Lena was transfixed by the tragic scene when the locket she held in her palm could no longer chain together. "I don't know how it—Oh, no." Her mother had given it to her when she was just a child, and now, the image of the item that lay half-broken was too unbearable.

"Let me see," James said as she handed him the prized possession she owned. "It's only the chain that is broken. This can be fixed," he put in it in his pocket after that. "I think I can fix it."

"No, no. I can bring this somewhere. Oh, yes, the jewelry shop! They're able to repair the damage I caused. Please, you really don't have to, James." She implored with a shook of her head.

James chuckled. "You don't trust me, I get it."

"I do trust you. I just don't want you to tire yourself because of a trivial necklace." Lena elucidated and felt guilty about him offering a lot of favors within a day.

"You don't have to worry about that. I got it."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am."

"Positively sure?" She persisted.

"I am positively sure, Lena." and with that, she did not push any further.

When the car he drove reached the house, Lena got out of the vehicle and without even a chance to step out entirely, James jumped in to help her carry the books inside. She was thankful of him, his proper manners and even doing the work he was not required to do.

Before the two even parted, Lena told him to wait for her and so her lithe figure rushed inside of her house. When she came back from the front door with a jar of cookies she baked this early morning, James looked half-satisfied at what he saw.

"Wow, you didn't have to give me all this." James cried, frankly surprised since he did not expect the little offer he received.

"I want to thank you for giving me a ride. If you don't like cookies, you can share it with your family—"

"What are you talking about? I love cookies!" He retorted, thrilled like a boy. "I'm most definitely going to give you a ride home every single day," He solemnly promised with a ring in his voice and added in a low tone, "After school."

"I hope you are joking."

"Lena! I'm actually serious," James laughed. There was never a laugh that was so charming as James, and it strangely pleased her especially where it almost sounded wonderful in her ears.

"Okay, sure. I would be grateful actually," Lena gave him a smile, rather pleased by his offer.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about picking you up every day in the morning. I decided that this'll be our new routine." James winked. Now, this was too much for Lena.

"You have done enough for me, James. No, actually more than enough today. So, I don't think it's a good idea if you add more."

"Why not, Lena? Consider this as your reward. After all, my grandmother's house is so close to yours."

"But I can take the bus—"

"That's why I don't want you to take the bus." He retorted rather firmly. He then rubbed over his face and sighed. "I have to tell you this but gran has been complaining about it ever since she met you."

"Is there something wrong?" Lena wondered.

"Yes, I'm afraid. Almost everyday when I pick up gran and drive by, you would often appear outside at the bus stop." He explained. "She hates it when you're waiting there. It makes her feel guilty. I reckon it's not a big deal to you but it is for gran, I'd say," he resumed, not dropping the subject yet. "So, I urge you to think this over and take my offerings as a sign of thanks, leave me be to prevent my gran's fusses." James blurted out.

So, this is what it's all about.

She thought to herself in half dismay.

Everything made sense to her now, and it was no wonder why he'd been acting very kind to her lately. Ever since the day Lena had helped the old lady, she never thought her grandson would show up and enroll in the same school as hers!

He loves his grandmother so much does he?

Lena thought this through but it didn't take long for her to yield.

"Okay, okay," She sighed finally. "I suppose If that's what she wants then I'll join." Lena conceded at last.

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