《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 36


"What are we doing about Louis's birthday party?"

"Lying in the couch, stuffing my face with boxing day left overs, that's what I'll be doing" Harry replied kissing Zayn's neck.

"Im not anti your idea, but come on, be serious babe"

"How about you come on and give me some, my dick is about fall off, baby"

"Who's fault is that, huh?"

"Um..yours if you don't give me some. Please, baby"

"It's your fault you invited Saf and Waliyha to stay over for Christmas...its hard to do the dirty with my little sisters in the house. So, go away please"

"I was not about to have a big ass tree with just me and Yazzie thank you very much, you are not the most christmassy person.."

"Um..I don't celebrate Christmas, duh"

"Okay, I know what you're doing... steering the conversation away from my dick. Not falling for that,..come on, baby" Harry grinded on Zayn's thigh, he was hard.

"No.." Zayn said giggling,

"Its not funny,..You don't have to do anything, baby. I'll do all the work. You can even continue planning Louis's party in your head, I don't mind. Or talk it out loud, I love dirty talk.."

"Fine..make it quick before everyone wakes up" Zayn pushed the duvet off,

"Really? I can do whatever, sex you up baby...."

"You've just wasted ten seconds..."

Zayn laughed out loud, covering his mouth, when Harry jumped on top of him.

"Be quiet.." Harry shut him up with a kiss.

Zayn moaned when he felt Harry's finger gently tracing his rim before pushing two fingers in, scissorring Zayn quick but carefully. He was still open from last night, Harry can't help himself when he's around Zayn, he's a horny bastard. Harry swallowed his moan as he finally pushed in, guiding himself with his hand, he could never get over the feeling of being inside Zayn. He could feel Zayn nodding for him to move, his arms were tight around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist pulling them closer as Harry found a rhythm thrusting back and forth. Harry whispered I love you, as he picked up speed, hands gripped Zayn's shoulders for leverage, going faster feeling Zayn spill between their bellies and he followed two thrusts after him, buzzing and content.

"I love you, baby" Harry said again just in case Zayn didn't hear him the first time,


"And, Merry Christmas.." Harry kissed his forehead pulling out,

"Why do I feel so dirty right now.."

"Because you need a shower.."

"I hate you.." Zayn said as Harry laughed going to their outdoor shower. Such a naturalist, Harry would walk around naked at every chance.


Zayn was scowling, his sisters laughing at his face, he was glaring at all of the them. Harry had them all wear Christmas onesies after dinner, taking selfies and pictures next to the tree and presents. It was all fun for his sisters cause they were there for presents anyway and not have to wear the elf onesie.It was Harry's first Christmas not being with his parents and sister and he may have overheard an emotional phone call between Harry and his mum. After initially refusing to wear the stupid thing, he wore it to cheer him up, even though he felt emotionally bribed a bit. Harry went overboard on the presents. No surprise there. Baby Yazz looked cute in her red onesie though, with matching rosy cheeks and crazy pigtails. Liam and Louis came around after dinner., even though Zayn doesn't celebrate Christmas they always exchange gifts. They were laughing at Zayn's sour look.

"You're such grumpy elf.." Liam said

"Well he does look like a grinch in that outfit.." Louis added

"Why are you not with your families?" Zayn asked,

"We are here for baby Yazz, you can go back to your cave, grinch" Louis said

"Leave my Scrooge alone, don't mind them baby.." Harry rubbed his feet, Zayn was sitting with his feet on the couch.

"I'm not.." Zayn said taking his phone out, and texting Liam,

"Louis's bday, thoughts" -Zayn

"why? U planned something"- liam

"No..thats why I asked, thoughts?-zayn

"There was no '?' " -Liam

"You're stupid"- Zayn

"Rude much"- Liam

"Is that a '?', there was no '?' "- Zayn

"You're stupid and not a '?' "- Liam

"Who are you texting baby?"-DaddyH

"No one important babe, just asking Liam about Lou's bday"- Baby

"You better stop if u don't wanna be punished🍆" -DaddyH

"Punish me daddy, I've been a bad boy" -Baby

"Shit baby, my nuts. Stop before I bend you over that couch, don't care who's watching,"-DaddyH


"Liam...how?what?" Zayn looked at him.


"You are on fucking group chat Harry"

"No..I'm not.." Harry said looking at his phone,

"What's happening..what group chat?" Louis had been busy playing with baby Yazz and her toys.

"Harry just text Zayn, a filthy text on group chat"

"I didn't get any message.." Louis said looking at his phone, and then at Harry. "I'm not on the group chat?"

"One problem at a time Lou..who's on the group chat Haz?" Zayn said taking his phone.

Harry's face went red and he lied down on the couch, hiding behind a pillow.

"Harreh!!! Omg, my mom and dad are here..why why why?" He said hitting Harry's leg.

"My parents and sister are there as well what will they think?"

"Your sister is probably waiting for more..its not the same. My mom..how am going to look her" Zayn jumped when his phone rang,..his mom. He panicked showing Liam. "Should I answer?" He whispered even though he hadn't answered yet, "you answer" he gave Liam the phone.

"Trisha...h..hi..sorr..ry, you..brea..ki..ng. up. Bye" Liam answered and threw the phone back at Zayn. Zayn switched it off, and took Harry's switched it off.

"Zayn..mum is on the phone for you" Zayn heard his sister Waliyha shouting and pretended be asleep, Liam, Louis and Harry laughed at how ridiculous he was, cause he was still sitting.

"Zayn I can see you blinking.,mom Zayn is being an idiot. Okay...Bye.. mom said she'll see you after boxing day.." Waliyha pushed him and he pretended to fall.

"Let's go on holiday.. I'll booked a week's holiday. Hell, we can go on Lou's bday" Zayn smiled an idea just came to him.

"Good idea Zee, I like it. What about Niall? He is in Ireland still" Liam said.

"He's back before new year's eve. This is perfect. He can just join us wherever"

Zayn said pleased with himself. Will go anywhere to just get away.

"What about the baby?" Harry asked.

"What about the baby?" Zayn frowned at him.

"Where..is she coming as well?"

"What kind of a question is that? Of course she's coming. We're not leaving her"

"Have you even checked if wherever we going is suitable for a baby. We can always leave her with our parents...its more practical.." Harry finished quietly when he saw Zayn's face. He did look like a grinch in that green outfit.

"The same parents you've texted about bending me on the sofa..go on Harreh, call your mom and tell her she's having shared custody while we drink ourselves blind in Magaluf" Zayn said throwing his phone at him.

"I'm sorry, baby. Yazzie is coming with us. Family holiday blog, remember? Are you gonna put her in your suitcase..." Harry squealed when Zayn threw himself all over him, kissing his face.

"You remembered that, babe. Marry me right now" Zayn kissed him

"I wish but I already bought the flowers booked the venue, booked a minister to officiate us and the cake, your favourite chocolate cake with pink cupcakes.." Zayn kissed him cutting him off and straddled him.

"I love you" Zayn breathed the words in Harry's lips.

"I know. I love you too" Harry said squeezing his bum.

"Why am i not on the group chat Harry?" Zayn groaned sitting up when Louis asked, but Harry pulled him on his lap.

"Not now Louis, you're not missing much anyways" Liam said.

"It's okay Liam, I've got this. I'm sorry I removed your name, you know why. The group chat was when Zee was in labour, haven't used it since. So Liam is right, you're not missing much"

"But still.."

"Still nothing, Louis" Harry raised his eyebrow at him.

"Okay. Sorry I asked, I'm just feeling left out lately, that's all.."

"How about you arrange our stag do, Lou and will you be my best man? I want both of you to be my best men" Zayn said.

"Yeah?.." Louis said smiling at him,

"Yeah" Zayn smiled back.

"Okay, we'll do it. We'll be your best men, Zee" Liam replied

"He didn't ask you Liam, why are you like this huh. Let me have this moment, you've had yours in the group chat"


"Yeah of course I'll be your best man, babe"

"Thanks Lou" Zayn said standing up to hug him but Harry was holding him tight.

"Babe..let go.."

"No.." Harry pulled him even closer his face squished in Zayn's neck

"Harreh..let me go.." Zayn was laughing trying to break free. "Liam, help me"

Liam tickled Harry and he screamed letting go and Zayn fell on top of Louis, Louis moving the baby out of the way,

"Oh for goodness sake Harold"

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