《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 42 - Law


The naming ceremony ended joyously and the next day came with the crowning ceremony planned. The entire kingdom was decorated like a festival week has been going on. As per Ranasa's orders, gold coins were distributed to their subjects and also the newly conquered kingdoms. It was not a difficult task for them as the newly conquered kingdom's treasury is also acquired.

The crowning ceremony started with a puja and then Yuvraj Pratap Singh Rathod came after taking a milk bath and sat for the puja. Once puja is done, yuvraj was asked to get ready with the new set of clothes made for the king. On the other hand, Anamika was also prepared for her crowning as Ranisa by her maids. Whereas Abhimanyu was all ready for attending his father's and mother's crowning ceremony.

When both Anamika and Pratap reached the courtroom together, dressed as King and Queen, Ranasa felt proud that he was handing over the kingdom to capable people, after him. Ranasa kept the crown on Yuvraj's head making him the new Ranasa. Pratap sat on the throne and gave a hand to Anamika which she accepted and sat beside him on the throne, although generally women sit behind the screens or on the balcony of the courtroom. Then Pratap placed the crown of Ranisa on Anamika's head, making her the new Ranisa. Anamika's mother, Sunaina held Abhimanyu in her arms, the whole time.

Once both Pratap and Anamika settled on their throne, he signalled others to take their seats and even his father was offered a seat which he rejected and went away from the courtroom as he want to be away from politics. Everyone expected Pratap to announce Abhimanyu as the next yuvraj but he said, "I know that the first announcement from your Ranasa after the crowning ceremony is held high importance. And generally that would be the announcement of the next yuvraj as per traditions. But my son is barely a year old, and I don't want to push a responsibility on him which he don't even understand. So, the announcement of yuvraj will happen after a few years".


His family members were already aware of his this decision, so it was not as much of a surprise to them as for the court ministers. Pratap continued, "At the same time, I am going to implement a law which is going to break the age old traditions and I'm sure this law will be written in history".

He continued, "The new law would be that hereafter polygamy is illegal. Every man must have only one wife, if he wants to marry. I know that there are some valid reasons for people to go for marrying more than one woman. One, if the wife is dead, he is allowed to marry again. Two, if the couple couldn't have a child or heir and if they are willing then they can go for adoption. If they are not willing for adoption, the man can marry again but only after relieving his wife from his marriage. The wife will be sent to the Ashram(Orphanage) which will be specially built for women either widows or the ones relieved from first marriage, where they will learn handicrafts and other works through which they can earn on their own."

The Ashram was suggested by Anamika knowing that they cannot push some men who are in obsession of male heirs, to kill their wives just to get remarried. The court ministers although sceptical about this new law, felt relieved that they have a choice in case of heir. Looking at the courtroom for any defiance of his orders, Pratap continued, "For the implementation of this law, there are some other laws which are to be implemented following this one. That is legalization of adoption and adopted heirs having inheritance, legalizing female heirs and-", till now the entire court was silent. But soon the silence turned into chaos when Pratap finished his statement, "legalizing remarriage for women either widows or those relieved from previous marriages".


Even Anamika was surprised as Pratap didn't tell anything about this to her. Pratap showed his hand to the people, signaling them to be silent and said, "I know that this was not expected by you people. But if I'm giving a way for men to remarry for heirs then there should be an equal opportunity given for women to remarry. You should be glad that the remarriage option is given for widows and those relieved from marriages, not the ones who don't like their husbands."

Everybody silently accepted his order and then Pratap closed the court for the day. The remaining day went by sending off the guests and all this time, Abhimanyu was either with his grandfather or maternal grandmother. Once all the guests went off, Pratap and Anamika were returning to their chamber. When they were about to part ways from the corridor, Pratap turned to look at Anamika to say Good night. But before that Anamika asked him, "Yuv- sorry Ranasa, Why didn't you tell them that it was me asking to implement the law through my promise? It would have been easier to shut them up".

Pratap replied, "No Anamika, Even now some of them just accepted the new law because the king had ordered it. But if they come to know that it is because of the queen, then they will rebel and revolt against the kingdom because they don't want to serve a woman's orders. Now is not the time to reveal this. We will reveal this at a later point of time."

"What if they don't accept it even later?", Anamika asked. To which he replied, "By that time, people will start living, abiding by the new laws. And there will be more people who would get benefitted by this law than the ones who oppose it. So it would become easier."

Anamika nodded at him and said, "Good night, yuv- Ranasa". Pratap replied to her and they were about to go to their chambers when they heard a voice from behind, "Pratap! Bhabhisa!". They turned to the voice and saw the person who is a close friend of Pratap, greeting them in a different style.

Both Pratap and Anamika welcomed him who reached late for the ceremony. After all that is expected of a traveller, adventurer and trader who roams around the world. Anamika joined her hands and greeted him with her ever so formal smile whereas Pratap hugged him and welcomed him. Anamika took her leave from the duo and left for the night. Pratap and his friend left for his chamber to discuss life, afterall they are meeting after several years.



Bhabhisa - Elder sister-in-law

Devar - Brother-in-law

Precap: Pratap's pov

Thought of giving Pratap's pov in this chapter itself but got it dragged.

Hereafter, I will use "Pratap" instead of "Yuvraj" and whenever others address him, it would be "Ranasa".



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