《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 35




"I thought that was you when I saw that Land rover. How are you then?"

"I'm good, I'm after a Christmas tree. Zayn told me about your uncle so here I am"

"Why is he not helping then lazy much?"

"He's home with the baby and doesn't celebrate Christmas, as this is for my indulgence, I don't mind"

"Ok fair enough. He has not been at work lately, is he ok? We're closed till after new year's, so I'm not gonna see him much, you know"

"Why, you miss him..?" Harry asked.

"Of course I do, I miss his laughter..plus he's my boss"

"He's got the best laugh hasn't he?"

"Yeah..anyway. business at hand, trees, big or small?"

"Definitely big..its my baby's first Christmas and I want it memorable"

"Big enough to put in the baby book?"

"Hey..who told you about that, not that I'm hiding it or ashamed"

"Zee..told me. He thinks it's funny"


"Big trees this way...preferences?"

"Actually I'm not that fussy, as long as it's big"

"I'm sure you hear that a lot.."

"You know it.." Harry laughed as he found the tree he likes, its not like he hasn't been here and already knew what he wanted.

Harry decided they should have hot chocolate, Jake looking at him suspicious but agreed. They sat down in the makeshift cafe after Harry got their chocolates, they were surrounded by trees.

"What are you after Styles, spill. Why am I getting special treatment? can i guess...Louis has something to do with this"

"What did you hear then? You spill.."

"You know,.. Louis talks and we do work together"

"Saying anything worth listening to?" Harry chuckled.

"Nah..just the usual bitching, you know"

"Why do I get the feeling you and me are about to have a mutual interest?"

"What's that then..Zayn?"

"Don't go there mate.."

"I'm just kidding with you, mate."

"Why did you and Zayn not work out if you don't mind me asking?"

"You...well,you were one of two reasons we didn't work out"

"Me?" Harry asked hand in his chest.


"You were his first crush, mate. No one get over their first crush"

"He was and still is my first crush too, so I concur.."

"We knew each other from school, and when I saw him again at uni it was nice like a familiar face you know, but Zayn liked being on his own and will spend hours doodling or drawing on his sketch book..."

"He was doodling me?"

"No! Get over yourself Styles. His sketches were good..you see this sleeve tattoo, Zayn did that, he designed it" Harry frowned he did not know that, he always like that tattoo but never thought to ask Jake about it.

"People started noticing this tattoo and Zayn was getting requests for designs and dates...that how the idea of a tattoo shop came about"

"Oh man, I remember that, Zayn going on dates.." Harry sighed,

"That's what you focusing on then.." Jake laughed shaking his head,

"Am I such a shit friend or shit boyfriend to not know about this till now?"

"Shit friend more like..mate. But then you were clouded by love, don't be hard on yourself" Jake said smiling,

"Hmm.." Harry hummed drinking his chocolate,

"Anyway, after finally asking him out, I would watch him looking at his phone waiting for a text from you.."

"Sorry.." Harry said so unconvincingly, Jake laughed.

"I did my own research on you, getting to know my competition, if you know what I mean, asked Louis about you, he told me you, to put it nicely... had a reputation, not a good one. Your googly eyes for Zayn didn't go unnoticed by me either"

"I was a sad case, wasn't I...not a question, don't answer that"

"Not answering..but you were mate"

"You know what I didn't get, Louis being so protective of Zayn, he freaked out when he became roommates and didn't talk to me for weeks"

"Well, it could be because Zayn was a virgin who's just moved in with a loaded gun...that gun being you. You were always ready to go off"

"I'm sorry, what?!!! A virgin!" He is a shitty friend after all to not know that.

"But you were together for four months. I'm not a prude, mate, you can say whatever" Harry said.


"Zayn...he was never comfortable to go all the way and I never pushed.."

"We were roommates..he went on dates, come to think of it, he never brought any of them back. How come he never told me.." Harry said more to himself.

"Why would he tell his crush that..He loved you before you were even boyfriends. You always gravitate towards each other and I was jealous of you. I admit that. I mean, you got him pregnant within a month of being together, mate. Thats either true love or classic example of unprotected sex"

"True love mate.."

"I'm happy for you two,I mean it.I loved Zayn but he loved you. You have a baby. My advice to you is, enjoy each other you don't owe anyone anything. If you know what I mean.."

"Yeah I know..what's the other reason you never work out then?"



"Yeah, Louis. He was just always there, you know. He was in Zayn's dorm all the time. Zayn would cancel on me because of him and we used to fight about that. It was hard to find time to be alone for anything to happen. It's like Louis was jealous or something"


"Trisha said maybe Louis have abandonment issues and he's been disappointed by people he loved"

"You asked Trisha? Mate!"

"I was desperate,mate. Zayn was stuck on you while Louis was stucked on him, its always been the three of you and it was a losing a battle, but worth the fight if it meant Zayn was the end result" Jake shrugged looking down,

"Mate..sorry" Harry said and meant it.

"When Zayn broke up with me, I kinda expected it to be honest. Seeing them kissing after the breakup, that I didn't expect."

"Kissing..like a peck on the lips,right?"

"No..snogging, proper kissing"

"What? Where? When?"

"Me and some mates went clubbing, Zayn and Louis happen to be there. I went over to say hi, you know, Louis saw me though, and they kissed before I reached them so i backed off"

"Okay...I think the time has come I bid you goodbye and go home. Nice talking to you, Jake and thanks for your help" Harry said shaking his hand, walking to his car. He's got a tree to put up and decorations ready. Memories to be made. First Christmas in their new house, first Christmas with the baby, first Christmas as parents, lots of first to be added to his baby book. Even firsts he was never aware of.


Harry took his time decorating the tree, he wanted it perfect and it proved to be good therapy in calming him down. Trisha and the girls came for visit and helped as well. Zayn was more than happy to supervise. Harry was more than happy to let him.

He stood watching the tree, how the warm fairy lights created a special warmth in the room.

"It looks perfect, doesn't it"Harry turned around to see Zayn smiling walking to him. He was wearing a black tshirt and grey sweatpants, there were small wet patches all over his pants, he's finished bathing the baby and settling her for the night. They do work as a team. They are a team.

"Not as near perfect as you, baby" Harry said hugging him from the back, arms wrapped around him, fingers locked together.

"You're such a sap.." Zayn said leaning back when Harry kissed his neck.

"And you love this sap.."

"I don't know about that...Harreh" he laughed as Harry lifted him bridal style going to their bedroom.

Harry gently put him down on the bed, lied on top of him, just looking at his eyes, not talking.Zayn stared right back, breathing slow and shallow,not because Harry was heavy, no, he was feeling a lot of emotions he couldn't describe.

Harry leaned kissing him softly at first, lips touching gently, he deepened the kiss when Zayn parted his lips, tongues touching, he pulled back slowly, kissed his lips gently as if sealing the kiss.

"Would you say that was a peck?" Harry whispered

"No.." Zayn replied so quietly breathing heavily.

Harry kissed him again because he can and he loved kissing him. He doesn't know what Jake was on about Zayn and Louis snogging, but if Zayn remembered it as only a peck then it wasn't all that. Anyone who gets a chance of kissing Zayn Malik and only give him a peck is not worth him losing sleep over.

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