《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 36 - Culprit


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It has been three days since the baby was born and Anamika is still within her chamber with screen covering her bed. Yuvraj will come and ask about her health and look at his son for sometime as he is sleeping most of the time. The baby's sleep would be disturbed in the day time atleast once as his five sisters would come to play with him along with a noise and then they had to go back as he would cry. The girls have no time to study or do any other thing as they have a new sister as well as a brother to play with. In fact, they are more fascinated with their brother as it is new for them to see a different gender baby with them.

Yuvraj was busy with other works during the day and only be able to come and check on Anamika and the baby at night. After all, he cannot compromise anything for their safety. Also he has to check upon his girls, as their badi maasa is not well. This just kept the incomplete confrontation to stay as it is.

The naming ceremony for the baby is arranged after ten days as Ranasa wants it to be grand for the only heir of the kingdom. The day after the naming ceremony would be the coronation ceremony where Yuvraj will be crowned as the king and Anamika as his Queen.

The invitations for both the ceremonies has been sent to all the neighborhood kings who have already been defeated by yuvraj and are ruling under his reign. Though the kingdom has good relationships with overseas kings, they cannot invite them over within the short amount of time for the ceremony which has been decided by the Pandit ji.

A few kings along with their queens have already started arriving at the palace as their kingdoms are far distant from this place. And they were directed to the guest palace which is near to the main palace. The security for each and every king is personally handled by yuvraj himself. Now the naming ceremony is only a week away.

The baby is now able to be awake for more time than before and Anamika couldn't be more happy. The more she looked into his eyes, she could feel that she is looking into her husband's eyes rather than her son's. As everyone says, her son is an exact replica of her husband in his looks.


Now Anamika is falling into a routine for her child, waking up twice in the night for feeding him, taking rest during the daytime whenever he is asleep and singing lullaby at night to make him sleep. Though she has taken care of Saudamini's children most of the time, it was only after a year or so since their birth, so that they don't need their mother.

That's the reason why she is feeling so surreal whenever she does anything for her newborn from singing to bathing to dressing him up. Anamika is eagerly waiting to do her first puja along with her son in front of her Lord Ram. She always wished to have a son like Ram who respects his parents words above any God and remain devoted to his wife for a lifetime.

Anamika is feeling restless today as if something bad is going to happen to her loved ones. She had got this feeling twice, one during the initial months of her marriage and another during the attack inside the palace. Now that she think of that, she is worried more since now she has to keep her son secured. So, on the basis of her instincts, she didn't keep the baby in her cradle instead kept him on the bed beside herself.

Somehow the night has passed and Anamika just continued her usual routine and felt relief that nothing bad happened and her instincts are also calm. On the other hand, she felt surprised as well as unknown fear, since yuvraj hadn't come to see her or her son, which he never missed in these days. But before she could relax herself, her head maid Kamala barged into her chamber suddenly which has surprised Anamika as she never barged into the chamber even though she gave all the permissions.

When Kamala was still panting, Anamika asked her, "What happened? Why are you so panicked?". To which kamala replied, "Badi bahuranisa! Choti bahuranisa is in death bed. Someone tried to attack our palace again it seems. Yuvraj is also there along with Ranisa as Ranasa cannot come out on his own."

Anamika couldn't process all the information at once. She don't know how everything changed within just a single night. She hurriedly took her son and covered herself with cloth from head and then moved out of her chamber. Though it was not the custom, she couldn't just stay in her chamber when a family member is in their death bed or when yuvraj's security or the security of the palace is in jeopardy. She can neither leave her son alone as his safety matters above everything.


When she reached Saudamini's chamber, Yuvraj was standing near the bed where vaidh ji and Daima were looking into Saudamini who was bleeding profusely from her stomach. It looks like someone has tore open her stomach through a sword without even considering that she is a woman.

Anamika couldn't understand how come yuvraj be this careless to let this happen again. The previous time, they handled the matter within the palace, keeping the people in dark about Ranasa's true injury. But now this will create mistrust among people about their King's capability to protect them as they can't even protect their family inside the palace.

Yuvraj noticed that Anamika is there and came to her and asked, "Anamika! Please you go and rest. You shouldn't jeopardize your health at this time. I will handle it here". Though his voice shivered at the end as he thought about what he would be saying to his children when their mother will be no more. Vaidh ji and Daima had already informed him that, it is not possible for them to treat her as the blood loss is increasing every moment due to her weak uterus. Still they are just trying to make her conscious atleast to have a few words with her about her last wishes.

Anamika pulled yuvraj with her for some distance from the other audience. She asked, "How can you let such a thing happen again yuvraj? Now we cannot even hide this from the people of the kingdom. This will create a mistrust among our people. How are we going to handle that? And above all when the children grew up, they will question you as to why didn't you protect their mother?". Yuvraj stopped her questions and asked her to calm down and said, "I knew that this attack will happen. Along with our Army General, I had prepared a full proof plan to catch him red-handed. I could have just killed him when I came to know about his plans but that would make us look like a dictator. That's why I wanted to prove him wrong with all the proofs in front of the court so that people will not turn to rebellion. But I didn't expect Saudamini to meet before he could attack on You".

Yuvraj couldn't think about anything clearly. Right now, he is feeling all kind of emotions from anger, frustration, guilt and sadness. "And about your last question, I don't know the answer myself. I wish I never have to face that day". But Anamika was still stuck at his previous words, "What do you mean by attack on me? ", she whispered a question to him. Yuvraj looked at her and said with a defeated sigh, "Yes, The attack was directed towards you, specifically our son, the heir. And we had everything ready to catch him before even he could enter the chamber at midnight. But even before that we saw Saudamini running towards your chamber in the corridor and came to know that he attacked her. Since all the soldiers and dasis saw what was happening, I couldn't control myself anymore. The previous attacks on you and the palace and yesterday he didn't even think twice about killing Saudamini. So I killed him then and there by detaching his head".

Yuvraj didn't know whether the tears that he is controlling hard to stop is due to his anger on himself or sadness and guilt due to the bad news that is about to come. He still composed himself and looked at Anamika, who is caressing her newborn and said, "You shouldn't worry about all this right now. Take care of yourself. You go and take rest".

"No yuvraj. I want to be here", Anamika replied to him and he nodded his head. When they were about to go near the bed to check on Saudamini when suddenly Anamika asked, "Who is he? ".


And I think this end is better than making her a complete villain.

Precap : Saudamini and Anamika final talk.

I thought everything about Saudamini will be done in this chapter itself. But it already exceeded 1500 words so I have split the chapter.

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And we are yet to name the baby and see him grow up and see how different he is from his father in character and whether he lives upto his mother's expectations. Anamika's blank promise is still pending and above all what will be the equation between yuvraj and Anamika. All these are still open ends in this story. So stay tuned for the story which may take some more time to end.



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