《the secret of Stiles》you're in my head


A much as I wanted to stay in Derek's warm arms , I simply couldn't . Yeah , I know I made up a lie to escape...but I really heard someone coming near the loft , who it was ? I have no idea but they were my exit . Why couldn't I stay with my " new " found crush ? Well because...my dad is home tonight and of course I forgot , but the problem is that if he comes back and that I'm no where to be seen he'll flip ! Plus last time he saw me and totally forbidden me from leaving the house during the night especially now that my power are increasing since winter is coming

( a/n: I don't know if I ever said what season my story was taking place but if you're an old viewer that found the story at it's begging , but you can see if a werefox is and adult , kid or teenager by the color of their furr . All orange is for kid , orange with white patches is for teenagers and all white is for adults . In the wild foxes change colour because of the season but in the story when werefoxes become all white it means they are adults , nothing to do with the season . Werefoxes have different type ( I know it's complicated 😭 ) Stiles is a winter werefox that's why adults turn white and not brown-ish or other things , and because he's a winter werefox his power increase during the winter and he's also a bit unstable it's basically like a full moon but for werefoxes and it last longer then just a night 👁️👄👁️👍 )

Ok here's when the story continue sorry for the little interruption 😌 :

I run in the woods for at least 10 minutes before arriving in front of my house and to my horror I saw my dad's car parked .

St/WF:Oh shit...I whispered-yelled

I ran around the house to get to my window but it's close ! Are you kidding me ! How am I suppose to get inside if it's close !? Plus since I shifted if I become a human again and try the front door I'll be fricking naked and I'm not about to do that !


Oh wait


I have magic...I internally facepalmed

I looked up again and focused my energy on my bedroom window and it wasn't long for my eyes to glow a deep purple and for the window to open wide .

( A/n: it's been a while since I put those picture so I thought...why not 👁️👄👁️ )

I quickly jump inside , take the first clothes I see and change before going down to see my dad chatting with Allison on the couch . My dad turns his head towards me and my heart literally stopped for a second...but he simply smiled and said


No:Hey Stiles , so how was the nap ?

St:The nap ? Oh it was great...thanks !

No:Why did you invite Allison here ? Not that I mind of course , he explained to Allison , it's just that normally it's on Fridays

Al:We have a project for school so I just sleepover after we finish it

No:Oh ok , is it going to take long ? Because after you finish we could all have dinner and watch a movie , how does that sound ?

St:That sounds amazing dad , we'll try to finish it fast


St:Yeah yeah I won't rush it at the point where it's not good don't worry , I'm with Allison we can't possibly get a bad grade . I replied before going in the kitchen , after running in the woods and , fighting for Derek to let me go and then using my magic I was getting a bit hungry . I grab an apple and go back upstairs .

_________time skip because if I'm being honest I'm too lazy to write the whole sleepover thing 😌👍__________

I wake up from the sun hiting me in the face , I growl a bit and put the blanket over my head so the light isn't bothering me anymore . I suddenly feel a hand taking the blanket away from me

St:HEY ! I protested

Al:Don't go back to sleep again ! I told you 5 time to get up . So now you get ready and we leave , because we're going to be late otherwise !

St:Late for what ?

Al:Are you serious...late for school !

St:Oh shot I forgot about school !

Al:You're suppose to be some kind of superior shapeshifter with magic and stuff and yet you can't even be on time for school...

St:ExCuSe Me !

Al:Whatever , she giggled out , just...get dressed and grab a toast I'll wait in the car . She said before leaving the room

I stood up from the bed and started to look around the room to find something clean to get ready

Al:AND DON'T TAKE TOO LONG ! I heard Allison yell from down stairs

St:OK ! I yelled back

I hurried and took the clothes , I changed and then headed downstairs I saw the food on the table but I wasn't hungry so I just left it here . I entered the car to see Allison on her phone giggling and blushing at something , so I lean over her shoulder and saw her texting someone

Who's this ? I smirked

What ! Who's who ? She replied nervously

You're a shitty liar Allison .

I'm not-

Yes you're lying , you just touch your eyebrows .

Al:Ok yes...I was...I was texting Scott .


St:Oooooh~ I see , I see .

Al:Urgh stop that !

St:Stop why ?

Al:You-! Whatever just start driving ok !

St:Right on captain !

I drove all the way to school and parked my Jeep . Allison got out and so did I , we entered the school and headed to our first class and of course it was chemistry with Mr.Harrison ! Words can't describe how much I dislike him , he has something against me I know it !?

In the middle of the class I was getting so bored and it was just impossible to concentrate , is it because of my ADHD ? Maybe or maybe it's just that his class is incredibly boring and annoying . Wait...I know how to distract myself !

Heyyy~~ Derek are you here ?

I asked through our my mind connection . The good thing with this spell is that I don't need to talk for Derek to hear me and I don't need to be near to hear him either ! It's basically the best way to escape a boring subject in school without getting detention .

What the hell !? Where are you ?

I heard Derek's voice echo in my head , I quietly giggled to myself .

What's so funny Mr.Stilinsky for you to be laughing during my class ?

Oh...euh...nothing sir sorry

De:Wait are you at school right now ?

St/WF:Oh shit ! I forgot you were there , you scared the daylight out of me...yeah , I'm at school but it's booooooring and talking to you is way more interesting !

De:How do you even talk to me ?

St/WF:Omg...you forgot again , magic !!!

De:No , no yeah I remember that but usually you do the thing with your eyes and you look at me in the eyes I thought you needed to look at someone in the house to do...whatever you're doing...

St/WF:Nah , that's just to look cool

De:Wow...he said in a monotone tone

St/WF:Come'on Derek , a little bit of enthusiasm please !

De:No .

St/WF:Aw...my heart it...hurts I dramatically said

De:Hey how are you keeping up ?

St/WF:Keeping up ?

De:Yes with your future lovers or whatever it's supposed to be

St/WF:What are you talk-oh ! This ah...euh yeah no , yeah it's cool

De:you lied about that didn't you ?

St/WF;noooo...ok yes I did , but , it's not my fault I'm a trickster by nature and...my dad would've freak out if I didn't come back home like last time...

De:Is that-

Suddenly I couldn't hear Derek's voice because the bell rang so loudly ! I quickly put my hands over my ears because I felt like my head was going to explode otherwise . I could feel people eyes on me . Especially one pair of eyes , Scott's . Normally it wouldn't do that but since winter is so close my power start to get stronger and my senses too , this time I was taken aback , I was too distracted .

The bell finally stopped and I could finally take my hands off my ears . But when I looked down at them I could see that blood was dripping...I brought one of my clean finger to touch the skin on my ear and I could feel a warm liquid .

Before I had the time to process what just happened someone took me by the arm , dragged me across the crowded corridors and pin me to the wall of the bathroom

Sc:Stiles what just happened ?!

St:I don't know !

Sc:Stop your bullshit ! When we started arguing last time you said that if you really wanted to you could kill me easily didn't you ?

St:I...I don't recall saying that...sorry ?

Sc:You're not just a human are you ? You can't be , this , he said pointing at the ( enceinte ┐( ∵ )┌ ) that diffused the sounds when the bell ring , this doesn't happen to a human . After saying that he proceed to harden his grip on my arm

St:Scott you're hurting my arm ! Let me go !

Sc:No I'm not , this would hurt a human not a werewolf .

St:I'm not a werewolf Scott ! Listen to my heartbeat when I say it , I'm not a fucking werewolf ! I yelled in pain , the thing is that my human form does everything like a human , and feel everything like a human so the pain any human can feel , I feel it too .

He suddenly realized his grip and I fell to the floor outing my hand on my arm...I removed my jacket to look at my arm and it was ! It was fucking purple , this psycho cut the blood circulation of my arm !?

St:What the fuck Scott !?

Sc:I-U thought you were...

St:And I told you no !

Sc:But with all that happened I couldn't just trust you blindly...

St:And you think can trust you now ?


Hey guys , I know a lot of you were waiting for this chapter so there it is ! I hope you liked it ❤️ now all I got to say is bye and...see you next week !

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