《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 45 - Parents


It has been few months since the prince was born. And the entire palace is always vibrant from his laughs and antics. In fact, Abhimanyu is the one who is more busy, after his father. He has his entire day scheduled, morning he will need his mother for everything including his bath, then one hour with his grandfather after which he will cry for his mother and sleeping for some hours and then playing in the garden with his mother and few months older sister who is his only sister not married and then dinner with his entire family while still his grandmother is kept far away and then approximately an hour with his father in his nursery with his mother nearby them. That's how busy Abhimanyu's schedule is. Although his father would come to see him at times whenever he gets time, and even join him during his play time in the garden with his sister, the night time for the father-son is fixed by his mother to give them both a proper time for bonding everyday.

Anamika didn't want her son to miss anything in his life, due to his parents issues. Anamika thought that she will make sure that they spend sometime together as any normal family atleast for their son's sake. And they have already cleared about their boundaries, so it won't be awkward.

Anamika found it difficult at times, to handle such a small baby, although generally maids do all the works in royal families, she wanted to do everything for her son by herself. So her mother Sunaina stayed for some more time than intended and taught her everything including how to give bath to a baby. Finally she departed from the palace, even after insistence from both Pratap and Anamika to shift here forever. Sunaina was actually disappointed with her daughter for not accepting her husband that too when the second wife is not in the picture. And she also knew that Anamika has a mind of her own to take her decisions herself, so she didn't bring up that matter anymore. As long as her daughter is happy with her decisions, she is also happy.

The maids working in Anamika's chamber for all these years, were literally shocked on seeing their Ranisa smiling, laughing, giggling at the antics of their Rajkumar(Prince) because they were so used to the emotionless and cold bahuranisa all these years. They have even been afraid of her and at the same time felt pity.


Till now, Anamika didn't feel the need to let her emotions out since there was no one to be called as her own. But now she has someone who is her own and she felt alive. And the small nagging feeling of shame since she accepted to give the heir for Pratap, is also vanished.

It was night time already and Pratap came to see Abhimanyu in Anamika's chamber. After playing with his father for sometime, Abhimanyu just played with his toys. Anamika was in her own thoughts while her eyes were not leaving her son. Pratap noticed this and asked her, "What is the problem, Ranisa? "

To which she replied, "I'm ready". It took some time for Pratap to understand what she is saying. She was trying to do this in the past months but she couldn't bring herself to do it. But now it's time to finish it once and for all. Pratap replied, "Ok. Tomorrow we shall go. Check for Abhimanyu's sleeping time then we will leave in disguise". Anamika nodded at him.

Pratap left the chamber but not before glancing at the balcony once. He had gifted her the swing, during the baby shower ceremony but she had never even touched the swing. Maids are not allowed to enter the balcony as it is Anamika's order to have her privacy.

The night ended as usual and the next morning came with a motivation for Anamika to finish off the pending business. Once Abhimanyu was asleep, both Pratap and Anamika wore their dresses which is used during sword practice so that they can cover their faces and also ride the horse and left the palace. Once they reached the nearby village market, Pratap kept tied their horses to a tree and started walking with Anamika following him just behind.

When they reached a place behind the market without a single living being, Pratap looked around once and opened a wooden door on the ground which is covered with sand so that no one could identify it. The door opened to reveal stairs and Pratap asked Anamika to get in first which she followed. Once both are inside, Pratap closed the door which made the entire place dark as if it's night time and not day. Anamika whispered, "Ranasa". Pratap knew that she is somewhat scared of this darkness, so he immediately took the oil lamp kept at the usual place, lighted it on and led the way.


Once they came inside, Anamika saw a soldier in front of a door, precisely guarding it and there was fire lit in the fire holder near him. Once he saw the two people with covered faces, he identified the king immediately but was wary of the other person. So both Pratap and Anamika removed their face covers and then the guard bowed to both of them and greeted them. Pratap nodded at him to open the door which he complied.

Once they are inside, the door was closed. Anamika was able to see a lean figure through the lamp which Pratap was holding, other wise there is no other source of light. The figure slept on the floor with both hands and feet tied, cannot be recognized as the person whom Anamika saw a few months back. The weight loss was too much visible and some wounds unattended all over the body was very unsightly.

Seeing the wounds, Anamika looked at Pratap, who was still looking at that person. He realized her gaze on him and looked at her. He knew what she was asking, "I didn't lay my hands on her. I just commanded what all to be done to the guards who take charge alternatively. She is being fed only one time per day."

She nodded at him and looked at that person who is waking up. She looked at the persons in front of her. It took some time for her to recognize them. When she found out that Anamika is also there, she started to beg for forgiveness. "Please forgive me. I just wanted to keep my daughter's life and her kids safe and secure. I will not repeat the mistake again", hearing her fake apology with crocodile tears, although Pratap was enraged, he didn't want to interfere whatever Anamika wanted to do. Also, he made sure that no information from the outside world reaches her. Because of which she is still unaware of her husband as well as daughter's demise.

Anamika said, "You don't have to fake anything now. I very well know about your greed for power and control. Even the things you did behind your husband's back, I know everything. Your plan was, once you and your husband capture our kingdom, you will eliminate your husband and take over everything. Wasn't it? ".

Hearing Anamika's words, Meenavathi gasped. May be she is not the only person in the room to be shocked. "I might have forgiven you, if you have tried to kill me. But trying to harm my child, is not even a matter to be considered for forgiveness. And most importantly, you have committed the unforgivable sin by killing my first child years ago. I would make sure that you live in hell on earth", Anamika finished with rage in her eyes contradicting the calmness in her voice.

Meenavathi was shocked as to how come they knew about this. Now she is sure that she will never be able to get out of this dungeon. "You would be wondering how I came to know about this? I will answer your question. The one who unveiled the truth is none other than your daughter, Saudamini. On her death bed, right after your husband".

Hearing her last words, Meenavathi was shocked but her eyes held no sadness, which is not a shocking thing for the other two. Anamika continued, "I really thought that her death was your karma for killing my child. But then again it wouldn't affect a mother only in name. So I'm going to punish you myself. These physical punishments will continue but I think you should be punished mentally as well. And what could be better than seeing my son ascending the throne and rule over? Don't you think so".

Meenavathi couldn't accept that someone other than her would be ascending the throne. Even at this stage, her lust and greed for power was overpowering her senses. She was just murmuring 'no' like a mad woman. While Anamika left her to her thoughts and left the room with Pratap.

After coming out of the place and covering the door with sand again, Pratap asked Anamika, "How did you know about her intentions to kill her husband, Ranisa?". To which Anamika replied, "Actually it was a guess from my side which Meenavathi herself confirmed just now, Ranasa".

Pratap just chuckled at that and both went back to the palace.


Hi Guys,

I thought of updating yesterday itself but chapter was only half written. So updating today.

For those who wished me luck for my interview last week, my interview went well and got another interview call as well which was also good. I'm expecting offers by next week, so I will let you all know. Thanks once again.

Do vote and comment if you like the chapter.



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