《the secret of Stiles》you aren't telling me everything !


Peter just kicked us out of the loft , and Derek did nothing , what ?! When did Peter even got here ?

What just happened ?

I...have no idea...

well that was...something

I didn't know Peter was back...Malia said with a hint of sadness and what sounded like disappointment in her voice

He didn't tell you ?

She just shock her head no and looked down at the ground .

But I thought he wanted to bound with his daughter and stuff

That's also what I thought but apparently not...she let out weakly , I...I'm gonna go now that this is finished .

So are we waiting for the werefox to show up or do we go home and rest ?

I think that we should all go home and rest , Derek and...Peter are both here so if he shows up they won't have too much trouble talking to him . I said confidently

I would love to go home and rest actually , but I can't ! Because if the werefox don't show up at Derek's door steps soon , the pack will try to find another way to find him...well more like to find me . And this idea is actually the less risky that they proposed so I'm willing to take this risk over another way more dangerous one .

Isn't it a bit dangerous to go home just like that , if the werefox successfully broke in Derek's loft then what's stopping him from doing the same in one of our house ?

It's true , what if he didn't attack Derek because he's kind of the co-alpha of the pack ? Maybe he'll attack us who knows ?

I-I don't think he'll attack any of us , I mean you guys may not all be alphas but you're still werefolf and I read that werefoxes are not fond of you so his instincts isn't going to push him into a fight with you...

And yet he still went to Derek's...

That's true...but it doesn't mea-

Look maybe we can go by group of two ?

Suuuuuuuure , and once the first one is home , the other need to go all the way to their house by themselves so it doesn't work !

Thank you very much for your , oh so useful comment Erica , now if you would just let me finish . The group's pick a house and they both sleep there to prevent any unnecessary dangers .

Are you sure that's a good idea , I mean it is but...My problem is that I can't sneak out if someone is in the room with me...


That's what I wanted to say , obviously I couldn't so I just stopped mid sentence . The thing is that if I didn't show up at Derek's knowing how impatient the pack is , they'll immediately assume that the plan didn't work and will change it as soon as possible . So I need to go tonight , but if I'm stuck with someone I won't be able to do that !

What's wrong with the idea Stiles ?

W-well ! I don't know how we could do decent groups...

Decent groups ?

Yeah , you know pairs that wouldn't try to kill each other over night .

Erica and me , Isaac and Allison , Scott and Stiles , Malia and Lydia...


A pretty good idea actually

Me...with Scott...oh gosh , how am I supposed to explain that I can't . Normally I wouldn't have any problems with Scott and I having a " sleepover " if you can call it that , but if he sees me sneaking out in my fox form I'm literally dead ! Knowing Scott , he'll be pissed ! And he'll say something along the line of " I'm your best friend how come you never told me that you were a werefox ! " Or " I thought you were denfenceless , how many times did you stay behind when we needed help , many of us almost died and you had the power to stop it so why didn't you do anything ?! "

I really don't want to have this discussion with him right now , plus we just got out of an argument so starting another one is just going to be a pain in the ass .

St:I think-as I was going to protest Allison cut me off

Al:I don't think it's the best way to put it . Wouldn't it be better if it was Boyd with Erica , Stiles with me , Scott with Isaac , Malia and Lydia ?

Sc:Why ?

St:Because we just got out of an argument Scott , and I don't want to create another one for now .

Sc:...I...get it , it's fine , I'll go with Isaac until everything calms down a bit and we can start to hang out like usually . I guess I kinda deserved it , have a great time . You too Allison .

St:Thanks , I looked at Allison and she was looking at Scott with loving and appreciating eyes . I was glad Scott didn't start a whole new drama about this and that he trust me to not steal Allison away from him but still let's me hang out with my best friend . Seems like he finally understood that she isn't an object . Maybe I'll give him another chance after all...


Al:Thank you Scott , and maybe...maybe we could hang out later ?

Sc:Uh..I-I would love to Allison...

Ma:Great...! Can we go now !?

Ly:Urhg ! Fine , bit you aren't allow to talk during the whole car ride .

Ma:You wish !

Is:Ok everyone ! Let's go

_______time skip , at Stiles house______

St:You already know the way , I'll go make the snacks and-

Al:I go take the spare mattress , I know what to do Stiles . We do that literally every two weeks .

St:I know Allison I'm just kidding !

Ahahah you're sooooooooo funny she responded in sarcastic tone while rolling her and leaving the kitchen to run upstairs .

I quickly prepared the snacks and put them on the table before sitting on the couch and turning on the TV . While I was trying to pick a movie that neither of us already saw I heard a loud crash upstairs . I immediately run to see what was happening and I found Allison on the floor with an arrow in her hand . There was no blood , just pieces of glass on the floor from my broken window .

St:What happened ?!

Al:I-I don't know , one second I was preparing the mattress , the other , an arrow crush your window and got stuck in the wall !

I turned around to see a deep hole in my wall , I sighed , I'll have to cover that up before my dad sees it...

St:Are you hurt ?

Al:No I'm fine , but look . She said handing me the arrow , there's a note right here but I don't know what it means . It seems to be I another language

Allison wasn't wrong , it written in another language . What she doesn't know is that it's written in a long lost dialect , it was invented for werefoxes to talk with one another without hunters understanding . But one day the hunters successfully decrypted it , so since it was useless from now on werefoxes stopped using it but it's still part of our culture to know it since it's our birth language .

St:It says..."dear werewolf if you are able to understand this it means that you are clever enough to give us a hand in our search of the werefox that lives in your woods . If you accept our proposition meet us at ************** at 8 pm on Friday ( a/n it's currently Tuesday ) , you have 3 days to think about it and if you decide not to help or if you're simply not smart enough to decrypt this letterthen we'll be force to end prematurely all of your little insignificant lives . Good luck " ...

Al:How did you know what it said ?

St:It's...uhm...it was Latin , I studied Latin so...

Al:It was not Latin Stiles , I can recognize Latin when I see it . She responded sternly

St:Latin ? Did I say Latin ? I meant French , it's french , since french is based on Latin I can get confuse sometimes...

Al:...really ?

St:Yeah totally !

Al:Stiles my family is from France , and I can speak French a little . It was clearly not french , what are you trying to hide from me ? I thought we could tell everything to each other and that we wouldn't judge . You aren't telling me everything Stiles...

St:You can speak French ! I exclaimed trying to change the subject hoping that Allison would let it go and that everything would go back to normal like nothing ever happened .


St:I-I can't tell you I'm sorry Allison...

Al:Since when ?

St:Since...the beginning

Al:So our promise meant nothing to you , it was just to have something to tell your real friends and make fun of me behind my back ? I told you.... absolutely everything about my life , everything about me ! I trusted you , if I had to choose I would've choose your life over mine ! I was willing to die for you Stiles...I guess our friendship was only one-sided .

St:Don't say that Allison , you know I would never...

Al:If you would've asked me one hour ago I would've told you that I knew you would never ever do this but now...I'm not even sure of that...


Al:Don't ! I'm leaving . She said emotionlessly , she pushed pass me and was about to leave the room when I yelled

St:Wait !

She surprisingly did , we just stood there for a minute in silence . Before Allison broke the silence by saying :

Al:What .


Al:Right , I'll be on my way now...

St:No Wait ! I'll explain everything !?

Al:Wh-What...really ?



Hey guys ! Like promised here's the new chapter , hope you liked it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ bye and see you next week !

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