《Where's Ladybug》my marinette


Adrien stared at his father stunned. "Father, b-but-"

"This is non-negotiable."

Adrien sighed deeply, and walked out the door, avoiding all eye contact with his father, cause he knew just looking at him would break him. Right when Adrien got outside he sprinted to an alley. "Plagg we have to tell Ladybug he's moving, and that we have to attack before he does!"

"And what's your excuse gonna be for how you know?"

"I'll say I was snooping and saw that the Agreste's mansion was for sale. Plagg claws out!" Cat Noir dialed Ladybug. "M'lady we've got an issue. The Agreste's are moving this weekend!"

"And how would you know that?"

"I saw their house was for sale online! They are moving out this Saturday."

"What! That's only a couple days for us to capture him! Oh gosh this is a disaster!"

"Let's attack tonight, and if he's not in his form as Hawkmoth we attack my fa- Gabriel Agreste."

"Ok sounds good meet me at my bakery at nine."

"Ok Marinette! Do you mind if I call you that now?"

"No, what if someone heard!"

"Fine, see you soon M- Marinette! M'mari, that's what I'll call you, M'mari!"

"That's charming kitty, but I gotta go!"

"Plagg, claws in. Ok Plagg lets get going we really can't be late to school! This is the first day of our plan."

"What plan?"

"To make Marinette fall for me! As Adrien, or Cat Noir! She has to love one!"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What are you talking about, it's perfect! What could possibly go wrong?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Just be careful you can't give her any hints about who you are."

Adrien nodded, and could see the front door of his school getting closer. Adrien took a deep breath, and walked in. Adrien saw Marinette talking to Alya in the courtyard, and he approached them; "Hey Ayla, hey M'l- Marinette!"


"Hey Adrien! Why are you here so early?" Marinette said.

"Oh, just woke up early I guess!" Confidence, confidence. Adrien had to be bold. "Your hair looks beautiful today, Marinette!"

"Thank you, Adrien!" Marinette replied softly, but confidently. Adrien was used to her stumbling over her words but right now she wasn't. He wondered why.

"Looks like someone learned how to talk to Adrien!" Adrien heard Ayla mumble to Marinette.

Adrien giggled. "Well I gotta go. I'll catch you guys later" He snuck a wink at Marinette and then walked to class. He looked back at Marinette as he was walking away and she was staring at him, completely speechless. He wondered if he was doing the right thing, but he knew that he had to make Marinette fall in love with him for who he really is. When everyone got to class, he felt like Marinette wasn't paying as much attention to him as she usually does. He wondered if it had anything to do with his earlier actions, but his earlier actions should've helped, right? As class went on Adrien got more and more worried. Usually Marinette looked back at him often, blushed, and then quickly turned away. Today, she barely made eye contact. He decided he would talk to her after class, soon the time came and as she was walking out, Adrien said, "Marinette! Can I talk to you?"

"Yes Adrien?"

Gosh her eyes are beautiful. Her voice is so angelic. How does her hair fall so perfectly behind her shoulders? Adrien got lost staring at her and had to wake himself up. "Do you want to go to the movies with me tomorrow?"

"Yeah definitely Adrien! I would love to go to the movies with a friend like you!" Marinette said, and then Adrien could see Ayla giving Marinette a death stare.

"Great! Can't wait." Adrien's stomach dropped. A friend. A friend! Adrien thought to himself. All that and she still sees me as just a friend! Then Adrien remembered something. I've said that a lot to Marinette, in my mind, she was always a friend. But in her mind I was more than that! How could I be so clueless! Adrien walked out of class feeling defeated, as when he finally realized his feelings for Marinette, she no longer felt the same. "Will she ever love me again, Plagg?" Adrien asked.




"Well at least now you can still make her fall as Cat Noir, right?"

"Yeah, I guess." Adrien said, tiredly. So much was going on in his life and he was having a hard time keeping track of everything.

That night Cat Noir arrived at Marinette's house early before the sunset, and knocked on her window.

"Cat Noir! What are you doing here?" Marinette asked from her bed.

"I forgot to ask you, M'lady, what did you tell your parents about where you were?"

"I told them I was on a trip with my cousin that I thought they knew about. Now answer my question! What are you doing here?"

"I didn't think you could stand another waking minute without me!" Cat Noir said while lowering himself into her room and onto her bed. "And we also have make a plan about what we are going to do about Hawkmoth." Adrien said confidently while staring into Marinette's radiant eyes, which were looking at him differently than they usually did, more like a lover's gaze then a friendly stare. Cat Noir gazed back.

"Oh- oh ri-right! The plan!" Marinette said quickly. "So if Gabriel is going to be home tonight, we have to figure out a way to see if he's in his lair or not. We'll do that by one of us checking the house and one checking the lair, and once we figure that out, we call each other, and then we attack! Preferably, he will not be hawkmoth because then it will be a lot easier to take his Miraculous."

"Ok great plan Mari, let's leave when it's dark. I'll check the house. I've always wanted to see the inside of that grand mansion!" Cat Noir said this knowing he could transform back to Adrien and find his father without raising any suspicion.

"Ok! This isn't gonna be easy but if we work together and stick to the plan I think we can do it." Marinette said this looking worried, as she knew how risky this all was but it was their only option. Changing the subject as she could feel both of their stress, Marinette asked, "What should we do until then! We have another hour before it's even dark enough to leave."

"Come on, I have an idea." Cat Noir said while climbing out of Marinette's window and lowering his hand to pull her up. Once they got to the patio Cat Noir held her by her waist and they went from rooftop to rooftop till they got to one old building overlooking the city, with the sun setting behind it. "Isn't it beautiful, Marinette?"

"It's breathtaking."

Cat Noir turned his head to look at Marinette, oh how the sun reflected perfectly off her hair. Marinette turned her head towards Cat Noir, and they looked deeply into each others eyes, as if they had known each other forever.

"Marinette, now that I know who you are can I ask you something?" Chat asked, seriously.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Do you remember that boy you told me about awhile ago? The boy you loved? Do you still love him?" Cat Noir said, knowing that boy was him, Adrien.

"I'll always love him, but not in that way anymore. It was too painful loving him, so I had to give up. He really is just a great friend now."

"Marinette, do you think you could ever love me?"

"I already do, Cat Noir." Marinette said while lowering her head to Chat's shoulder, and placing her hand on his other shoulder. Chat put his arm around Marinette, wishing he could be there forever.

Under his breath, Chat whispered, "I love you, my Marinette."

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