《Finding them》Chapter 14


After dinner, the twins needed a bath. They were both covered in pasta sauce, neither knew how to use cutlery so mainly ate with their hands which resulted in sauce going everywhere. Darcy even tried to feed Mitty some pasta to make him feel better which resulted in the pasta sauce being spread across his face. His brothers took a photo and laughed so hard but Mitchell didn't mind at all, he was happy his sister seemed to trust him again. Hunter offered to bath them but Daniel wanted to do it himself. He liked the time with his twins and wanted to savour every moment of that time.

Daniel ran a bath for the twins while they watched on. Mitchell had gone to clean himself up and got out some pjs for the twins. This was the routine they had in America, Daniel would bath the twins then Mitchell would help him dress them. They would let the twins choose who would help who. Once the bath was run Daniel helped both his children in the bath carefully not to get water on Darcy's face because she didn't like it.

Hunter stood at the door looking at the twins. "Dad how could .." Hunter started to say while looking at the twins bodies. You could see there ribs sticking out and also the bones in Darcy's spine. "Don't say it, they are getting better. We will get the right soon" Daniel told his son who looked devastated at the site of both his baby siblings. "That's better?" Hunter asked, "yes" replied Mitchell from behind his brother. "I don't want to know how bad they were then" Hunter whispered.

Darcy sensed Hunter watching her and turned around looking at him. "Hunty" Darcy called softly, she didn't like when people were sad and Hunter looked sad. "It's Hunter sweetheart" Hunter replied. "Mmmhhhmmm" Darcy nodded. "Hunty sad" Darcy stated looking at Hunter. "I'm ok sweetheart" Hunter replied smiling at his sister. "Hunty bath?" Darcy asked. A bath always made her feel better and Dakota liked baths too, if Hunter joined them he wouldn't be sad anymore. "I'll have a shower later sweetheart" Hunter told his sister. Darcy was wracking her brain trying to work out how to make Hunty not sad anymore. "Hunty cuddle?" Darcy asked after a few minutes staring at Hunter. Hunter smiled which lit up his face. "Looks like you have gained her trust brother" Mitchell stated patting Hunter on the back. "Sure sweetheart" Hunter replied stepping into the bathroom and walking over to her. Darcy stood up in the bath and put her arms out, Hunter crouched down and pulled Darcy into a hug not caring he was getting wet at all. Darcy breathed in and sighed, she really liked cuddles. After a few minutes Darcy pulled away smiling while Dakota was glaring at Hunter for touching his sister. Hunter ruffled Dakota's hair and smiled, he felt like he won the lottery after that and nothing could wipe the smile off his face.


Hunter went to change his shirt after his hug with Darcy. He bumped into Eddie who glared at his older brother. "What's got you smiling like that?" Eddie asked. "I just got a hug from Darcy" Hunter gloated. "Bullshit, they are in the bath" Eddie stated, all he got from the twins was a hit and kick so far and lots of glares. "Oh I did, Darcy even asked me to have a bath with them, that's why I am wet" Hunter told his brother and continued on to his room. "Not fair I get hit, kicked and yelled at, you get a hug" Eddie fumed out storming into the bathroom where Mitchell and his dad were drying the twins.

Dakota was quick to act when he saw Eddie storm into the bathroom, placing himself in front of Darcy and shielding her with his body. Eddie looked at his little brother and got annoyed. "She is my sister too you know" Eddie stated. Darcy was scared, she didn't like people being angry at all. Dakota was glaring at Eddie who was glaring right back at him. Eddie took a step forward wanting to pick Darcy up but was stopped by Mitchell standing in front of the twins. "Edward you need to leave" Daniel told his son firmly. "What? Why?" Eddie asked. Daniel hardly ever called him Edward, usually only when he was in trouble.

Hunter walked in just in time to hear his father telling Eddie to leave. "Dad, I'll help Mitchell" Hunter told his father after seeing what was happening. Eddie was losing his temper and it was clearly scarring Darcy and upsetting Dakota who was trying to not let the tears stream down his face. Daniel nodded his head and walked towards Eddie. "Let's take a walk" Daniel stated with a clear warning that Eddie didn't have a choice. Finally Eddie looked at what was happening around him and saw that Darcy was once again silently crying and Dakota was trying to protect her. He felt like shit and hung his head walking out of the bathroom with his dad. Eddie didn't mean to scare the twins, he just wanted to spend time with them and get to know them. He didn't think at all, he was jealous of Mitchell and now Hunter who both seemed to bond easily with the twins.


"Eddie what were you thinking? You need to remember those kids have been through god knows what and will take time to warm up. They don't like loud noises and people being angry. Dakota has always protected his sister, they aren't use to having other people protect them or care for them" Daniel spoke to Eddie as they headed to the lounge room. "I stuffed up, I want to get to know them but I keep forgetting what they have been through. How can I get them to trust me?" Eddie asked his father. "You need to be gentle with them mate also stay calm. Neither react well to anger or loud noises. Those kids know how to read emotions already so just be your normal self and show them you won't hurt them" Daniel explained to his son. He knew this was going to be hard for them all and it would take time to get use to all the changes and quirks of the twins but he and his sons were determine to give them a happy childhood to make up for the bad start they had had.

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