《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 32


"Happy 16th birthday babe" Louis smiled at Zayn, giving him a small brown box with ribbons on top.

"Thanks, Lou." Zayn smiled, tongue at the back of his teeth.

"Blow the candle and make a wish bub" Trisha pulled Zayn's arm getting his attention,

"What did you wish for, Zee?" Louis asked later when they were in Zayn's room.

"That we will stay friends forever and ever"

"Duh..of course, now open your present. I got that special for you, I had to do a few chores for the money, urgh..it was it worth it in the end.." Zayn laughed as Liam punched Louis's leg, and watched them fighting on the floor when Louis hit him back.

"Ying yang necklace" Zayn said looking at his present.

"I'm the Yin to your Yang, we balance each other,babe"

" I love it Lou" Zayn said putting it on,"I'm never taking it off" he jumped on top of them, "You better not" Louis said tickling him,

Zayn smiled at the memory looking around his old room in his parents house, he never understood why his mom never moved the pictures on the wall. He tried to spray paint them once but his mom, said not on my walls. He touched his necklace and frowned,

"Thanks Haz.." Zayn said looking at the necklace Harry got him for their three months anniversary. Harry took off the necklace Zayn had on and..

Paper plane necklace...Zayn touched it remembered how Harry took off the ying yang necklace and replaced it. He sighed, hands on his lap, he looked at his ying yang tattoo, his first tattoo when he turned eighteen, Louis was holding his hand proudly while Liam uttered he shouldn't be having tattoos at all. He groaned lying on his old bed. Trisha is cooking Thanksgiving dinner, for baby Yazz she said, like she's even gonna remember or care at eleven months old.Thanksgiving...such an American thing,they are bloody British. Harry is excited obviously, him and Trisha discussing recipes, he bought an American flag headband for Yazz. She looked cute though, a mini Harry clone. Harry! Zayn smiled fondly thinking about him, looking at his engagement ring. Harry asked him yesterday his thoughts about a winter wedding, Zayn wants to wait until Yazzie can be a flower girl. Harry suggested March next year, baby Yazz will be a year old and would look cute walking down the aisle. So, March twenty fifth it is.

"Baby bro..alright?" Doniya asked

"Yeah..can't believe mom kept this room as it was,.its like I still live here.Strange"

"What's strange is you getting married and having a baby before me..I feel old and unloved right now..dad converted my room to an office two days after I moved out.." Doniya said sitting next to him,


"I love you,..I'm sure there's an older man out there for you about to be divorced..so hang in there" Zayn laughed ducking his head, Doniya slapping him..well trying to.

"I hate you..you're everyone's favourite, those cheekbones, ridiculous lashes, got the boys fighting for your affections..."


"Speaking of fighting,..how's Louis?"

"Don't know...haven't spoken to him in four days"

"Wow..the end is nigh..you and Louis, not speaking. How do you wake up in the morning?..I remember those wake up texts..annoying as they were,I knew to get up by text number five cause that means its eight clock. How are you coping though?"

"I've got a baby, I've got to cope and get on with it.."

"Interesting answer baby bro.."

"Well I have got a child.."


"Harry? What about him?"

"Why is he not on your coping plan?..."

"Its complicated.."

"Is it why you're here and he's downstairs messing about with mom.."

"He's cooking not messing, he loves anything American you know that"

"That's why he's still friends with Kendall then? I heard they were house hunting together?" Zayn frowned looking at her, "oh you didn't know.. mhh, okay. Let's go eat, mom sent me to get you"

"Baby..come sit next to me"Harry pulled a chair out for Zayn.

"Thanks Haz.." Harry kissed him, dragged his chair even closer to him, he's been clingy, but Zayn loves it. Liam and Niall rolled their eyes at them.Yaser had invited them as well as always. It's always been five..now there's four.

"The dinner looks lovely as always, my dear.." Yaser was looking at the tons of different food layed on the table.

"You should thank your son in law, Harry..I can't take all the credit." Harry stood up dramatically bowed, Zayn hitting his hips for him to sit down.

Yaser got everyone to say what they're thankful for before they eat,

"I'm thankful for all of you here, my first of many grand babies, Yasmeen, Harry for making my son happy and making an honest man out of him asking him to marry you..My wife for taking care of our home and loving this old fool." Trisha squeezed his hand,

"I'm thankful for each day I wake up and all of you are in good health cause waiting times in A&E are not fun.." everyone laughed at Trisha,

"I'm thankful to both of you for Zayn. Without him, I'll probably be lost..." Niall interrupted Harry, "he probably be lost drunk somewhere, asking me to come pick him up, so I'm thankful for you mate.." he said, Doniya hitting his head to shut up,


"I'm thankful for you too mate, all those years you helped with my homework" Liam said everyone laughed as Harry pouted he hadn't finished his thanks.

"Let's eat before the food gets cold.. thanks Harry" Yaser raised his glass to him, Harry doing the same.

"I'm thankful for you baby, for loving me and for our daughter.I love you. I will support whatever decision you make...you've been stressed for last three days, don't. Use me as your stress ball.." Harry leaned closer to whisper, "you can bounce on me anytime.."

"Harreh.." Zayn said looking at his mom, but everyone was not paying them attention.

"I'm thankful no one can hear you...but don't worry, I'm okay. I'm meeting Louis tomorrow" Zayn bit his lip looking at him,

"Well, I'm thankful he's not here.."Harry cried out, Zayn had pinched his nipples

"Be thankful that's all I'm pinching..." Zayn said taking a plate for Harry to get him food, Harry kissed him twice, before asking what he wanted.


"Coffee shop, huh.."

"Well, you love it...so it seem the perfect neutral place.."

"Yeah..there's plenty witnesses, right?"

"I never thought about it like that, but.. yeah, plenty witnesses in case hot tea gets thrown about.." Zayn chuckled quietly,

"What do you want then, I'm buying. The usual..?"

"Yeah, thanks Lou" Zayn stared at him as he stood in the counter buying his black coffee and blueberry muffins. He scoffed at the irony thinking how this coffee shop is where he met Harry.

"How's the baby, how many teeth she's got now?"

"You haven't seen her in four days,Louis you make it sound like four months, she's still only got the two.."Zayn smiled

"Well, it feels like four months...sorry" Louis apologised when he saw Zayn's face, he looked hurt. Zayn stayed quiet looking at his coffee,

"I'm sorry, Zayn. I'm really sorry. How do we solve this, huh. I'll do anything, just tell me, how we can get through this"

"Remember when you and Harry started fighting, he made dinner and invited you to talk things through.."

"Yeah..I remember that.."

"Trust...one of the things we agreed to work on was trust. You said you'll do anything right?"

"Yeah, of course..Zee"

"Trust Harry. I want you to trust him to make me happy, because I am happy with him. You told him you have some type of feelings for me and he trusted you to not cross that line and still be my friend. Trust him, that's all I ask.."

"I'll try.." Louis said quietly,

"Harry has never had a relationship lasting more than two weeks and mine lasted four months. We are both learning, but one thing keeping us together is that we love each other. Harry might come across as controlling but he doesn't know otherwise and he promised not to interfere in our Fifa rituals, he hates Fifa.."

"He's such a snob.." Louis said laughing

"Posh bastard..that flirts with hundred year olds" Louis nodded watching Zayn laugh with his tongue sticking out.

"I hate him.."

"He hates you...there, you both had something in common...hate" Zayn was smiling shaking his head.

"I love you..Zee"

"I love you Lou,but I'm in love with him and Harry loves me"

"Guess we've got something else in common then...we both love you.."

"What's not to love..have you seen me?Pftt.." Zayn said lifting his shoulders up, a couple next to them looked at him eyebrows raised,

"What's that Harry always says when someone is being rude to him?" Louis asked

"Treat people with kindness"

"I will try and treat Harry with some sort of tiny kindness.." Louis said drinking his tea,

"That's all I ask.."



"Mmm.." Zayn was tired, he decided to take Harry on his offer and used him as his stress ball, he did bounce all his stress away and was feeling the after effects.

"My mom came along with when I was househunting with Kendall..just to let you know" Zayn frowned at him,


"Trisha asked Don to get you, when she didn't come back after few minutes, I thought something was wrong, and...."

"You overheard us talking.."

"Yeah..and I want to clear the air. It was never me and her alone. My mom told me off for asking Kendall in the first place. Reflecting on that, I want to apologise to you for being disrespectful. Hearing Don doubt me made me think I'm putting myself in situations where everyone expects me to fuck up. I'm trying, really am, it's just hard when everyone is waiting for me to fuck up. I don't know much about relationships, but I know that I love you. God forbid if I do fuck up, just know that I'm sorry"

"Oh Haz..stop talking like that okay. No one is about to make me question your love for me. Fuck what everyone says. Be proud and do you..or do me,." Harry laughed kissing his neck and pulled Zayn on top of him, in between his legs. He left small kisses all over Zayn's face.

"Are you sure you're not ready for another baby?"

"Harreh.." Zayn pinched his extra pair of nipples, screaming when Harry flipped them over,

"You're paying for that, baby.."

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