《The Insemination》Chapter Nineteen


"Remind me to never make a deal with you again," I tell Mr. Lee as I lean against the wall. Sliding down the wall, I rest my head in my hands.

My legs rest a bit and I smile as being off of my feet relaxes me. I stretch my arms above my head and hear a loud pop. Sighing in relief, I put my arms down and start to rub my legs.

"Ah, you have finally realized that I may be old, but I only make a deal when I know I am sure I will be the one to come out on top," he laughs as he leans against the wall himself.

"Tell me about it," I say thinking about my insemination.

"I will make sure he gets new waitress," Mr. Lee says to me.

"Who?" I ask spacing out for a bit.

"What do you mean "who"? The guy that came in here. I know you never give up tables. You never gave up tables even after you had your leg broke. I know how hard you work. You are like the non Chinese daughter I always wanted instead of that daydreaming son of mine."

"You spying on me?" I ask chuckling.

"This is my place. I don't think of it as spying. I think of it as stalking," Mr. Lee smiles.

"Mr. Lee," I say bursting into laughter. "When you get home, look up the definition for that word and let me know if you ever want to rephrase that."

"Okay," he laughs. "Have a good night Irina."

"You too Mr. Lee," I tell him as I stand up fully and pat his shoulder. "Goodnight everyone."

"Goodnight Irina," co-workers call out as I make my way to the back door. Once I open the back door, a small breeze hits me making me shiver. I look at the almost full moon and smile at the dark sky full of the glistening stars.

As I walk to the car I hear a small growl ripple through the air. Stopping, I look at my surroundings but see nothing. "Hello?" I ask as I look around once again.

Not hearing anything else, I reach the car and hear a growl once more but this time a bit louder. I quickly turn around to the growl and gasp as I see a wolf in front of me.

"Oh my word," I say staying still as the wolf looks to me with it's deep green eyes that went well with it's silver black fur. "You are some Jacob from Twilight kind of big huh? Why are you out here in the city and not in the woods?" I say slowly walking to the wolf. I have never been one to be afraid of animals.-


The wolf crouches down and growls louder. "Well," I say standing up straight as I look the wolf into its eyes. "That's not every nice. I'm simply trying to be nice and you growl at me. Meanie."

I turn to walk away and head back to the car as I hear a louder growl and turn my head to the left and see another wolf looking at the silver black one but this one is black with while on its paws. Freezing, I look at the wolves and feel my heart start to quicken.

"Okay, I am not one to be afraid of a wolf, but when two big ass wolves come out of no where, I panic," I say as if they understand me.

The silver wolf starts to walk towards me as the black and white one growls ferociously. The silver one growls back as if they are having a conversation with one another. Slowly backing up to my car, I put my hand on the car handle and pull. The silver black wolf looks at me and growls as it leaps in the air to attack me.

My eyes widen as I turn my back to the wolf and clutch my stomach close to me. Squeezing my eyes shut, I wait for the impact and pain, but realize that it hasn't come yet. Getting up, I turn around to see the black and white wolf fighting one another.

Quickly reacting, I open the door wider and get inside. Hearing my keys jingle hands tremble like I'm freezing cold. "Irina calm down so you can get the hell out of here," I tell myself taking a deep breath. Feeling my hands shake less, I put the key in the ignition and don't wait for the car to warm up.

Putting it in reverse, I look both ways and once I see I am clear, I back up and once I am in the street I put it back in drive. Hearing the sound of my tires screeching on the street, I don't bother looking in the review mirror at the two wolves fighting.


"Irina?" I hear Scott call out as I walk in the house. Hearing my name being called from him, I close the door, drop my items in my hand, and bolt straight to his room eager and happy to see him. Pushing his door in, I run into his room and jump on his bed as I notice him and another figure laying down.

"Scotty," I whine as he laughs and pulls me into a hug. I squeeze my arms around his neck as I have missed the presence of my friend.


"Good to see you too Irina," he says breaking the hug away.

"Scotty I have so much to tell you! I'm pregnant!" I cheer. As we break away, I notice the other figure in the bed is a blonde hair woman.

"Oh. Hi. Scott I didn't know you had company," I smile at her as I lift myself off of Scott.

"Hi," she says back as she half smiles.

"I'm Irina," I say sliding out of the bed. "I am like a sister to Scott."

"He told me," she half smiles. "Scott, you didn't tell me you had a baby," she says with hurt in her eyes.

"No!" I shout. "Scott isn't the father."

"Really? I guess Its just kind of awkward knowing you two live together. I mean have you two ever," she says as her voice trails off.

My eyes widen as I burst into laughter and felt at ease when Scott does the same.

"Ew," I laugh.

"No," Scott laughs harder. "Trust me, Irina and I have never done anything."

The woman's eyes light up as she realizes that I am no threat to her. "Wait, so how are you pregnant?"

"I got artificially inseminated," I half smile.

"And that frozen sperm worked? Oh I'm so happy for you," Scott says embracing me in another hug.

"Yes, congratulations. My name is Tracy. Sorry for the awkwardness," she smiles.

"Nice to meet you Tracy. Well, I think I am going to leave you two to it," I say getting off the bed and backing out of the room. As I do, Scott mouths the words thank you as I look at him and give him a look I knew he knew all to well. He looks at me in panic and frowns. I hold my finger up as I rush into my room.

As I get into my room I rush to my dresser and start sorting through them as I look for the item. "Where are you?" I mumble.

"Hey Nina, we are going to head to her house for a bit. When I get back you can tell me all about the pregnancy," I hear Scott say as he sounds like he has made it to the living room.

Hurrying with my search, I life up some pants and find the item. Grabbing it, I rush into the living room as Scott and Tracy reach the door.

"Wait!" I shout as I practically jump on Scott and hug him. Slipping the item into his back pocket, I break the hug as Tracy looks at me in confusion.

"I just haven't seen him in so long. I wanted a hug. Hormones," I smile.

She smiles back as if she understands and walks out of the door. Before Scott leaves out behind her, he looks at me and throws a big tubs up at me. "Your a lifesaver mate!" he says leaving.

Shaking my head, I laugh as I make my way into the kitchen and flip the light switch on. Walking to the refrigerator, I open it and pull out lettuce, Italian dressing, nuts, broccoli, and strawberries. Placing the items on the countertop carefully, I grab a cutting board, a knife, and a big orange bowl from there designated areas.

Hearing my phone buzz, I pull it out from my back pocket and see that it is a message from Scott. "Looks like I will be home tomorrow, but when I get there we defiantly talking," I read.

Texting back a quick reply, I go back to my salad as I picture Ezra in my head. Shaking my head, I grunt. "You are not allowed to think about that man. Not one bit. The best thing for me is to have only us," I say placing a hand on my stomach. "No matter what, I always end up alone, but you, your changing my luck."

Thinking about something, I grab my phone and look up pregnancy apps. "Hmm. BabyCenter," I say looking at the app with a tree logo. Pressing install, it doesn't take long to. "Lets see, make a sign in and password. Done. Day conceived? Well, more like day of injection."

Going through the app process, I soon find myself looking at how the baby looks for three weeks. "You look, creepy. You look very creepy."

Hearing a knock on the door, I put down the phone as I make my way to the front door. Opening it, my eyes widen in terror. My hands start to tremble and shake as I look at him covered in blood.

"Ezra, what the hell happen to you?"

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