《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 39


The wedding was happening. Harry was all smiles as he told their mom's and boys. The mood pick up as news spread to the Malik/Styles family, everyone was smiling again. Thanks to their big ass house, their backyard was big enough for people to sit comfortably on chairs and blankets. And thanks to Harry there were still some Christmas lights decorations, which created a nice romantic atmosphere, perfect for their wedding. Yaser and the boys moved the dining table and chairs to the backyard and Anne covered it with pink cloth and flowers from the garden. Everything was set, except for the minister, it was short notice, he couldn't make it. But as fate will have it, Ed can officiate their wedding. Who knew he got ordained online. No one..literally no one. Ed's capabilities were out of this world, an alien he was, Louis said.

So at six in the evening, with their families and friends present, Zayn and Harry were getting married.

Harry wore black pants, a pink button down shirt, black blazer and black boots. He stood waiting for Zayn with Niall and Gemma as groomsmen and maid of honour. Liam and Louis were Zayn's groomsmen. The altar was a small table, covered with white cloth and some candles. Simple but effective.

The ceremony would have to be short, Harry couldn't risk Zayn collapsing again.

Harry smiled so wide seeing Zayn, Yaser was walking him down their makeshift aisle. He was wearing a black Armani suit and a black shirt. He looks good in black, always, breathtakingly beautiful his smile matched Harry's. Harry joined their hands together as soon as Zayn was close enough and stood facing each other. Harry signalled for Ed to start.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, witnessing Zayn and Harry unite in marriage. This ceremony today is a symbol of how far you have come these past few years. No matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, the love between you joins you as one.." Ed started, watching Harry and Zayn looking at each eyes lost in their own world. Keep it nice and short, Harry told him.


"I believe the grooms have a few words to share..Harry, do you wanna start, say your vows.." Harry took Zayn's hands into his, then kissed them.

"Zayn, today you have been to hell and back. And sitting on those cold ass hospital chairs got me thinking not only about why they can't afford cushions but about weddings..The ideal wedding is not about dresses and cakes, it's about love shared between two people. And today, on my birthday and our baby's first birthday, I take you Zayn to be my best friend, my one true love. I promise to love you truly through good times and bad. I will always be there to laugh with you and to lift you up when you are down. I promise to love you unconditionally, always.." Harry stopped, wiping Zayn's eyes kissing his cheeks and his mouth.

"You don't get to kiss your groom yet, Harry.." Ed said as everyone laughed, "Zayn..your vows"

"My vows..wow. what can I say. Today, I marry my best friend. My best friend who has taught me to breathe in the amazing and to hold on through the awful, cry and scream if I have to. And today I got to see how in a blink of an eye, life can be amazing and then awful heartbreakingly awful....but then it gets amazing and beautiful again...so, I'm breathing in the amazing as I marry you Harry and holding on to your promise to stand by me through the awful...." Zayn said tearing up, choking on his words.. Harry wiped his tears away. There wasn't a dry eye in their backyard, as Harry and Zayn wiped each other's tears.

"Let's exchange the rings..." Niall gave Harry the rings.

"I wear this ring as a symbol of our love and a reminder of our vows" they both said at the same time. They are equal partners after all.


"I pronounced you as husbands, Harry you may now kiss your husband"

"I love you, baby" Harry said as he kissed Zayn so softly he smiled in the kiss, everyone cheered.

"I love you too"

It may not be what Harry initially planned for their wedding day, but it is everything he ever wanted, marrying Zayn. Hugs and congratulations from their parents and friends, Harry couldn't be happier, this was the best way to celebrate his birthday.

It was decided they will sit and eat outside, Trisha and Anne had managed to cook a mini buffet. It was cold outside but no one seem bothered, they all covered up in blankets.

"I would like to say something as one of the best men" Louis shouted to get everyone's attention, "First of all, Harry well done mate on making sure you never get to forget your anniversary getting married on you birthday, really?"

"What can I say, I'm special.." Harry replied raising his glass at Louis.

"But seriously, I love both of you, this past year has had its ups and downs,but it's been wonderful to watch you grow into your love..and here's to many more years of love" he lifted his glass in salute, everyone joining in.

"I would like everyone to join me and my husband Zayn...my husband" Harry kissed him again, cause why not, "Join us as we dance to our wedding song, this is Zayn's favourite song..so sing or dance along with us. Okay.."

Harry looked at his playlist on his iPad connected to a speaker. And...there music began,

"Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright..." Zayn laughed out loud when Harry played 'three little birds' by Bob Marley. He wasn't expecting that at all. Everyone laughed and joined in singing and dancing. Harry took Zayn's hands and joining them with his and wrapped his arm around Zayn's waist, Zayn's around his neck. They kissed as everyone danced around them. Niall was dancing with Yazz, her little feet on Niall's shoes.

"Rise up this morning, smiled with rising sun, three little birds, pitch by my doorstep, singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true..saying this is my message to you-ou-ou, singing don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright.." Harry smiled so wide his dimples popped as he sang softly in Zayn's ear.

"I love you Harry Styles" Zayn said kissing him softly.

"I love you Zayn Styles" Harry said kissing him back.

A perfect ending to an imperfect day. Love hurts for sure, it is worth it? when all roads leads to Zayn Styles, then hell yeah.

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