《Where's Ladybug》caught


"Ok Tiki, are you ready to transform?" Marinette said to her kwami while standing in a boy's bathroom stall with Adrien.

"Ready whenever you are M'lady!"

"Ok, let's countdown! 3-2-1!" Marinette transformed, but Adrien hesitated.

"Marinette, stop!" Adrien whispered as he heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom door followed by the sound of the door swinging open.

"Adrien! What's going on here?" Chloe said while walking into the bathroom.

"Yeah Adrien, what's going on?" Said Lila, by her side. "We saw you run in here so fast with Marinette, we couldn't help but be worried!"

"M-Marinette?" Adrien said frantically inside the stall, turning his head towards Ladybug silently mouthing what they should do. "Oh, she had a bloody nose! I had to get her a tissue! She's gone by now though." Adrien said opening the stall door slightly and walking out suspiciously.

"Oh, you dropped your phone!" Chloe said walking past him towards the stall with Lila following her, who looked Adrien up and down and winking as she walked by, making Adrien uncomfortable. Adrien stepped in front of them as they approached the stall and put his arm in the way.

"I promise you, you don't need to go in there!" Adrien said convincingly.

"Why not? Your phone is in there! Fine, I'll just climb under." Chloe insisted as she shoved Adrien and climbed under the stall, grabbed the phone, and then looked up. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng? With Adrikins? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

"It's not what it looks like, I promise!" Marinette said as Chloe stood up inside of the stall, unlocking and opening the door. Marinette instantly blushed as she saw Adrien and then awkwardly waved at the angry Lila.

"Marinette? You were with Marinette? How is a girl like her with you when you could be with me? I'm more in your league, don't you think?" Lila said and then turned and stared Adrien deep in the eyes, but he quickly broke eye contact to help Marinette down from the toilet. As he lifted her down he grabbed her waist and she put her arms on his shoulders while they made deep eye contact which made them both turn bright red, but that was quickly ruined by Lila separating them and wrapping her arms around Adrien instead.

"Adrien, you are way too good for-" Lila was interrupted.

"Sorry, but we gotta go. Talk to you later!" Adrien said with a friendly smile while pushing Lila off of him and grabbing Marinette's hand and pulling her out of the bathroom, which was difficult, as Marinette could not take her angry eyes off of Lila and Chloe, who always seemed to want to ruin her life. However, Adrien could tell it satisfied Marinette to see their body language, almost identical with one hand on their hips and picking their nails in the other, with angry and irritated faces.


"Marinette, why did you transform back?" Adrien questioned Marinette as they ran to the girl's bathroom this time to transform.

"They knew you went in there with Marinette, and therefore they could've figured out I'm Ladybug. I had no choice, I didn't mean to humiliate you like that. I'm sorry. " Marinette said looking downwards to the side with an embarrassed and guilty expression.

"M'Lady, you did anything but embarrass me. I don't mind them thinking we're an item anyways! We are, aren't we?" Adrien looked to the side and winked at Marinette running next to him. Marinette blushed and her downhearted face turned to a familiar gentle smile.

"Y-yeah, you're great! I mean, that sounds great!" Marinette said and then looked at Adrien and they both laughed.

Adrien and Marinette arrived at the boy's bathroom. "Okay, we gotta go quick this time M'lady! Plagg claws out!" Adrien said.

"Tiki spots on!" The duo transformed and then ran out.

"Oh my gosh! Ladybug and Cat Noir!" Ayla said running down the hall towards them pulling Nino behind her.

"We'd love to stick around and chat, but this cats busy!" Chat said to Ayla as he ran past her. They made their way to the front of the school and spotted the senti-monster, which was much closer now on the next block. As they thought, it was Juleka, surrounded by Parisians now disguised as reflekdols. They ran dodging her bullets that would turn them into relekdols too, which would make it a lot harder to fight. However, since they had already fought Juleka, it was quite easy compared to other akumanizations. Ladybug used her lucky charm and got a large coin which they used to unscrew the back of her head, and then climb in to take it down from the inside, and then they captured and released the feather. It was significantly easier this time, however, as they had their powers and weren't distracted learning the skills their partner had already mastered.

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat said after defeating relekdol and setting Paris back to normal. However, this feeling wasn't as satisfying as usual, as now they knew their job as Paris's superheroes was not over like they thought it was.

"Who do you think Mayura could be, M'lady?" Chat asked Ladybug as they walked back to the school where they would transform back.


"I don't know. We'll find out sooner or later, we just need to give her a reason to come out of hiding, or find her ourselves. Perhaps since she worked with Hawkmoth she could be associated with Gabriel Agreste. As long as we are smart about this we should be able to figure out her identity sooner rather than later." Ladybug said confidently. Chat's mind ran straight to Natalie. She had known all along that his father was Hawkmoth, or at least since that day he overheard their conversation.

"It has to be Natalie! She has known my father's identity all along and has always been so close with him!" Chat insisted confidently.

"Okay, well we should go back to Hawkmoth's lair then right?"

"I would assume so, but we still have the rest of school, let's go right after!" Chat said as they walked towards the school with many students behind them who were just transformed back to their normal selves. Once Chat and Ladybug got inside, they checked around them and then ran back to the girl's bathroom to transform back. They got in a stall and closed the door.

"Okay Adrien, are you rea-" Ladybug was interrupted by Chat pushing Ladybug against the stall wall and moving his lips close to her ear.

"We have time M'lady." Chat whispered in her ear and moved his head back to look into Ladybug's eyes while waiting for a response. Ladybug pushed him into the other stall wall without hesitation and kissed him. Chat's heart started beating so fast as they slowly made out and he felt his cheeks turn hot. Chat's hands here on her hips and hers were around his shoulders, and then quickly the making out got faster and more aggressive. They moved from their standing positions to sitting down, with Ladybug on Chat's lap still against the stall wall. But Chat and Ladybug quickly pulled back and stood up when they heard the bathroom door open.

"Marinette, Marinette?" Ayla said walking down the row of stalls to the closed one which they were in. "You're missing class girl, what are you doing?"

"Tiki spots off." Ladybug whispered and transformed back.

"Please don't tell me you're in there with Adrien again, we all heard about what happened earlier!" Ayla said while knocking on the door.

"I-I'm just feeling sick, I'm fine now though!" Marinette said, but this time it was Chat she was motioning to get on the toilet. Marinette opened the door slightly and peered around it to look at Ayla. What if she finds me? Should I transform back? No, it's too late for that now, I could be caught! Ayla really came at the worst moment. Chat thought.

"Okay move. Did you think I came to the bathroom just for you girl?" Ayla said in a jokingly sassy tone while pushing Marinette to the side. Chat didn't know what to do. She would hear if she moved and it was too late to transform. Ayla opened the door and Chat made eye contact with her shocked eyes. "Cat Noir?" Ayla said looking at both of them. "Wait, aren't you and Adrien like official now?"

"This isn't what it looks like!" Marinette said frantically.

"Wait, if you're dating Adrien, and Cat Noir does that mean..." Ayla looked straight at Chat. Chat could feel his nervous look becoming more obvious. "Cat Noir and Adrien are the same person!" Ayla screamed in a proud voice of discovery. Chat and Marinette looked at each other with looks of distress, not knowing what to say or do.

Thank you all so much for reading! I'm so sorry for the delay in this chapter but I didn't have time to proofread and post yesterday. If you are liking this story please vote or comment because your feedback means so much to me! There will be one last chapter which I will release as soon as possible. After that, I will write many new fan-fictions and other stories. This amazing fan art is by xAllyxCatx on DeviantArt and is gorgeous! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!

Here's a quick disclaimer, I do not own any part of Miraculous Ladybug.

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