《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 31 - History Repeats(Part 2)


While walking towards her chamber along with yuvraj, Anamika couldn't help the thoughts invading her mind. She thought of the first time she stepped inside her chamber after her marriage being blindfolded by yuvraj.

Everyone was making fun of him because he was not leaving her alone for anything on that day. When she asked him the reason, he said that he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in this new place so he will come till her chamber and make her familiar with the surroundings. When She entered the chamber and he removed the blindfold, she was awestruck with the chamber because everything was exactly like her old chamber back in her place. The position of the bed, the small table near the bed, the mirror and dressing table, even the vase with her favorite flowers, everything was making her feel like she didn't even relocate to another place. The only difference would be the balcony and the bath area.

When she turned to look at him, he immediately held her in the same position with her back attached to his front and moved both of them towards the mirror. Anamika looked at both of them in the mirror and felt nothing but pure love and admiration for the man who held her locked in his arms.

She asked him, "Pratap! Why did you make this chamber similar to my old chamber? ". Yuvraj replied, "Why? Don't you like it? I thought you would like the same surroundings". Anamika immediately denied him afraid that she has offended him, "No Pratap, it's nothing like that. I was just curious".

Yuvraj smiled and said, "Actually you are wrong Anamika. The chamber is not similar to yours. I just took everything from your old chamber and placed it here. You can check." Anamika was shocked would be an understatement because even last night she slept in her chamber on the same bed. Seeing her shocked, yuvraj said, "I thought you would miss your father's handmade Vase and all. So I thought to just take everything."


Anamika was overwhelmed by his actions that she just hugged him with happy tears. A husband who respects her and her parents is no less than a boon. Yuvraj let her be like that for some time and said, "By the way Anamika, Don't you find anything different in the bed? " Anamika parted from him and looked at the bed and then it hit her, the bed was decorated beautifully with flowers. Anamika blushed at that and yuvraj laughed kissing her cheeks. It was the night that witnessed their union.

Anamika came out of her thoughts when yuvraj called her as they reached the chamber entrance. She don't know why she got those memories suddenly? May be because, She is once again dressed up like a bride and he is taking her to the chamber for a surprise once again? She convinced herself with that explanation.

Yuvraj asked her to enter the chamber and took her to the balcony and showed her the gift he bought for her. Anamika didn't show any expression after looking at his gift. Yuvraj expected the same reaction as the gift was not anything new but he wanted it to be special for her.

Yuvraj said, "I know Anamika, I have ruined some of your best memories but I want to change it beautiful for you, once again. Will you accept my anniversary gift? ". Anamika turned to him and said, "Yuvraj! you don't need to compensate anything for me. If I wanted a swing, I can order for it myself. I didn't want a swing that's why I didn't ask for it. Anyways I accept your gift as you gave it for the baby shower. I don't want to have any negative memories on this day."

"Anamika, the gift may be given on the occasion of baby shower but it is our anniversary gift. I have a separate one for the baby. And I kept this in your balcony because this is exclusively for you. ", Yuvraj said. Anamika knew what he is implying but just nodded and went into the chamber followed by yuvraj.


(This is how the palace interior looks like)

(The swing in the balcony that overlooks the hilly region and the forest of the kingdom.)

Yuvraj knew that she didn't accept his gift wholeheartedly. Otherwise she wouldn't waste a minute to go and seat in the swing and play with it. But he didn't question her about it as he knew he cannot question her. Sighing and wishing she accepts this, accepts him, one day, he went inside the chamber.

"Now it's time to gift our baby", saying this yuvraj took her near a curtain in her chamber and opened it, only to reveal a door. "How come there is a door here? ", Anamika asked surprisedly as she has been using this chamber for years but didn't see a door here. Sensing her dilemma yuvraj replied, "This door is freshly built when you are not in the chamber. Leave it aside and open the door."

Anamika opened the door and stepped inside the room while caressing her stomach, letting the baby know that it's his gift. Looking around the room, Anamika was pleasantly shocked and her jaw dropped open literally. Yuvraj chuckled at her and said, "Did I remember correctly, after all these years? "

Anamika was still looking at the room when he asked this and turned to look at him with tears in her eyes and hugged him tightly sideways as the bump didn't allow her to hug directly. "I thought you would have forgot", Anamika mumbled against his chest.

Yuvraj smiled guiltily as he knew why she said that. "This is our dream which is going to come true. After these many years". Anamika was still crying a little in his arms and yuvraj controlled his tears.

The room is a nursery with a cradle designed similar to the throne.

Many wooden animals were made for the child could ride on it like a horse.

And a small chariot was designed for the child to play.

All these things were designed as per the description given by Anamika years ago. When yuvraj and anamika dreamt of having a baby, she described her imaginary room for her child with all the things she wanted. Now that their wish of having a child is coming true, her imagination should also be made true.

"I know you wouldn't want to be separated from our baby, that's why I made this room attached internally to yours. Also you could have the cradle moved to your chamber if you want", yuvraj said. He was happy that he could make her happy with something. He couldn't have gotten this smile of hers with any jewellery.

"Why didn't you do all this to your first child? I thought you would make a room like this for her", Anamika asked separating from him and clearing her tears. Yuvraj replied, "This is all your imagination for our child. I couldn't steal what is yours from you".

"But there are many other things that are already stolen from me without my knowledge, Yuvraj", Anamika thought to herself. "I think Pregnancy is making me emotional", Anamika said while sniffing and continued, "Thank you for your surprise yuvraj. Your baby has accepted your gift wholeheartedly".

Yuvraj smiled at her and lead her to her chamber and took his leave from her. Outside her chamber, he turned to look back at her and smiled seeing her talking to the baby smiling fully with her eyes, not the fake one. He started walking to his chamber with his heart fully contented.

To be continued...


Precap: Yuvraj and Saudamini confrontation.

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