《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 38 - Celebration


It has been 5 days since Saudamini's death and today is the naming ceremony of the heir. And tomorrow will be the crowning ceremony of yuvraj. Though it should have been mourning time for the kingdom, Ranasa didn't want the time of celebration for the birth of his grandson to be hampered by the death of such a person. Ranasa when got to know about Saudamini's last words and later the detailed explanation that yuvraj and Ranisa got to know from Mala who is Saudamini's head maid, he didn't even want the kingdom to mourn for her.

Moreover, all the neighboring kings have already reached for the celebration so they cannot stop this ceremony and let them know about the attack in the palace which would make them seem weak. The reason given to the subjects of the kingdom and others, regarding Saudamini's death was that her father didn't like Anamika giving heir to the kingdom and in his anger, he killed his own daughter, for which he was killed by yuvraj immediately. And it was told that Saudamini's mother is put in prison for helping her father as no one know whether she came with her husband or not. The series of attacks done by him and his wife were not revealed.

Now it is the day of naming ceremony and all the arrangements are going on in full fledge. Nobody seems to be dull or sad. In fact, the entire existence of Saudamini seems to be forgotten. Soon Pandit ji arrived for naming the baby and the fire was lit for the puja. Soon all the kings and queens took their respective seats arranged on the sides while the puja was happening in the middle.

Then Ranasa and Ranisa arrived and other kings and queens stood up for a moment and greeted them. Ranasa's health has been recovered though the treatment for the wound is still going on. After chanting mantras for sometime, pandit ji called for yuvraj and badi bahuranisa to come with the baby as it is the auspicious time. Sunaina went to call them both.

Soon after she went, Yuvraj and Anamika came with their child. Even though both yuvraj and Anamika look younger than their actual age, today the show stealer is none other than their combined version. For a few days old baby, he is quite active. Looking at the trio, once again the kings and queens stood up and bowed their heads a little and greeted them. After all the power couple is here with a last feather to their crown, in their arms.

Yuvraj and Anamika sat in the puja with their child in Anamika's lap. Both their faces express their uncontrollable joy, which they are feeling by just looking at their child. The other children were sitting along with Ranasa and Ranisa while a maid handed over the last child to Ranisa. Pandit ji asked both Yuvraj and Anamika to chant some mantras and put tilak(holy red paste like bindi) on baby's forehead as a blessing. Then he asked the couple, "What is the name, you want to keep for our RajKumar yuvraj? "


Both Yuvraj and Anamika smiled at his question and looked at each other for a second. Yuvraj noticed how her smile faltered and she quickly masked her emotions and put a smile on her face again. He knew what she might have thought about.


It has been two years since their marriage and Ranisa has started taunting Anamika for not able to conceive a baby. Though Anamika is a bold lady and answers back any person if they are trying to demean her, she was not able to even look Ranisa in the eyes because she herself wanted to become a mother and don't know what is the problem with her.

That night when yuvraj entered her chamber, he was surprised to see the room immersed in darkness. He called for the maids and asked them angrily as to why it is dark in the room. The maids informed him that it is Bahuranisa's order to clear out the fire. Though he could guess the reason, he asked the maids to lit up the fire in all the places.

The maids went out after their work is done and Yuvraj looked at Anamika who is sitting on the bed with her head down hugging her legs. He couldn't see her face but he knows that she has cried a lot or may be even crying right now.

Slowly he went near her and sat on the bed. He took her hands in his and asked her to look at him. She shook her head as she knew that he doesn't like tears in her eyes. And once again in an impulse, he would have an argument with his mother which she doesn't want.

When she didn't look up, he forcefully made her look up. She looked at his eyes which were very stern. Before he could leave for his mother's chamber or lecture her about not taking the taunts to her heart, she hugged him tightly. They were like this for some time and when she was sure that he had calmed down, she left his embrace.

"Sorry Pratap! I know that she is doing this intentionally to hurt me. But I couldn't help but feel hurt as even we are trying for a baby since our wedding but still I'm unable to conceive. I feel like I'm having some issues with my body because of which I'm not able to give you a baby", Anamika poured her thoughts out.

"Anamika, I have always consoled you saying that it may not be the right time and that's why God has not blessed us with a child. But today I'm not going to console you", when yuvraj said this, Anamika looked at him surprised. Because he never left her alone before lifting her spirits up by encouraging her.


"Why do you think it's your body that has issues? It may be my body that has issues as well right", Yuvraj said and looked at her shocked eyes and chuckled. "Yuvraj! please don't speak like that. If somebody even spread a rumour about this, then our people will not respect you and they will feel unsafe without a heir as there would be a large threat from other kingdoms."

"Exactly Anamika. Even I'm afraid for that reason. That's why I'm sharing my fears with you, who wouldn't judge me. And if not for the kingdom, I wouldn't even think about a child as we both are enough for each other", yuvraj said smilingly. Anamika finally smiled at him and thought that, she could go through any hurdles and can handle any kind of stress, just for this person in front of her.

Seeing her smiling, yuvraj continued with his mission of lifting up her mood and said, "Now leave all this aside. What should we name our child? And how should we decorate their room? Because we should be ready right, may be I won't get time then. So let's decide right now".

Anamika smiled at him and said, "I have already thought about this. I will name my prince as 'Abhimanyu'. My Abhi. How is it, Pratap? ", she looked at him eagerly. Yuvraj frowned at her and said, "What if it's a princess? How can you be so biased Anamika? Didn't you think of a name for our princess? ". She just rolled her eyes at his fake offended question and said, "I thought you would like to name our daughter. That's why I didn't think about that. If you want, I will choose a name for her as well."

"No. I will name our princess. In fact, I have already chosen a name for her", Yuvraj said and looked at her curious eyes and said, "It's 'Anamika the second'. How is it? " Anamika just looked at him for a second to check whether he is serious or not and when she confirmed that he is serious, she started laughing loudly.

Yuvraj frowned at her as she is laughing continuously without a break. When she calmed down, she looked at his pouting expression and said, "Pratap, how did you get this unique name? " He looked at her for her sarcastic comment and said, "You are not accepting the name for our princess. So I'm leaving right now".

When he started to get up, she pulled him again and said, "OK fine. Just imagine that we named her as you said. Then how will you call her. If you call 'Anamika', we both will get confused right". She tried to make sense into his mind but he replied, "No, I will just call her princess. That's it. Problem solved".

She looked at him in disbelief and said, "So you mean to say that we will have only one daughter? ". "Yes! We can have any number of sons but only one daughter. I don't want to share my love for my princess with others", yuvraj replied. "But the 'others' will also be our children only right", Anamika argued.

"Now leave all this. Why are we arguing about this. First we should concentrate on how to make our children. Then we will argue about this", saying this yuvraj leaned towards her. Anamika said, "But you asked about the room decorations as well right".

"That we will talk after some time", he blew off the fire in the bedside lamp. And after they came out of their marital bliss, Anamika explained about her ideas for the baby's room. When she looked at him, he already slept. She thought he didn't listen her words and slept after that.

back End

Pandit ji looked at both Yuvraj and Anamika, who were lost in their thoughts and said loudly, "Yuvraj!", to bring them out of their thoughts. When they looked at him, he once again asked, "What is the name of our Rajkumar, yuvraj? ".

"Abhimanyu Singh Rathod", Both Anamika and Yuvraj said together. Anamika didn't look at him again. Suddenly Ranasa said, "No. He is my one and only grandson. So I want to name him on behalf of my late father, Shivaditya Singh Rathod".

Anamika and yuvraj looked at each other and then Ranasa, not knowing what to do.


Precap : What happened after Saudamini's death? What did Mala tell?

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