《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 47 - Mother


As a 5 year old boy, Abhimanyu didn't know why his sister was not with him in his chamber along with his mother. But now as a 10 year old boy, he knew how his sister is different from him. And he was initially shocked that how come two people can have same father but different mother, since the society he saw has only one wife for a man.

Later he came to know about how the law was implemented and how his father had another wife after his mother. Getting these information is not that big of a deal for a yuvraj. After that the image of his father and mother being an ideal couple broke for him. Now he can only visualize his father as a brave warrior, a good leader and last but not least, a good father. Nothing more. Thereafter he seemed to notice certain things which showed how distant his parents were and how his father is trying to get back his mother after every rejection from her.

Still he shares the same chamber with his mother. He vaguely remembers his grandfather who passed away 5 years ago. Initially he used to get upset seeing his paternal grandmother spending time only with his sister and expected that once the latter got married 2 years ago, she would show him love and affection. But his grandmother would never even stand in the same space as him, even after that.

Though he is not given the complete reason for that, he came to know that it is because of his grandfather's punishment for her deeds against his mother. After which he hardly cared about her existence.

Abhimanyu came to his shared chamber with his mother, after his sword practice, only to find his mother crying silently. He immediately rushed to her and sat beside her and wiped her tears. He asked, "What happened Maasa? Why are you crying?". Anamika looked at him and smiled along with the tears. Today she attended a wedding on her way back from temple, since the people requested her.


While looking at the couple, she remembered that if her first child was alive then he/she would also be at this age right now. After coming back to her chamber, she let her tears flow which she had controlled for 10 years now.

Now looking at her son, she consoled herself so that he would never come to know about this. She would always have a special place in her heart for her first child. Anamika wiped her eyes and told Abhimanyu, "Nothing my Sher. I just remembered something but nothing to worry about". Abhimanyu was still looking at his mother who was trying to smile, just for him.

Without saying anything, he just hugged his mother and said, "Maasa! I can never see your tears. And I would never leave anyone if they hurt you." Anamika just smiled at his words but soon it vanished hearing his next words which was not intended for her to hear. "Even of its Babasa", Abhimanyu whispered.

On the other hand, Pratap has proved to be a better ruler than his father. And managing a vast kingdom than his father, was difficult initially which took away most of his time. But later on, he has assigned Governors for each province while he overlooks their works. To avoid monopoly of power with the Governors in a province, Governors will be changed every year and a single person can serve as Governor for a second term only with an interval of five years.

Since the implementation of the new law ten years ago, the people got gradually accustomed to the new norms. And so, Pratap also started openly consulting with Anamika in state matters as well, which is making the people understand, how useful and normal is to educate a girl. Although more than half of the women population is getting trained in weaponry under Anamika's as well as her assistant's supervision, they are still not educated and recognized as equal to a man in any fields. Even the weapon training is also preferred by common families because it could be useful for self defence. Now it is slowly changing. It's not the right to work, that the women want. It's just the equality at home which they want. (Only in Ancient perspective, since such a huge revolution is not possible in just a decade.)


While everyone's life is progressing, there is one person who wishes that she could undo her sins. It is none other than Pratap's mother. She has lost her husband, son and grandson emotionally long back. But God didn't consider that her sins were paid back. So he took away her husband from this world and let her suffer with loneliness at her old age, deprived of even the physical presence of her life partner. Now she could understand clearly, what loneliness would be like, without your life partner. What it would be like to have meals, without sharing it with that person. But still she is on the better side where she doesn't have to think about her husband being with another woman.

Generally, at this point of life, old age people will wish to spend time with their grandchildren. And here she is, who is not able to even touch yet grandson once. May be she will never get any chance to do that in this lifetime. Soon it will be time for Abhimanyu to leave for Gurukul to excel in education and warfare. And she may not be there when he returns.


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