《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 31


Harry laughed to himself watching Zayn rolling around groaning, he's not sure if he's frustrated or just playing with the baby. Yazz was flapping her arms like a bird everytime he rolled away and stopped when he rolled back facing her. It's Monday, he's supposed to be going to work but he's delaying. Zayn will have to face Louis today..well he's got to at some point. Harry s'not gonna lie, it's been nice not having Louis around, no more late night calls or morning texts...constant fucking buzzing, he's definitely not missing that. He'll never understand those morning texts Louis sends Zayn, when he doesn't look at them till two hours later and Louis is aware of that, it's like he's using Zayn as a fucking alibi,giving himself a two hour time frame. Being aware of what happened to Zayn, he tried putting himself in Louis's small shoes but it doesn't justify him constantly looking over the shoulder in his relationship. Louis is acting worse than an ex,..he's not Zayn's ex..surely?. It's not possible..Louis had said Zayn would never feel that way about him..could he have been talking from experience. Urgh, why is his life so complicated, he's in love about to be married and have a baby, but there's a cloud obstructing his rainbow.



"Are you okay, you've been staring at yourself in the mirror longer than me..I know I said your hair look ridiculous, but it's not that bad, babe."

"Oh please, you wish you had my hair, don't think I didn't see you curling your hair when we visited your mom..

"Your hair is ridiculous..there I said it again.."

"Say it again.." Harry said walking towards the bed, lying on top of him, hands on Zayn's head keeping him still, and kissed him all over his face opened mouthed,

"Haz..the baby.." Zayn said laughing,

"Come on Yazzie, kiss baba.." Harry said moving the baby closer to Zayn's face, making kissy sounds,

"No..Yazzie stop.." Zayn was laughing his face wet from dribble, the baby trying to kiss his mouth, her hands on his face,

"Nice..now I know why you called me.." Niall said leaning on the door,

"Niall, help me..take Yazz away she's trying to bite me.." Zayn was in giggles his arm was holding the baby to move her but Harry was tickling him,

"Can you not have sex before the baby wakes up just like everyone else?..I hate you two.." Niall said taking the baby but Harry pulled him down to the bed, "Harry..you idiot!" he laughed hitting Harry's legs, but he wasn't letting him go,

"Eww..I feel like I've been kissed by a cat " Zayn screamed when the baby finally kissed his mouth,


"Disgusting Zee..we don't know where your mouth's been..hang on, when were you ever kissed by a cat" Zayn was giggling sitting up, wiping his mouth. Harry was sitting between his legs,

"You're disgusting Niall...leave my baby alone.."

"Which one..?" Niall squealed when Harry pulled his head to his lap..

"That's quite a sight...." Louis said all heads turning around, Zayn stiffened.


Louis was standing at the door, cup of tea in his hands looking at the half naked couple, Niall's head in Harry's lap and the baby on Zayn's lap. But whatever, he was enjoying his tea. He's hurt Zayn is avoiding him and Harry calling Niall to look after Zayn at work, also hurt him, he's not some monster to be avoided.

"Zayn.. hi"

"I see you made yourself comfortable" Harry said getting up,putting a shirt on. He had to be ready for work anyway, he's not getting involved. He did ask Niall to come around this morning, it's not like he's doing anything,he starts his job after new year. He asked him to babysit while Zayn was working so he didn't have to ask Louis. He will pay him of course in food and money.

"Niall can you take the baby while Zee gets ready for work.I've made breakfast so help yourself.."

"Sorry he came along.." Niall looked at Zayn but he gave him the baby, getting up. He was in his boxers, he limped to the bathroom, Louis frowned looking at him, then Harry, who smirked at him, before walking away, followed Niall.

Harry kissed baby Yazz, said his thanks to Niall, heading out.

"Harry..a minute"

"I'm running late, make it quick Louis"

"Did you have to do that to him?"

"What you talking about?"

"Don't be smug with me, I saw you smirking.."

Harry smiled his back resting on the door,"You have to be specific,Louis..I'm not a mind reader.."

"did you have to be... rough?"

"You never know when to mind your business, do you?"Harry shook his head coming closer to him and whispered "Well, let me break it down for you, babe....he likes it rough, hard and big, everything you're not." Louis pushed him back, hand on Harry's chest, but he grabbed it, "wish it was you..babe?"

"Fuck off, Harry..you are fucking sick, it's a pity Zayn can't see that.." Harry grabbed his hand tighter as Louis pulled away,

"Thought I was one of those you would drop on your knees for, babe" Harry laughed as Louis pushed him against the door, "with an ass like that,pitty indeed.."

"Wish Zayn could see you right now for what you are.. a slut.."


"Zayn is seeing you for what you are right now...a bitch.." Louis turned around, Zayn was standing in the corridor arms folded.

"Bye baby.." Harry smiled waving at Zayn, closing the door behind,Louis can go fuck himself.


"Zee,it's not what it looks like,I promise.

You know he likes riling me up, please. Can we talk?"

"Talk.." Zayn watched Louis sit on one of the dining chairs, but he didn't.

"Well..Liam has told me a lot of things. A lot. You being rich..so that's how you can afford the house. I mean if you would have told me beforehand then, I would have never...."

"Made assumptions...did you think to ask me, instead of judging. You know what I don't understand, you're going on about my boyfriend being a slut when you are the same person. You've slept with the same people as Harry, until Eleanor came along...even that's not going anywhere fast, even though she's supposedly pregnant...."

"She IS pregnant..."

"Whatever you say big guy...I've yet to see her or hear you mention about visiting doctors, she should be four months pregnant by now.."


"You know why I never ask about that, cause I mind my fucking business. You will tell me when you tell me, how about you do that huh?"

"Zayn,.you know I care about you..

"And you don't care about Harry and my daughter.."

"Of course I care about Yasmeen, she's my goddaughter"

"You just don't care about your friend Harry, who happens to be my fiance. We come as a package...you either care about us or you don't. I'm not asking you to choose."

"Harry is not what you think he is..."

"You would know..you used to share.... oh my God, you are angry with him because of me..." Zayn stared at him, "I think I'm going to be sick.." he sat down head between his legs, Niall coming closer having been listening, sitting next to Zayn.

"Please Louis..tell me you're not angry because Harry won't share Zayn. As in physically sharing..I can't believe I've just said that. That's disgusting..." Niall gagged,

"No, it's not that. I can't believe you said that. I know how Harry is. He won't think twice about cheating,"

"Harry would never cheat on Zayn, he loves him..they are getting married and he wants another baby..You are my friend Louis, but I don't understand your hate towards Harry. You never liked him from day one"

"Because he won't leave him alone to breathe...he's always been all over Zayn from the first time he saw him. I need my friend back, without having to listen to Harry suck him off. I want us to hang out without Harry putting curfew on you. I want to play fifa with you like we used to before Harry came along. He controls everything you do. You're buying a house, that's nothing like your dream house. Harry got you doing things you would never normally do. You got pregnant within a week of being together. He's had sex with lots of people and never got any of them pregnant. Explain that...he has control over you, Zayn." Louis was out of breath by the time he finished,

"All I heard is, I want, I want. What about what Zayn wants. Do you care about that?.."

"My dad bought the house,.not Harry.." Zayn said quietly looking at the baby, she's fallen asleep on Niall's lap,


"Yaser bought the house as a wedding gift, Louis...he just made sure Cheryl showed them the house. He bought it with Zayn's money, so its Zayn's.." Niall had enough of this shit, Louis is being childish and not seeing he's the one trying to control Zayn.

Zayn laughed shaking his head, "Harry has always been a threat to you hasn't he? You had a three bedroom flat but refused him as a roommate cause he was sixteen you said. He lived in his uncle's basement for two years till I came back from uni and rented this flat with him. You expected me to stay with you and Liam and didn't talk to me for a week after we got this flat. You always been a good friend haven't you, Louis?" Zayn said staring his best friend,

"Zayn..I'm your friend and always will be.." Louis said touching his arm,

Zayn looked where Louis's hand was,

"This is what is gonna happen. Listen carefully cause I'm saying it once and expect you to leave without questions.

I'm taking a week off work, a week of me not talking to you, you know how that works, right?. You will manage the shop cause that's your job and I will do my business online. I will email my clients that I'm on leave and Jake will take over any jobs I have. You will not call my family and ask about me. You will stay away from my boyfriend. I am your friend and will not stop being your friend until you say so. You need to decide if you still want to be my friend or not. If you decide you do, I expect you to stand by me and support whatever shitty decision I make. If Harry cheats on me, you will not say I told you so, but tell me I've got you. See in you in a week Louis" Zayn said taking the baby from Niall and walked away.

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