《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 48 - Father


Now at 13 years of age, Abhimanyu was preparing to depart from the palace, towards Gurukul. Although he had basic trainings in all fields and as a Rajkumar(Prince) he could have been taught everything at the palace itself, Gurukul is a residential school where everybody will be treated equally regardless of their title, which in turn will help children to grow as a better person without arrogance or head weight.

After knowing the reason from his mother, Abhimanyu agreed to go for Gurukul. For the past few years, the relationship between Abhimanyu and his father had grown distant. Abhimanyu just observed his parents' meetings which usually included him in the picture. And with the half information that he got, he felt himself the need to protect and shower his mother in his love, which eventually lead to a notable distance between him and his father.

Anamika noticed his changed behavior towards his father only after some time. She remembered that incident very clearly and got to know that subconsciously her son is getting affected by their relationship.

(3 years ago)

When she got sick and had to take bed rest, Abhimanyu stayed with her all the time even skipping his classes.

When Pratap heard about Anamika being sick, he dismissed the court and immediately rushed to her chamber. He was thinking about how she got sick suddenly since he checked upon her last night as well. Then he concluded that maybe because he usually just look at her from a distance and didn't touch her to check her health. Anamika was not able to open her eyes, when he reached near her bed and touched her forehead to check her fever.

Pratap asked the Vaidhji(doctor), about her health. To which he replied that she is caught up with viral fever but no need to worry as it goes away with the help of medicines. Hearing that Pratap calmed down and went near his son who is sitting beside his mother on the bed, all the time holding her hand.


Although his son didn't cry and show his grief, Pratap could understand that he is very much affected by seeing his brave mother weak. So he kept his hand on his son's head and caressed him and said, "Don't worry. Your mother will get recovered quickly."

It was difficult even for Pratap as it is very rare to see Anamika getting sick and that too being too weak to get off the bed. He came out of his thoughts when he felt his hand being removed rather harshly by his son. "You go away. I will take care of my mother. I'm old enough to take care of her", Abhimanyu said rudely. "Watch whom you are talking to Abhimanyu. I'm your father, not your servant. Learn to respect your elders", Pratap condemned him.

"I know that, Maasa will not like you near her. So don't disturb her", after hearing Abhimanyu's words, Pratap felt like he has been punched in his guts. He just wanted to be near Anamika but his son didn't want him near her.

Anamika was barely conscious but she was able to hear their conversation. She thought of talking to Abhimanyu after she recovered. Right now she could only see Pratap leaving her chamber with unshed tears.

Pratap didn't want to create a scene in front of all, so he didn't argue with his son and left the chamber. May be in some corner of his heart, he knew that his son's words were true. But he cannot just leave Anamika just because of his guilt. This is not the right time for that. So he would go to her chamber at night and stay awake for the nights till she got well. Since Abhimanyu was still a child, he cannot control his sleep at nights.

After a week, Anamika got well and they got back to their routine. One night before going to sleep, Anamika asked Abhimanyu, "My Sher! I heard your talk with your father when I was unwell. Why did you talk in that way? ".


"Maasa! I have noticed that your actions will change if babasa arrives at that place. Even your smile will vanish. He might have done something bad right, otherwise neither you will be unhappy nor he would try to be near you with one or the other reasons. So even I don't like him", Abhimanyu answered as mature as a 10 year old could.

Anamika listened to him calmly and said after pondering over her words, "My Sher! I know you have grown up but not that much. So Listen to me carefully." When he gave her his whole attention, she continued, "Yes, Me and your father have some differences. We had some fights. But remember one thing, he is the best father you and your sisters could ever get. Tell me, didn't your father fulfilled all your wishes and even your sister's? Even in his busy work schedule, he would take time out for you and your sister. Am I right? ".

Abhimanyu nodded at her and she said, "So whatever the issue is between your parents, you should never disrespect your father. Remember that, regardless of your personal differences, he is elder to you. So always respect your elders". Abhimanyu agreed to her and went to meet his father to apologize for his misbehavior. He accepted his mother's words but still his view about his father couldn't be changed, which actually changed the dynamics of the father-son relationship.

Abhimanyu had always idolized Lord Ram and his love and commitment towards his wife, even when they were not together. That is because of his mother, who would recite Ramayana everyday.

And when he came to know that his father had another wife, he couldn't accept that his father was wrong. Only thing he could do now is, be determined to not be like his father.

Anamika wondered, what will he do, if he had seen his mother's sufferings. She could only wish that he would keep his calm, when he knows the entire truth in the future. The truth behind his parents broken relationship.

Since Abhimnayu was leaving for Gurukul, all his sisters came to the palace to send him off.


Precap: Pratap's daughters. Abhimanyu come back from Gurukul. Pratap and Anamika Final conversation?

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