《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 32 - Truth


When yuvraj entered his chamber, Saudamini was already present over there. Yuvraj frowned at that and called her, "Saudamini! Why are you here?" "Why yuvraj? Couldn't I come here?", Saudamini asked him. "Didn't I tell you that you should get permission before coming to my chamber", yuvraj asked her. She replied, "But previously I came here whenever I wished. why should I change myself".

"That's because I don't want to repeat my mistakes. I gave my explanation to you that this is my chamber which should be accessible to both of my wives. None of you should enter this chamber unannounced as it might look like one of you having upper hand over the other. Anyways I will be visiting you everynight and stay with you for three days a week. So I don't see any reason for you to visit me suddenly", yuvraj explained himself.

"Okay yuvraj. I will not make this mistake again. But I came here to get some answers from you", Saudamini replied. "What do you want to ask? Go ahead", yuvraj replied. Saudamini asked, "After all these years and having six children, why are you not able to love me yuvraj? ".

Yuvraj looked at her shocked. This was not something he expected. However he quickly composed himself and said, "Saudamini, why do you think I don't love you? Are our children not a proof enough for that? ". He couldn't understand why would she think like that, especially after all the attention he gave her whenever he came back from the war. Infact he spent his entire time in the palace either with official works or with her and children. She had his sole attention throughout these times unlike Anamika whom he had ignored and neglected. Maybe because she never had to share her husband till now.


"No yuvraj, our children are not born out of love. Initially you had the guilt of touching me even after not wishing it, so you took care of me during pregnancy and fulfilled all my wishes, including intimacy. But thereafter, it was just your needs and wants along with the need for a heir which kept you by my side. But today is the proof that even after not spending time with your first wife, you take special care of her wishes without her voicing out. This just proves that your love for her never faded", Saudamini said to him in a broken voice.

Yuvraj went into deep thoughts after hearing her words. Was it his guilt that made him fulfill her every wish eventhough he knew it would hurt Anamika? Then what about being intimate with her during her first pregnancy? was it because he was guilty for being drunk on their wedding night? All these years, after returning from the wars for an interval of 15 to 20 days, either he would spend all the nights with her or would sleep in his chamber late in the nights. Eventhough he thought of visiting Anamika during that time, he would get carried away with his sexual needs while visiting Saudamini to check on the children. Was it just his lust? No, he don't want to think that he ruined Saudamini's life for his lust. Though he warned her before marriage that the marriage is only for the sake of a heir, he never wanted to exploit her for his lust. He is afraid that he had committed sin not only with Anamika but also with Saudamini.

He tried to say something or anything to her but couldn't find words. Suddenly he heard her murmur something and looked at her. Saudamini was not able to accept the fact that she was just his second option though it was made clear to her at the start itself. She remembered all the things that happened from her marriage to till date. And suddenly screamed, "No, it can't happen. I won't let you snatch him away from me. He is mine. Only mine!"


Saudamini started fighting with Anamika in her mind. Yuvraj was shocked by her behavior but still tried to calm her down as she is still recovering from the delivery. He shook her by her shoulders and she looked at him like she found him after a long time being lost.

"Yuvraj! Yuvraj! you are here. You didn't go to her right. You came for me. I know you will one day start loving me if you stay away from her. That's why, That's why I didn't let you go to her. I made you stay with me all the time you were here. And see, now it is working", Saudamini was blabbering like a possessed woman. May be the right word would be obsessed.

Yuvraj was shocked would be an understatement. She was still blabbering, so to make her come out of her state, he shouted, "Saudamini!". She stopped blabbering and looked at him. Then slowly everything dawned on her, What she has said in her insecure state of mind.

She looked at him, who was looking angry as hell. Yuvraj asked her, "Tell me what else did you do? ". She shuddered at his tone and once again stammered while speaking and he shouted at her to speak clearly. Saudamini said, "I distracted you whenever it was her turn with you and made you stay with me. Sometimes even when you insist on meeting her once, I made some excuses with children to make you stay back. I..I made sure that she saw me in your chamber with you, when she tried to meet you after you came from the first war."

She still didn't say many things to him like, how she used to flaunt the jewels which he gifted her or the jewels he made for Anamika but she snatched in the name of pregnancy. She was afraid as he was already looking so much angry. So she skipped the other things.

"Like mother like daughter. I thought I shouldn't judge you based on your mother's deeds. But you proved me wrong. Now tell me, were you also involved with your mother in making Anamika barren so that you could marry me? What else you both planned? ", yuvraj asked the last part gripping her both cheeks in his one hand. Though he somewhere knew that he cannot blame her entirely as he was also part of that, knowingly or unknowingly.

Saudamini was shocked at this revelation and she guessed why her mother went to their place suddenly and that too in midnight.


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