《the secret of Stiles》something to tell me uh ?


We stayed like this for at least 10 minutes even if it felt like hours . I didn't want to let him go , it was as if he would break like glass if I let him out of my grasp . But sadly he pulled away from me and I gave him an apologetic look in exchange he simply gave a small smile .

St:I'm fine...thanks , who would've thought that big old Derek was in reality a softie ? He giggled

I wanted to be mad at him for calling me a softie but his laugh made it impossible . How could I be made at this ?! You're clearly falling in love with him...I sure am , too bad he won't give me a chance...are you kidding me ! He told you that he isn't dating Allison and that he prefers boy ! What do you mean " we don't have a chance " !? Don't tell me you've already forgotten about his opinion-on Lunas ? No I didn't...of course I didn't but I'm sure we can change his mind on this little detail ! No , I know him , once he got an idea he's going to stick to it . At least ask him ! You never know...ok fine whatever , don't be surprise when you realise that he gives you the same answer as last time tho .

De:Hey Stiles , let's go find Allison .

St:Yeah , that's a great idea . But...how ?

De:I'll use my hearing .

And like this we started to walk around , I was searching for sobbing noises that could be Allison's without success .

De:Hey...hummm what's your opinion on Lunas again ?

St:Oh this ? I mean I think that they do lots of things to help around an that the pack like them and help keeping everything in check , it's quite a sad that we don't have one if you'd ask me .


De:That's not what you said last time !

St:What I said was true , in some pack they are bullied and underrated . Some are treated like shit by the other members and sometime even by the alpha .

De:But if you was a Luna it wouldn't be unpleasant ?

St:Why are you asking me this question ? Is there any particular reason ? He asked with..hope ? Wait !-with HOPE in his voice !?

What does that mean ? Is he willing to be my Luna ? Or am I just imagining things , that happened before...I shouldn't assume...not yet .

De:No..no particular reasons...

St:Are you sure...?He said , while slowly approaching me

De:Y-yeah...I'm sure...

He kept walking towards me , our bodies were now almost touching . He lifted his head to look at me in the eyes with a look on his face ! I tried to back off in fear of it being a dream because of this stupid heat ! But I fell back and out of instincts I tried to grab something to stop myself from touching the ground . The only thing being Stiles .

We fell together , he finished right on top of me with my arms around him to protect him from the impact . He sat up , he was now on my low stomach , and my hands that were on his back were now on his hips . As soon as I realized the position we were in . I instantly moved my hands

Derek ! What in the world !? We were talking and then you grabbed me !

So I imagining it ! Yeah...that's my fault , I just really wanted to have him in my arms again . But now I want so much more then just hold him in my arms...he's not consentent , don't do anything stupid ! He'll decide...

He tried to get up but my inner wolf took control of my body and pulled him back down , this time he fell directly on my my crotch area instead of my low belly . I had to contain myself from making any weird noise .


I...thought I heard someone coming , sorry...

Cut the bullshit Derek . First you tell me that you can't use your smell and now this . What's going on ? He sternly said

I couldn't tell him what was really happening to me , I had to think of a lie . The only problem is that his damn ADHD made him move and fidget the whole time he talked . Which meant that his bottom was rubbing my front which made it impossible for me to think of anything to say .

I rapidly grabbed his hips so that he'll stop moving so fucking much ! He looked down at my hands and it seemed like he only now realized the position we were in and what he was doing . His eyes widen and he backed away from me within seconds . He opened his mouth but then closed it his whole face was as red as a tomato .

Th-I-you-...WHAT WAS THAT !

...I sighed...look there's something that I need to tell you...

No shit Sherlock !

I found my...my mate .

Wait you mean...your mate as in your soulmate !


Well that's...that's amazing , who is it ? He seemed disappointed

Well that's the thing...it's-

Wait before you say anything ! I need to tell you something really important !? I...ok , you can do this Stiles , it's simply you can do it-

You're rambling Stiles...

Am I ? Oh...ok , straight to the point . I-I LIKE YOU ! ok there I said it...

I looked at him , eyes wide open , did...did he just-yeah...he just confess...He just confess !?

Stiles I-

Don't . You don't have to bother with excuses , I know that you don't feel the same . It's ok , you have a mate now , I realized too late but...I just needed to get that off my chest-

I cut him off by pacing my lips on his , they were as soft as I imagine . It was a small kiss but it was full of the love that we both hid for so long , it was full of passion and respect for the other .

You're stupid...it's you , you're my mate Stiles , the one and only

There's no way...is this a dream !?

I brought our lips back together in a slightly longer kiss before separating again .

Does this feel like a dream ?

Yeah completely !

Well it's not , I hope you're not too disappointed to hear it...I jokingly said faking a sad face

No of course not ! It's way better then a dream ! But...what...what are we ?

Stiles Stilinsky , would you like to be my boyfriend ?

Of course dumbass !


I was getting so tired of seeing them being so obvious to each other feelings ! So here it is , finally ! Now all that's left to do is plan the death of Scott and the two other bitches 👀👍

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