《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 34


"I'm not doing that again"

Zayn said throwing himself face down on the couch. Four days after moving in his side of the walk-in-closet was finally done. Thank fuck for that. Harry insisted it was done in order, tshirts as you come in, jeans, shoes, blah, blah... fuck him for watching 'MTV Cribs'. He's staying in this house till his doom day. He's not moving again ever.

Moving to their new home was easier than Zayn contemplated though.Thanks to whoever came with the idea of removals..proper lifesavers. All him and Harry had to do was pack their clothes..and the baby's. He's ashamed to admit a third of his clothes haven't been worn and still have price tags..some he had bought and hidden from Harry. They've both donated whatever they didn't need to a local charity. Niall had proven himself useful again helping with the baby and packing her stuff and toys. He's been staying in one of the spare room since the move, a live-in babysitter Zayn doesn't mind that at all.

There wasn't too much heavy stuff to be moved either, it was their bed, the couch and nursery furniture. And it's not like they doing the lifting, the removal guys did all that.Annoying part was Harry offering endless cups of tea and biscuits, which was thoughtful had he not been interested in their life stories as well. He was already calling them by their first names by the end of the day... probably send them xmas cards as well. Their families have been coming to have a look, Zayn wished they could all come at once instead of batches.

The doorbell rang just as his body melt in the couch. His favourite comfortable couch. Harry said it could go in their bedroom, there's enough space, Zayn said no. Harry had whined it didn't fit with the Feng shui of the lounge. Zayn stared at him not breaking contact till Harry gave in and said "fine" mumbling 'damn bambi eyes'.

"Fuck if you think I'm getting that" He said to Harry who just groaned as he stood up to answer the door.

"This house is ridiculous!!"Gemma was in the foyer looking at the marble flooring leading to the lounge,

"Why are you shouting for?"

"Shhh..I'm listening in for my echo,hear that?"

"Your insanity? yeah I hear that loud and clear.."

"Guess we didn't need to waste uni money on you after all, Twitter s'done a good job of educating you little bro"

"You mean like we're wasting money on you? when do you actually learn..on the road again?"

"I choose to ignore that while you give me a tour of your mansion,..after you" Gemma said leading the way,

"Why you walking behind me?"

"You know what,...knock yourself out, I'm tired" Harry said waving his hands, walking away.


"What! There's rooms this way.." he said pointing left, "that way.." pointing right, "and this way.." pointing ahead, imitating air stewards, and had to run away squealing when Gemma hit him with her handbag.


"Help!!!" Gemma had him in headlock as they tumbled to the floor.

"Hi Gemma.." Niall said watching the siblings wrestle on the floor amused, baby Yazz was asleep on his arms.

"Niall.." Gemma said breaking away, stood to kiss the sleeping baby.

Harry was huffing lying spread out like a star fish, he was tired and wanted to just curl up in his huge king size bed and sleep with Zayn as his blanket.

"Alright, Hazza?" Niall asked laughing at him,

"Niall mate, I'll love you forever if you show this one the house.." Harry rolled away when Gemma kicked him,

"Baby.." He said lying next to Zayn, turned them to his favourite position, Zayn lying between his legs.

Zayn was dozing off, his whole body felt heavy,

"The boys are coming round soon.."

"No.." Zayn mumbled,

"It's our Friday ritual.."

"That sucks.."

"Fifa time with Louis.."

"That sucks even more.."

"Gemma is here.."


"Me too,.how about we order in tonight, yeah. We'll wait for Liam and Louis.."

"K.." Harry snuggled closer to him, kissing his neck. Shit,what is his life coming to. It's Friday night and all he wants to do is sleep.

"Oh my goodness this house is shamazing little bro, come on shake my hand"

"Shake Zayn's hand, it's all him.."

"Zayn well done, I always knew you were the smart one, this house is huge"

"Thanks Gemma,but it's my dad that's smart, but thanks"

"Are you looking at expanding your family then, little bro. Do I hear pitter-patter of tiny feet?" She grinned at Harry, wiggling her eyebrows, sitting on a recliner chair.

"I guess this house does have an echo if you can hear Yazz from here.." Harry grinned back,

"Shut up.." Gemma said as doorbell rang, Niall shouted "I'll get it" from the corridor.

"Evening peasants and Zayn" Louis said looking at the two small sofas frowning. Ridiculous.


"Zee how are you?" Liam asked

"Very tired..I've been in the closet all day"

"Coming out yet?." Louis said

"Ha ha ha, not so funny, Zayn s'been out for a while now" Harry said

"What the fuck am I looking at?" Louis said moving the cushions around on the sofa. Too many cushions, Harry obviously gone crazy.

"Cuddler sofas, Louis..surely you're old enough to know those.." Harry said

"Why can't you just buy one big ass sofa instead of these two flipping small ones, it doesn't make fucking sense"

"Its comfortable though,gosh...try it Louis" Liam said lying down on one of the sofas, head on the cushions.

"Of course you will be Liam, you've taken the bigger one,how am I going to fit on that?"

"Well Yazz did fit in there,so you should too, Louis" Harry watched him fuff around with the cushions, throwing some on the floor.

"I have to say I'm surprised the house is not lit like Christmas tree, Haz" Liam said.

"Hmm..still got a week and a bit, so worry not Liam"


Niall came back baby monitor in his hand and sat down. Louis raised his brow looking at the monitor,

"Niall, how are you mate. Wat's that in your hand?"

"The monitor... Oh yeah, I've just put little Hazza to bed, she's been restless with all the move, you know.."

"I don't know...but looks like you do, mate"

"I mean she woke up early this morning"

"Really? How do you know that?"

"Well..I live here sort of. You would've known if you were not avoiding me for a week" Niall said

"I'm not avoiding you..."

"Its either that or you've moved in with Eleanor.."

"I haven't moved in with Eleanor...she was ill and I was helping.."

"That's convenient..anyway, my family is off to Ireland and I'm tagging along, so don't worry I won't overstay my welcome"

"You're welcomed to stay here anytime, mate. The baby loves you..Zayn loves you being here, don't you baby?" Harry was breathing in and out, he could feel himself getting hot and bothered. Louis just can't mind his fucking business.

"Yeah.." Zayn nodded

"Thats settle it then, Niall can stay as long as he wants.." Harry said.

"Wow..okay, maybe Gemma will come stay here as well." Louis said.

"Gosh no. I love my own space too much, thank you very much"

"Im interested though,who's idea was it you staying here then?" Louis asked

"Mine.." Zayn replied

"Hmmm" Louis hummed.

"Say it out loud Louis.."

"Please don't, we are here as friends hanging out with friends. Let's stop this please" Liam said

"Stop what? Am I missing something?" Gemma asked looking at him

"You're missed your little brother offering his services to me, Gems"

"You have got to be kidding me? Are we back on this shit again?" Harry sat up, Zayn sitting up as well.

"Please Haz..drop it" Zayn said quietly.

"Yeah Haz, drop your 'I'm so innocent' act" Louis said voice full of sarcasm,

"Louis..that's enough. This is a happy time for Zayn. Let's be happy for him, if not for Harry, yeah" Liam said trying to keep the peace.

"I'll be happy had he not suggested we fuck.."

Everyone gasped looking at Harry.


"It was a joke..it didn't mean nothing baby"

"But you said it, Harreh.Why would you joke about that?"

"I wanted him to back the fuck off, I would never..not in a million years go there, okay? Never..it was a bad joke, I'm sorry baby"

"Pftt..you should be apologising to me"

"For what? Not fucking you..or the fact that you are no longer my child's godfather?"

"Harry..watch it.." Gemma said

"I'm not the godfather?.Zayn..?"

"Both you and Niall are godfathers" Zayn said sighing out loud.

"Since when?"

"Since when I said so.." Harry said nose flaring with anger. Zayn walked out to the kitchen. He thought this was going away. But guess not.

"I know I said you are controlling and kinda hoping that's not twenty percent true, but I guess I was wrong.."

"Careful Louis, that's my little brother you're talking about"

"Harry.." Niall said as Harry walked towards Louis,

"You know what, I think I'll go cook us dinner, I'm craving macaroni cheese" Harry said going to the kitchen.

"Spiteful much, you know I hate macaroni cheese.." Louis scoffed

"No shit.." Harry said.

"Baby.." Zayn had his hands on the kitchen counter. Harry pulled him into a hug, kissing his forehead.

"Why would you joke like that..?"

"I don't know...he said something about you limping and...I don't know, I said you like it rough or whatever. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have"

"Yes, you shouldn't have..even though I do like it rough.." Zayn smiled at him,

"Yes you do, baby"

"I know we're not necessarily shy when it comes to sex and we've done it while the boys were in the house before. So I guess I do understand you joking like that. Maybe it's time we tone down the PDA..." Zayn looked at him then laughed, "Ok not possible.." Zayn squealed as Harry lifted him up so he's sitting on the kitchen counter, legs wrapped around him.

"That's not possible baby..I love you too much to not kiss you all the time" Harry said leaving kisses all over his face.

"What do we do now?.."

"Order Chinese..then kiss and cuddle"


Harry did order everyone's favourite takeaway, baby Yazz woke up and she is a wonderful peacemaker. Louis and Gemma fussed over her and she loved the attention. Liam took him to the side and had one on one talk. He said Harry and Louis need to find a way to get on for Zayn's sake if not their friendship. Harry needs to let some things go because him and Louis are the same person, craving Zayn's full attention. Louis has always claimed he is Zayn's number one friend and he meant it. But he needs to learn to respect Zayn has his own family now and that's his number priority. Harry had told Liam he needs to tell Louis that cause he's overstepping his boundaries.

Harry needs to figure what it making Louis so...fucking unreasonable. He needs to speak to someone who's been through the same shit as him. There's only one person Zayn has had a relationship last longer than three months. Jake.


"Yeah.?" They were in bed, naked, Zayn lying on top of him.

"Jake's uncle has a farm that sells Xmas trees, isn't it?"


"Do you mind if I ask him to help me get the tree..?"

"Don't mind..you're okay?"

"I am now it's just you and me"

"And the baby..."

"And the baby.." Harry said interlocking theirs hands, then looking at Zayn's engagement ring.

"You're okay Haz?"

"I love how our hands fit together, you were made for me Zayn Malik, soon to be Mr Styles.."

No fucker is about to change that. If Louis is choosing to be at war with him, he's more than happy to lay the path for him.

"Zayn Malik-Styles, I love the sound of that" Zayn smiled fondly at him, Harry leaned down to kiss his nose.

"No...Zayn Styles"

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