《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 33




"Look..come on, baby...open your eyes, look Yazz has just walked from the door to me, look.."

"Great.." Zayn opened one eye looking at baby Yazz and closed it again,he was on his belly on the couch, his arm dangling, Harry painting his nails.

Its not like she hasn't been doing that for a while, he didn't have time for Harry's enthusiasm.

"Zee..come on, look she's walking back"


Harry tried to touch his bum, Zayn knocked his hand off, "Fuck off.."

Harry smiled moving his hand slowly to him again, "Knock it off, Harry.."

"What, I did not do anything..?" Zayn looked at him, narrowing his eyes, he hates his dimples right now. He closed his eyes again. Horny fucker. He just want some peace and quiet. He could lock himself in the room but their couch is bloody comfortable, he needs to make sure they take it to their new house. It's a month before Christmas, they need to start moving but he can't be fucking bothered...

"I said fuck off, Harry!!" He said aggressively moving Harry's hand and hitting him with it, Niall laughing his head off.

"Language..we've got a baby in the house.." Harry said giggling moving away,

"She's about to learn the first technique of self defence if you don't fucking stop touching my ass.."

"You're so mean.." Harry said covering his crotch,

"If you want to keep that hope of having more children, you better back the fuck off.." Zayn said throwing the remote at him, Harry squealed crawling away quickly avoiding any more hits, Zayn was looking for his phone. He hid behind baby Yazz but she hobbled away to Niall, "The betrayal hurts more..."

"Not more than this phone.." Zayn said pretending to throw the phone, "if you don't stop.."

Harry watched Niall kissing baby Yazz's cheeks as she pulled his hair, she stopped when he pretended to bite her arms. Niall has been babysitting still, even though not necessary needed, Zayn seem to enjoy the company so he let it be. He looked at Zayn,his eyes were closed, he looked comfortable, he's gorgeous even when asleep....

"Stop staring at me, Harry" he threw the phone this time but missed. He's antsy lately. He can't be..it's not possible. Harry stopped himself from getting too excited, he can't be pregnant again is he?..

"I'm not fucking pregnant, you ass.."


Oh fuck, he's thinking out loud again,

"Harry do you mind taking yourself and your thoughts to the kitchen, see if you can talk yourselves into making lunch"

Niall laughed out so loud, baby Yazz looked at him wide eyed, lips quivering.

"Oh for goodness sake Niall,let me enjoy my last day of leave,take the baby with you and help with lunch, will you?" Zayn sighed when the baby started crying,

"Wow..he's on a warpath, isn't he?" Niall said

"Shh..he can hear you. Can't wait till we move to our house, we won't have this problem.."

"Oh you will.." both got startled when Zayn suddenly walked in going straight to the fridge for bottled water and walked out drinking the water looking at them. Even baby Yazz looked at him blinking at the sudden movement when Niall jumped.

"Fucking shit.." Harry mumbled eyes wide, "Jesus.." Niall's heart beating fast.

They stayed silent for a minute, heart rates going down, didn't notice Zayn's phone in baby Yazz's mouth until it buzzed startling them again, Niall nearly dropped her and Harry reaching to help knocking his toes and both cried out when the door bell chimed, Zayn shouting, "Harreh.!!"

"Hello Harry,..Niall, you're alright?" Yaser said looking at a pale looking Harry and Niall clutching the baby tightly behind him, they both nodded letting him in.

"I'm here with some good news and I brought food, my wife insisted.." they both looked at him not saying anything, so Yaser continued, "I mean she insisted I brought the food, that is" Nothing. These boys are drunk it's not even lunch time yet, he thought and took the baby from Niall,..safety first..,in exchange for the food.

"Zayn..how are you son?"

"Hmmm, I'm good. What brings you around besides mom insisting you bring the food. I'm sure the neighbours heard you.."

Yaser looked at Zayn, his eyes were closed, hat covering half his face, blocking the light it seemed. He looked at Harry who was already looking at him, but not saying anything. He's not sure what happened and doesn't want to stay long enough to ask. He'd given Harry a day's leave, said Zayn was not well but it looked like he needed it. He hoped the baby doesn't catch whatever these boys are throwing.

"Anyhoo..your house is ready, you can move in anytime. The nursery is done as well, is more than a few feet away from the master bedroom" thanks Allah,.. "but that should be fine, there's baby monitors. All the deeds are signed and in your names and I've got your keys"


Yaser said taking two set of keys from his jacket, giving them to Harry.

"Thanks, Yaser"

He talks two minutes later, voice steady so that's a tick, Yaser nods. Crossed the tick when Harry jumped when Zayn yelled, "Where's the food Harreh..?"

"Sorry..baby" Harry tripped over Niall when they moved at the same time, both falling. Yaser shook his head, unbelievable, how much have they drunk for them to not talk hiding their slurred speech. The baby was staring at him wide eyed, the phone was buzzing in her hand..poor thing.. He watched them walk back slowly towards Zayn.. with grilled chicken, samosas and Greek salad in different plates. He took the phone, looked at it.. not long enough he wanted to see who was going to reach Zayn first without tripping.

"Zee.." Niall..,shame he was hoping he tripped.

"Thanks Ni.." Zayn reached for samosas without sitting up, that's enough for Yaser to say his goodbye, giving Harry back the baby and walking away.

"Oh Zayn..Dr Nick has been texting you" He said opening the door and hearing Harry mumbled to himself, shuffling away closing the door. Unbelievable, how are they drunk at this time?.


Dr Jonas was texting Zayn a reminder about Yazz's vaccinations. She was due three injections at one year old and he was sending a confirmation. Three texts for each injection due. Harry didn't fucking understand the reason behind those texts when they've already got an appointment and...baby Yazz was not even one yet, close enough but not yet. Nick couldn't just let him have a good day, he got flashbacks about the times Yazz had to have her injections. He was looking forward to moving and Christmas without having to think about that...he did call Nick though...he was the first point of contact and had to find out why Zayn was texted instead of him.Won't be just him having a bad day.



"When do you want to move out..babe"

"I've booked the removal van for Monday.So weekend we will be packing is that okay? I can always change it, no problems."

"Hmmm..was thinking the same as well, if we've moved by end of next week, you'll have two and half weeks to decorate the house for Christmas babe" Zayn pinched his hips, Harry hitting his bum. Zayn was lying between Harry's legs, napping but Harry woke him up when he couldn't sleep. Niall was taking his babysitter role seriously and took baby Yazz for her nap. He's probably asleep as well, the flat was quiet.

"We'll ask the boys to help, Liam and his strong army of buff gym buddies.."


"Babe..we need someone to help, just for your boots collection alone" Zayn laughed when Harry bit his ear.

"No, I've got removal guys and they will help with packing.."

"Posh toff you are, I forget sometimes"

"Does that mean you are my posh totty, baby"

"No, I'm your baby...daddy"

Harry growled flipped them over, kissing him hard, deepening the kiss, Zayn moaned legs wrapped around his waist.

"Hate to put a stop to your afternoon fiesta but Liam and Louis are here.."

Niall said sticking his head in and out quickly, he did not wanna see them fucking,

"Fuck..." Harry groaned frustrated, they are back to this cock-blocking shit again with Louis and Zayn talking,

'Let's go babe, I'll make it up to you" Zayn kissed him again grinding on him,

"Let's go, we'll shock them with my boner" Harry said getting up,

"Harreh.." Zayn grabbed his arm, Harry was wearing sweatpants with no underwear and his boner pointing another direction as he went the other.

Zayn couldn't catch him in time as he strides to the lounge.

"Oh hello.." Liam said looking away,

"Harry.." Louis said lips together,

"What's up man?" Liam said but hit himself as Niall giggled hiding his face.

"Nothing,how about you mate, anything up with you?" Harry sat down legs wide open, Zayn had to sit between his legs to hide...whatever, he felt Harry's arms around his waist sitting him on his lap. Louis cleared his throat,

"Zee..you good. How are you?"

Zayn nodded he could feel Harry's dick twitching, and had to clear his throat twice, his voice was hoarse, "Good.."

No one said anything for a few minutes, Harry's boner was the elephant in the room...literally. Then giggles started like a Mexican wave from Niall, then Liam, Louis, then Zayn and finally Harry. They laughed out loud, Niall falling off the chair, the boys laughing at him like old times. Old times they will cherish forever, good or bad. Harry was looking forward to new beginnings. Treat people with kindness or shit.

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