《Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}》Chapter 29


Zayn was over the moon, him and Harry are about to buy their own home. He's been so happy and started crying, all emotional, he's not sure what's that about, his emotions were all over the place recently. They have been looking at houses for two weeks and are revisiting one that was on top of their list with the intention of putting an offer. He met Cheryl who was absolutely stunning with dimples, that reminded him of Harry. He may have stared at her for too long once, Harry had asked him, if he needed a drink cause he looked thirsty and Niall had laughed at Zayn when he didn't add the dots quick enough. Needless to say, his solo house-hunting trips with Cheryl were cancelled. Cancelled by Harry that is.

"Baby.?.." Harry tapped his arm to get his attention,


"So what do you think..?"Harry had an expectant look on his face,

What the fuck, has he missed. What is he supposed to think about now?

"Umm.. think about what.?"

"You drifting off again..you've been doing that a lot. Are you okay, Zee?"

"Yeah...just so much on my mind to think about, with buying a house and all, you know.." He said looking out of the window, at least Harry was driving he's been tired today.

"I know..but it will work out in the end, it always does, so stop thinking too much, yeah"

"I'll try..babe"

"We're here..this house gets better each time I see it I swear.." Harry was just amazed as he navigates the car through the never ending driveway, pulling out next to the entrance.

"I know what you mean babe.." Zayn nodded, this is the dream house he never knew he needed. He was reluctant at first,he likes cosy country houses, but this was breath taking beautiful. He has to find a way to thank Harry for persisting they revisit.

"This is us, baby"

"And that is them..looking at us" Zayn said pointing at Liam, Niall and Louis waving at them frantically. Niall ran over as Harry parked, pretending to be hit by the car and sprawled himself over the bonnet, only to jump back as it was hot,

"Idiot.." Zayn laughed at an annoyed Harry grumbling, "What the fuck are they doing here, anyway? This is our house.."

"Not yet..babe, we haven't signed on the dotted line, so..it's not ours."

"Please let me be happy for a minute Zee.."

"Sorry..babe, our house." Zayn smile seeing Louis approach, Harry was hunched over the steering wheel groaning,he gently massaged his back.

"You know we can see you Harold, get out of the car" Louis stood next to the driver's door head tilted,

"I know you can see me Louis, I'm not hiding"

"Well I don't know how your mind works now, do I ?"

"Cheryl is waiting for you guys, come on" Liam clapped his hands, opening the door for Zayn,

"He's such a fucking side kick..." Zayn tried to hold his laughter as Harry whispered before getting out, "Move out of the way Louis, some of us need more space" He pushed him out of the way with the door,

"One would think you were not happy to see us little one, what's got your knickers in a twist, Harold" Louis mocked while Harry grabbed Zayn's hand walking to the entrance,

"Why are you here, I didn't invite any of you? "

"Zayn did.." Louis grinned at Harry who raised his eyebrows at Zayn,


"I didn't.. I only told mom about where we're going when we dropped Yazz off for her sleepover"

"Well she told me all excited, so..you indirectly invited me, babe"

"Lou told me,so.." Liam shrugged,

"Liam called me..." Niall added shrugging as well,

"You know what, I don't care" Harry looked around for Cheryl, not really wanting to shout her name, but tempted.

They all went inside Louis leading the way, "oh my God" he said in awe,

"This house is insane..Zee" They were standing in the foyer looking around, it was gorgeous. From the foyer it was like an open plan long corridor leading to the TV room/lounge area and swimming pool. A study and master bedroom to the right, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms and game room to the left. It was a level plan house. And Harry get to have his conservatory as well.

Harry was standing tall and proud. He chose this house, Zayn had been reluctant. He had to remind Zayn that he'd grown up in a big house, that felt homely because Trisha made it homely. Size of the house didn't matter, it was up to them to make it their own, to make it cosy. To make it feel like home. To make it a home. Thinking about all the rooms in this house, had his mind wonder about the many possibilities that made his dick twitched.

"Wow..Wow.." Liam was like a child touching everything, he went further exploring and disappeared with Niall behind him imitating his actions, both squealed loudly when they saw the pool, rushing back to the foyer "Pool party...I call dibs on organising the first one.." Liam said walking to Zayn, "Can I, Zee..please?"

"No.." Harry replied,

"Come on Harry, you love swimming... we need a pool party.."

"God...you're like fucking gatecrashers"

"We are not gatecrashers, I don't like that word.."

"Tell you what I don't like Liam, all of you being here.."

"We are your friends and we.." Liam stopped talking, startled by Harry suddenly shouting "Cheryl!!!!"

"Harry! Zayn! Hi, sorry if I kept you waiting, I was on the phone with the office.." Cheryl had a folder in her arms that didn't stop her coming in for a hug, smiling at Zayn,


"Shall we start.." Harry held his hand out for Cheryl, another on Zayn's waist.

"Of course, let's go to the dining room and I'll show you the contract to sign and make an offer. But it is good as yours, I have pulled some strings blocking viewing from other potential buyers"

"That was nice of you to do that Cheryl, good job"Harry looked at Liam annoyed who asked him for an opinion,

They followed her to the dining room, there was a dining table with six chairs, she gestured for them to sit,

"Do we not have a tour of the house before signing though?" Louis...

"You know what Cheryl, me and Zayn already seen the house, can you give them a tour while we look at the contract.." Harry sat down, Zayn by his side,

"Yeah sure no problems, here.." Cheryl showed them the contract, "you both sign here if you are in agreement"

"It will be more fun if Zee comes with us.." Liam pouted

"We don't always get what we want Liam, so deal.." Harry said looking at the contract,

"Party pooper..." Louis grabbed Liam's arm, "Come on, let's leave the grinch.."

"Gatecrashers.." Harry stick his tongue out at them..


"Our house, baby.."

"If we sign here..then yes it's ours" Zayn smiled fondly as they both sign the papers.

"You've been around Louis for so long, such a realist.." Harry pulled him onto his lap and kissed him, "Are you happy?"


"I mean, are you happy with the house, it's not too big?"

"I can handle big" Zayn smiled innocently, rocking his hips back and forth on Harry's lap,

"Mmm..baby stop.." Zayn stood up, turned and straddled his hips, his feet resting on the chair, arms around Harry's neck.

"Do you want me to stop?,..do you not want to do it right here?" Zayn whispered in his ear,

"Zee.." Harry's hands went around his waist,

"This house is soo big, four bedrooms, four baths, game room, study, even an outdoor kitchen, a garage that holds four cars.I see a lot of things happening in this house, one of them in this room,. on this table.." Harry hissed when Zayn rolled his hips, voice so smooth words were rolling off his tongue.

"Baby..please, Cheryl might see.." Harry face was buried in his neck, breathing hard.

"Might see what,me, bend over..." Harry arms tightened around his waist, "bend over signing the contract", he could feel Harry's huge bulge on his bum, as he sucked a bruise on his neck.

From his position, Zayn could not only hear but see the boys talking loudly following Cheryl. If his memory serves him right, that means three bedrooms, the game room, kitchen are on that direction, giving him enough time to...

He stood up pushing the chair back going down on his knees, his hands on Harry's trousers unbuckling his belt, "fuck..." Harry cursed trying to stop Zayn, but he pushed his hands away, undo the button and zip down. Zayn didn't waste time palming him, he pulled the boxers down, Harry's dick bounced up and he took him in his mouth, Harry moaned loudly. Zayn pulled back, sitting up to kiss him, Harry moaned when he tasted himself, "You have got to be quiet, babe" Zayn kissed him one more time, before going down on him again, sucking him hard, fingers playing with his balls, he knew this has to be over soon. Harry bit his lip, looking down at Zayn with his cheeks hollowed,red lips wrapped around his dick,he was close to coming, he's not sure if it was the thought that Cheryl might see them or Zayn bend over that table that made him grip Zayn's hair so hard shooting down his throat. Zayn swallowed everything and sat on his knees looking at his handiwork, Harry's soft dick. He kissed his length twice before pulling his boxers and trousers up.

"I love you.." Harry said helping him up and straddled him again.He kissed him, hands on his face as he deepened the kiss, till someone cleared their throat, both turned to see Cheryl and the boys looking at them. Zayn stood up but Harry pulled him on his lap.

Louis smirked at Harry's slightly flushed cheeks, then smiled at Zayn.

"You've something on your cheek babe."

"I don't think so Lou, I'm not a messy eater.." Zayn smiled back,

Liam's face and neck went red choking on air, Niall shaking his head smiling, sitting down.

"The contract, have you signed it guys?" Cheryl asked, a blush on her face.

"Yeah, we have" Zayn gave her the signed contract,

"Good, I will go ahead and confirm the offer and if the seller agrees, then the house is yours. You will be able to move in hopefully within two weeks as soon as all legalities are done. Now if you excuse me, I need to make a phone call"

They both nodded as took her phone out,

"I'm so happy for you guys, this house is beautiful..and we are technically neighbours" Liam said all excited, the house is one of those they saw on the way to Liam's flat a few months back.

"This looks bloody expensive mate, how much are you in debt then.." Niall asked

"£1,2 million.." Zayn said biting his lip,

"What!!! " All shouted at the same time,

"How..how, I mean how can you afford that...this, how? Zee..are you okay with this?" Louis was gobsmacked, the fuck!

"What do you mean how can we afford this, Louis. We both earn enough and Zayn owns his company"

"So, does that mean you are about to be bankrupt Zayn?" Liam asked chewing his lip worried,

"I like how all of you are concerned about Zayn. It's heartwarming really" Harry said sarcastically, "Babe.." Zayn kissed him, "I love you" he said kissing him again.

"You are not about to be bankrupt though Zee, right?" Niall interrupted their kiss, Harry groaning " Oh for fuck sake Niall..can you drop it"

"Should we be worried?" Liam whispered not so quietly at Louis and Niall.

"We can fucking hear you.." Harry said, "You're like fucking ten year olds girls"

Zayn laughed so hard just as Cheryl came back, big smile on her face, "Sold, congrats guys, you are house owners"

All but Louis cheered, he had a scowl on his face, neither have answered how they could afford such a expensive house. He knows Harry has an expensive taste and this house is just so him, unnecessarily extravagant. Beautiful as it was, it was also unnecessary. He also knows he can't afford that much money. Meaning Zayn bought this house with his hard earned cash to make Harry happy. He can categorically say that he was not contacted nor did he approve it. He didn't like it.


"Does this feel like deja vu to you.?"

Liam was smiling looking at Zayn and Niall dancing like idiots. It looked like Niall was teaching Zayn to twerk or the other way round. He was not sure what they were doing but they were getting a lot of attention. Zayn was getting a lot of attention,he was wearing his black tight 'fuck me' jeans, ripped at the thighs and black button down shirt, sleeves rolled up, and black boots. They were in their usual hangout spots celebrating the sale.

"What does..?" Harry asked eyes fixed on Zayn, he was twerking, Niall was grinding on him. Maybe he was just dancing closer but it still looked like grinding to him.

"Gosh...more than a year already, remember the night you and Zee made out..?"

"We never made out that night, we just kissed and....ok..yeah we made out. No sex though"

"Wow, here I was thinking we were doing well having a nice conversation and you have to sneak in the word sex didn't you,.Does your mind ever shut down from thinking about sex,huh?"

"Not when my boyfriend is a sex god, no.." Harry said laughing, taking a swig off his beer.

"Looks like all that sex is making him blind..." Louis said looking at his phone.

Harry sighed, looked at Liam who gave him a pity smile,

"I wonder if your mind ever shuts down from 'I hate Harry' mode?" Louis eyes shot up when he heard Harry,

"Not when your mind never shut down from lets take advantage of Zayn mode" He spat at him, standing up putting his phone in his pocket,

"You better watch your mouth,Louis... Zayn will take my side any day. And he won't appreciate you talking shit about the man he's about to marry and the father of his child" Harry said squaring up to Louis,

"I'm sure he didn't appreciate you demanding a blow job cause you're fucking insecure..Cheryl dimples a threat then,huh"

"Guys..guys..please, can't we be grown ups and deal with things like adults" Liam was standing between them,

"Not when some people stop growing up..." Harry scoffed looking down at Louis, who threw a punch at him catching him off guard. People around them started cheering up, as Harry grabbed Louis's shirt ripped it off him, Liam caught in the middle and cried out in pain when Louis accidentally pulled his hair.

"Harreh.." Harry froze when he heard Zayn's voice, he was looking at him. He looked hurt and angry. "Can you two just fucking grow up, we're here to celebrate but you can never stop bickering?"

"I'm sorry, baby.."

"Sorry doesn't cut it Harreh, this is our first night off without the baby, but you rather have a pissing contest with Louis than be happy and chill." Zayn was fuming, looking between them, he frowned when he noticed blood on Harry's lip. He came closer wiping it off, the boys just looking at him, not sure what his next move. He did look scary when he was angry.

"Zee..." Louis touched his arm but Zayn moved his arm away, but squared up to him till they were face to face.

"It's my fucking money, I can do whatever I want with it. If it means buying a fucking expensive 'doll' house, as you call it, so be it. I am not a child. Harry is not my bully. He is and will always be in my life whether you like it or not. Either you accept that or stay the hell out of my life." Zayn told Louis in an eerily calm voice that shocked all the boys. He looked at Harry, eyes dark with anger, "Take me home.." he walked away not looking back to see Louis eyes blurred with tears. Even Harry felt sorry for him. Louis was Zayn's anchor. As he followed Zayn, he hoped he's not about to drift off further without Louis as his anchor.

Zayn never answered his question,

"what do you think about a winter wedding?".

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