《the secret of Stiles》your questions are stupid !


I-hum...yeah I'm going bye...

Did I say something bad ?

Oh no , of course you didn't...it's just...the nickname you just gave me it was...my mother called me that before she , well you know...

Oh I'm sorry ! Are you not comfortable with me calling you that ? I'll stop , sorry I didn't realize what it meant to you...

It's all fine don't worry , I said smiling softly , it's actually quite nice to her it after so many years

Good , now go you shouldn't make your loverwolf , she giggled

Loverwolf ? Where did you find this ?

It just popped up like that !


Now go !

Yeah , yeah I'm going !

Go go go !?

Alright !

I ran directly towards the window and shifted right before crashing on the wall and successfully landed on the grass . I looked up and saw Allison looking down from my window , I gave her a small nod and her worried expression almost immediately changed into a smile and within a minute I was running in the woods in the direction of Derek's .

Suddenly the cold feeling came back like a strike down my spin and I arched in pain , it's even worst then last time ! It just made me run faster then ever , it's like my body knows exactly where to go to get the pain away and probably for the same reason then last time I can't help but guess that I'm going to end up in Derek's arms all night...which is not such a bad thing , the only problem would be if I became human again during the night and woke up naked next to a Derek knowing what my secret is . I already told Allison and having more then 1 or 2 person knowing already put me in so much danger so if anyone else were to find out , let's just say...it'll be bye bye Beacon hills for me so let's hope that doesn't happen !

Just like last time , the closer I got to Derek's loft , the less I felt this freezing sensation crawling under my skin . Soon enough I was standing in front of the loft and I could feel the heat radiate from the inside my body was like begging me to just run inside and get surrounded by it , and...I did...I spotted an open window just like last time and jumped inside . It looked suspicious to have exact same window I used yesterday open wide , it almost seemed like an invitation but at the time I really didn't care one tiny bit about an open window .


I started to wonder around room to spot Derek so he could make the feeling diseaper...again . But he was no where to be seen ! I started to frantically run around the room , eventually breaking random objects here and there...and I guess he heard all the noises because in a minute he was at the door , I immediately ran and jumped in his arms burying my head in his chest , desperately asking for his touch . I wanted him to pet me and wrap his arms around me , I wanted the awful feeling to go away and never come back . I couldn't bare with it anymore , it hurts too much !


I was waiting on the couch for the werefox but it seemed like he wasn't going to come after all...and I'm a bit disappointed about it because...the night he was with me , I got the best sleep ever ! And I actually appreciated the feeling of his furr under my fingers . But I guess he only made a mistake this time and he won't do it again .

I sigh and turn off the TV , time to go to bed I guess . As I was going to the kitchen to take a glass of water I suddenly heard the noise of something breaking upstairs . I immediately ran , letting go of the glass that was in my hand that broke at the contact of the ground . I opened the door of my room ready to fight the intruder but all I saw was the werefox in his small form . He turned his head and when he saw me he ran and jumped directly in my arms , I couldn't process what was happening did he really just...ok uuuh...I was confused...should I pet him or should I push him off ? Honestly it feels great to have him close to me , I missed this sensation .

I slowly started to move my fingers on his furr and he immediately seemed to relax under my touch . After a good 10 minutes I hesitantly said

So...You've come after all

At first he didn't respond , he looked up at me , our eyes locking , his turned purplish and his voice suddenly echoed in my head

I guess...

Why do you come anyway ? Last time you said that you have a house so why are you coming to my house at , I turned my head to look at the time only to see the clock on the ground face down , Ummmh...late at night...what happened here ?


O-Oh this , I...don't know ?

Sure , no but really why do you come here ?

I can leave if you don't want me in your oh so precious loft , and I didn't give you permission to repeat my informations to the others !

How did you know !?

I was there of course .


Well yeah , I told you I get really bored on my free time so I came to visit and boom ! What do I see ? You telling everything to everyone , what type of friend are you uh !?

I'm sorry I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to say-wait no ! You could be a threat and I didn't even said anything bad !...friends ? Did you just say that we're friends ?!

I don't have many friends you know...and even if you're such a dick , you're funny to be with so yeah I would say that we're friend !

We only talked 2 times how could I possibly be so bad ?

I already told you ! I watch y'all , it's not that hard to understand...it sounds like I'm some creepy ass dude when I say it like that

I need to ask you questions...just so we know you're-

Not a threat yeah , yeah I know .

I was going to ask him the first question when suddenly his ears pricked up and he started to look around the room

What's going on ?

Someone is coming...

I don't hear anyone near

That's because they're too far away for you to hear them .

Do you know who it is ?

No...well I have a little idea but...it can't be-! I need to go , right now !

What , why ? Who's arriving ? I asked him with a serious tone , he tried to get out of my grip I only tight it around his body

Derek , let me go , I need to leave immediately !

Not before you told me who is coming and why you need to leave , are they a potential danger because if yes I need to know what they want . I won't let this town get destroyed because you ran away .

Derek , I'm sure that you know how much more powerful I am then you . I'm asking you one more time , let . Go . Of . Me .

No !

It's my potential partners !

As in...

Yes as in lovers ! Now let me go I need to get away from them ! He almost cried out

What are they doing here ? And...what will they do when they find you ?

What do you think they'll do ! I need to hide they cannot find me !

Are they going to rape you !

What ? No , but they're going to follow me like fricking dogs all day long until I choose one to spend the rest of my life with ! That's a stupid tradition ! It's so unfair , just because I have pureblood...

Wait I think I hear them...

NOOOOOO ! It's too late I can't escape them anymore...you know what fuck this ! He said and then bite my hand !

Ouch ! I moved my hand away , and he ran off and diseapered out the window , HEY !

Yeah sorry but I really need to go ! I'm in a hurry !?

What the hell ! How can I still hear you , you're not even here anymore !

I'm in your head booooh~~~scary !

Get out then !

No need to freak out geez...just so you know , if you see maybe 2 new guys and 1 new girl around don't panic and don't interfere into anything they are doing or they'll attack , trust me .

They're your possible lover...

Yeah...you know that I come from a pure werefox blood line and even if my dad is human and my mom a werefox I'm still consider pure enough to be the heir of the blood line , and because of this I need to marry another pure blood to make sure the bloodline is not in danger . Only problem , I don't want to marry someone I don't know and especially if they're going to expose me like some price they won...oh and I would highly recommend you not telling the pack or like the dumb teenagers they are , they'll try to attack them or another stupid thing and boom , they'll die . So let's keep this to ourselves ok ?

I guess it's the best thing to do right now , but do you promise they won't cause any damages and won't hurt anyone ?

Yeah , yeah don't worry they won't...at least I think...

What was that ?

Nothing don't worry !


Hey guys !!!! Here's your daily chapter , hope you liked it ❤️❤️❤️ and don't forget to come back next week for another one , byeeeee !!!! 😉👍

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