《Finding them》Chapter 1


Detective Brown had managed to get the twins into his car and took them to the hospital where they were cleaned up. The wounds on both children were being treated and they had been fed. Detective Brown couldn't believe the extend of the dirt on the children and how dehydrated and malnourished these kids were. Who could do that to a child? He made it his mission to find the children a proper home to live as no child should have to go through what they had. He was horrified with what he found in that house and the condition of the children. He contacted the social worker in charge of the twins. The woman told him to do the job himself if he didn't like what she had done so that what he was doing.

Detective Brown went through the file on the twins and saw they had been in 23 homes since birth. They were unable to be adopted as the mother and father hadn't signed the proper forms. He eventually found the twins birth certificates listing both the mother and father and got to work on searching for them. He found the mother had committed suicide exactly one year after the children were born. He also found that the father was an Australian citizen and was listed on the birth certificate. He got to work searching for contact details on a Daniel Levi Toms. Detective Brown found his contact details in a letter at the bottom of the file and immediately called the number.

Daniel was sound asleep, it was 3am when his phone began to ring with a number from LA. "This better be good" he answered the phone. "Is this Mr Daniel Toms?" Detective Brown asked. "Who is asking?" Daniel replied. "Oh sorry, my name is Detective Brown. I am calling in regards to your children we found late last night in a drug raid" Detective Brown started. "I think you have the wrong number mate. My kids are here in Australia with me" Daniel replied getting angry. "No you are Daniel Levi Toms correct?" Detective Brown asked" "yes" Daniel replied. "Then I have the right number. You are listed on the birth certificate of Dakota and Darcy born 16th April 2019, mother Kelly Wright now deceased" Detective Brown continued. "Look mate, I'm not the kids father. There has been a mistake" Daniel replied. "Well as you are listed you are the next of kin and I will need you to provide a DNA sample to get your name removed off the birth certificate or you will need to sign paper work relinquishing your rights so the children can be placed up for adoption" Detective Brown fumed out. He was angry at this man for denying his children especially after seeing them in the state they were. Those kids deserved better then that. "Where can I go to provide the sample?" Daniel asked.


After another 10 minutes on the phone organising for Daniel to provide a sample of DNA in the morning the detective and Daniel hung up. He was now wide awake and fuming with Kelly. Why would she put his name down? They had spent two weeks together but had parted ways after a mutual satisfying time together. There is no way he could of fathered children with her, he was sure they were careful. He was awake now so decided to do some work before going to the clinic at 8am to get a DNA test done.

At 7.30am Daniel left a note for his sons saying he had an errand to run and headed to the clinic. He would then head to the office after the test was done. The detective said they would have the results in two days and then Daniel would be absolved of the responsibility of the children that Kelly claimed were his. He already had four children he had raised practically on his own that were grown, he didn't need to raise another two especially when he would be 50 in a few years.

The twins had been admitted to hospital and would be spending about 10 days there. They had school sores all over them from how unclean they were. Darcy had a UTI from not being cleaned properly after going to the toilet. They both had insect bites all over them. Dakota had a skin infection and multiple bruises on his body. Darcy also had a middle ear infection. Both children slept a lot but neither would let go of each other. Dakota had to be held while the doctors check his sister because he kept kicking and biting the doctor. Each time the nurse would come to check the twins vitals it took three of them, two to hold Dakota and one to check Darcy. Dakota had also taken our his IV several times so he could sleep with Darcy. The nurses had threatened to put the kids in different rooms unless he kept his IV in.


Two days later Detective Brown got a call confirming that Daniel was in fact the biological father of the twins. He immediately picked up the phone to call Daniel. "Daniel speaking" Daniel answered the phone quickly seeing the LA number. He assumed it was the start of getting his name off the kids birthday certificate. "Daniel, this is Detective Brown. I am ringing to confirm you are the father of Dakota and Darcy. I have sent the paper work through for you to see along with forms allowing the children to be placed up for adoption. As Ms Wright is now deceased, all we require is your signature and we can get the process started" Detective Brown stated. "Wait did you just say the kids are mine?" Daniel asked. "Yes sir, DNA confirms it"

detective Brown replied. "Holy shit" Daniel stated. "Wait two children? How?" Daniel asked. "They are twins, they are three years old and currently are in hospital. As I mentioned we found them in a drug raid and I don't want them going back into foster care, I'd rather they be placed up for adoption" Detective Brown stated. "No, wait I didn't know about them. I'll take my kids. I'll be on the first flight out of Australia. Send me through the details" Daniel replied. "Yes sir, and sir you should know they show signs of abuse" Detective Brown stated they continued to take with the detective passing on relevant information before hanging up. Daniel was horrified, how was he going to tell his sons?

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