《the secret of Stiles》Scott what do you do !?


How could I-

Scott for the last time I told you ! You except me to believe you , but , you don't believe me ! Trust goes both ways and I think it's time you finally understand this .


Oh hell no ! I seriously hope he doesn't think I'll forgive him again ?! Fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me . I refuse to do this , it's always the same thing with him anyways ! You give him your trust , then he breaks it " apologize " and ask you to give him your trust...again !

No Scott , I already forgave you soooooo many times . And every time I fall for it again ! I am sick and tired of all your drama , can't you just grow up ? Is it too much to ask ?

It's the stress of all these things happening and the werefox and-

You need to stop finding excuses !

He's seriously starting to piss me off . And the worst part of it all ? I know he still don't believe me when I said that I'm not a werewolf .

I look at my now purple-ish arm from the bruises he caused . I glare up at Scott with strong eyes , and with my nail I start to cut the palm of my hand with it without breaking the eye contact with Scott . I close my hand and letting the blood drip to the floor .

Happy now ? My blood is red as you can see , is this werewolf blood ?


Scott didn't respond , he was just frozen in place with a horified expression looking at the blood then at my face

Ok , I'm repeating then . Is this werewolf blood ?

...no...I...I don't understand , you...you're human but...what you did there , it-it wasn't human .

Oh really ?

Yes !

Well I'm waiting for the explanation then .

I don't have the explanation , I'm trying to understand !

Amazing...I said in a bored way


Oh I'm suppose to know everything now ?

Aren't you...like...the true alpha or something ?

Hey ! How dare-

Oh I dare !

Suddenly the bell hit again , this time it was even louder but I couldn't react or else Scott would get even more suspicious then he already is . I slightly jump at the sudden sound but kept an emotionless look .

Oh...seems like I need to go .

Wait ! We're not done I still need-

To stop being so fucking toxic , yeah I agree . I said giving him the best fake smile I have in my little collection

I guess it was the last straw for him because his eyes started to glow red and I could see his teeth sharpening...oh shit ! Maybe...just maybe ! I shouldn't have said this...I know I'm more powerful then him even if he's a true alpha but...the sight of werewolfs freak me out , it's in my blood...not the best fear you could ask . I slowly started to back away from him when a familiar voice spoke

What are you doing Scott !?

Isaac . He responded simply , leave . Me and Stiles have something to talk about and it's private .

Bullshit ! He turned to me , offering a hand , are you ok Stiles ?

Y-yeah...you can say that yeah . Thanks , I replied gratefully taking his hand , he helped me get up from the floor

Stiles , we have...things...to discuss tell him to leave he said trying to intimidate me with his shitty alpha voice

Scott you already know your alpha voice isn't working on me .

No but it works on Isaac .

Scott , are you seriously doing this again ? We all put our trust on you after you broke it , multiple times , and yet you keep doing the same mistakes .

Like I said , grow . Up .

I see , you're leading my pack against me . I don't know what he promised to give you if you agreed to protect him Isaac , but I can give you so much more ! I can give all of you so much more then he can ! Without le you're just a bunch of omegas without the alpha you'll die , from hunters or whatever other creatures that comes in beacon hills . Without me , you guys are nothing ! Absolutely nothing !


And without us , you are nothing .

Isaac , leave . Now ! Scott growled out , eyes red

I watched Isaac worried , I know he'd been traumatized of his father always giving him rules to follow and when he didn't...god knows what he's dad would do to him . I know it's hard for him to disobey orders now , and I don't want to trigger him by forcing him...

No . I won't be your little puppet Scott ! I-I might have been in the past , but , it's finally time this stops . We are all sick of you , and your childish actions ! This is not a game , if you mess up there is no turn back . We can't simply let you play with our life like that .

But I'm not ! I just-

You just want to do the right thing ? Yeah , yeah , yeah . That's what you say all the time , and...every time we give you another chance and another chance . But you don't learn from your mistakes , and the worst part is that , when someone tries to help you change you reject them like a 3 years old !

You're wrong .

Am I ?

Yes , yes you are .

How so ?

This time , I won't . I won't apologize , to you or to anyone . I'm out there , doing my best to keep this town and all the people who live here alive , and everybody blames me for it . I would love to see you take my place for a day , and see how you'll do .

That's already what we do ! We always need to clean up after you do something stupid and dangerous .

Of course , Stiles the heroic , always here to save everyone and then there's Scott , the villain of the story . Always putting everyone in danger and risking his friends life . Am I right ? He said in a sarcastic but still very angry voice

Well...I wouldn't put it like that . You forgot the other characters , but , yeah you get the global idea .

Stiles...maybe we should go , we almost skipped the whole period...Isaac whispered to me

Yeah let's go .

You're well aware of the fact that I can hear you both right ?

Yes...and , we do not care ! Now thank you but we'll be on our way , bye ! I said before exiting with Isaac , but after we left I heard Scott's voice

You can laugh now Stiles , but we'll see how you will react when no one will be here to protect you . I think...I'll be the one laughing .

Me and Isaac started to walk towards our class , I knew we had the next class together so it's perfect . The only problem is that I can't seem to get Scott's words out of my head...was he really...threatening me ? I know he has anger issues but geez ! He's actually going to kill me one day ! And I would like to keep my head thank you very much


Hey guys !!! This chapter is like...✨ drama ✨ and anger after 🔪 Scott 🔪.

I still hope you like it ❤️ , I don't really know if I'm going to be able to post next week chapter exactly on time . There will be one so don't worry ! But maybe a little late because of Christmas and the new year , it'll be a bit difficult to manage between all the things that I have to do . But I'll try to post as soon as possible that's promise ❤️

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