《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 28 - Anamika


Words in Italics are thoughts in mind.

After yuvraj left her chamber, Anamika just sat on her bed and thought about the things he told. Though she didn't say anything in front of him, she couldn't help herself from thinking about the past. How come a woman could do such a thing to another woman? Motherhood is something every woman would cherish in her life. Then why did she do such a vile thing to her?

In midst of all, she couldn't imagine what would have happened of they continued to give her these medicines for the next ten years as well? She might have become entirely barren by now. By just thinking about that, Anamika felt a shiver through her body and caressed her bump to calm herself. All these years, she thought of herself as barren and accepted that after sometime. She continuously questioned the God whom she does puja every single day, that why didn't he give her a child? Wasn't she responsible enough to handle a child?

Now that the prayers are answered, she couldn't stop thanking the God. And all the questions and doubts regarding why she was not able to get pregnant during the initial five years of marriage but got pregnant now just within weeks, has been answered.

While Anamika was in deep thoughts, her mother Sunaina entered her chamber and made her come out of her thoughts. Sunaina asked, "What happened Anamika? You look stressed which is not good for your as well as baby's health". "Nothing Maasa. I'm fine", Anamika tried to brush off her mother's concern but she persisted.

"I know what I'm seeing Anamika. Don't try to fool me. Now tell me what happened? ", Sunaina asked her again to which Anamika told her about whatever yuvraj said. Sunaina was enraged by all this and said, "I won't leave this issue easily. I want every person who is involved in this to get punished. I will go to Ranasa immediately and ask him for justice. How can he let all this happen in his own palace? He had asked for my daughter's hand for his son but he could not even protect his daughter-in-law? What does that say about his capability of being a king? "


Anamika stopped her immediately and reminded her of Ranasa's condition right now which effectively stopped her. Anamika tried to convince her saying, "Maasa! It doesn't matter whether the culprit is punished or not. Whatever they intended to do, that has already happened. Just for the sake of the kingdom, they should be punished as it was a treacherous act to prevent a heir."

"How can you easily let this go Anamika? It was just because of this issue, yuvraj had to remarry another girl. Your entire life had turned upside down after that. Also not to forget the constant taunts from your relatives about you being barren. It took me just a few minutes to list out all the happenings. But you have been living with this for a decade. You should have been enraged by this more than me. Why are you so calm? In fact how can you be so calm? ", Sunaina asked her daughter slightly shocked by her negligence towards the issue.

Anamika took a deep breathe and said, "Maasa! I'm not saying that I will forgive them. I will never be able to forgive them. But at the same time, I don't feel any anger towards them as now I have got my baby which was what they tried to prevent. So I'm not bothered by them anymore. "

"But there is more to this issue, Anamika. Think about the ten years that you have missed with yuvraj. The ten years where you both could have had more children, the ten years you could have escaped from all the taunts and mocks, and most importantly the ten years where you would have been living your life instead of working like a lifeless person. Don't you wish that you could reverse everything. Now that this issue is out in the open, you have a chance to change everything according to what you want. Life has given you a second chance to live your life freely. Why don't you make use of that? ", Sunaina asked once again.


"You are wrong Maasa. If those people didn't do this all those years ago, I wouldn't have come to know the true colors of the person whom I loved the most. The one whom I still love. You are thinking that if this thing hadn't happened then yuvraj wouldn't have married for the second time and I would have got my happily ever after. But that's not the truth. If he truly loved me, then whatever be the inabilities with me or whether I'm alive or not, he wouldn't have married for the second time, whoever may have insisted or how many times ever he has been asked to. It was just the first opportunity he got and he succumbed to it. This just shows that he was just waiting for that opportunity. So even if I have a chance to reverse the time and change anything, then I won't change a thing. Everything happened for good. Now I just want to concentrate on my future that is growing in my womb. Nothing else", Anamika said strongly.

Sunaina asked, "Won't you give a second chance to yuvraj?". Anamika replied, "I have already given him second chance, Maasa. Otherwise, I wouldn't have lived in this palace for ten years. He doesn't need me to play happy family. In fact, he can have as many wives as he want, if he got bored with two wives. I'm sure at least I would be invited for is marriage at least."

Sunaina was able feel the hurt that Anamika was trying to mask behind her anger and said, "I know whatever I say now, wouldn't change anything but to give you some relief, Yuvraj didn't accept to marry Saudamini without hearing your opinion. He had told Ranisa that he would agree for the marriage only if you give your consent. But Ranisa had twisted it to you. Not only that the distance between yuvraj and you that has been created over the years, was also started off by her."

Anamika looked at her mother with unreadable expression and said, "It doesn't make any difference Maasa" and turned her back to move towards the bed. Sunaina smiled at her back and thought, "I know it won't make any difference in the situation but at least your heart would be at peace that the one who owned it, has atleast respected it although not able to keep up with its trust. As per your ideology, Trust and respect will keep a relationship in the long run."

Both of them retired to bed and the person standing at the entrance and listened the whole conversation also retired to their chamber.


I would have updated in the afternoon itself, but got engrossed in IPL. Sorry for that.

I just want to remind you all once again that divorce was not a thing during those days, atleast not in Hindu rituals.

I thought of writing a second book after this, almost with the same plot(cheating husband) but the time period will be 21st century. Please drop your opinion.

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