《Silverstone》CHAPTER 18


I've always hated planes.

The feeling of lifting up into the air sends a chill down my spine. It makes my stomach twist and makes nausea curl like it's a cold hand around my neck.

The idea of being lifted up all the way into the air, high enough to see the clouds makes me cringe.


"So do you like- travel a lot?"

Look, I'm trying to make a conversation and an effort something that Silverstone is allergic to.

His eyes are glued to his phone.

Blatantly ignoring me.

"So are you now selectively deaf?"

I ask.

God he is such a dick.

I glare at him waiting for an answer.

"No I don't."

"Oh but what about business and-."

"Carina, the idea of being thousands of feat up in the air makes my stomach twist. Okay?"

He was now looking at me.


"What does carina mean?"

He was now glancing at his hands, more or less his silver rings.

Leo put his earphones in and went back on his phone.

Progress my ass

I don't even know where we are going. Or if we are actually going anywhere. I take my earphones out of my pocket and plug them into my phone. I pulled up Apple Music and pressed on


She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes

Imagine meeting Harry Styles on a plane. Even better sitting next to him. I think I am truly in love with Harry Styles. And Niall.

Snapping out of my thoughts my phone was now vibrating In my hand.


My mouth went dry.

I'm frozen.


I pressed accept and held the phone to my ear.


I haven't spoken to Luke in a while and I'm afraid he's still with my dad.


"Hello?" I questioned again.


"Come on Luke this isn't funny."

"Are you there?"


A deep voice grumbled through the phone.


I questioned again, I don't know if this is some prank or not but it's starting to creep me out.

"No, River."


"Haha so funny, now pass the phone to my brother dumbass."

"Woah and she's got a big mouth on her, don't you Carina?"

"Yea don't call me that, now who is this?"

My voice shook at the end of my sentence. What the actual fuck.

"I told you."


"Yes, yes so I assume you're on a plane right now?"

My heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was Noah playing some malicious prank on me with Theo.


"Noah is this you?"

"No, as I said I told you who I am."


"I'm going to ignore your remark. Do you see a blonde man with an iPad in his hands?"

"I honestly don't know what you are talking about."

"Look at the seat in-front of you. He's resting his head."

My eyes were now glued to the guy in-front of me. I moved to the side to glance at the space between the wall and his seat.

He was holding an iPad.

With me on it.

"Jules are you still t-."

"What's your last name?"

I strongly asked, I can't let Leo know.

"Now that would ruin the fun."

"What fun River?"

"Ahh the mystery I would say."

"You must be a very sad person thinking terrorising me is counted as fun."

"Terrorising? I wouldn't stretch it that far."

I heard movement beside me.

Silverstone now was glaring at me like I have just punched him in the face.

"Tell your man to focus on something else other than you."

He's watching me.

"Now why would I do that?"

A set of deep laughter erupted from the other line.

"So I don't set off the device Carl is holding silly."

He teased.

I think god took the blowing up in a plane idea literal.


The blonde

The guy in front of me was now holding a black cube in his hands as I glanced through the space.

Fuck me

"I've got to cut our game session short Julianna, goodbye now."

"Wait are you going to-."


He was quick to answer.

The line went dead.

Where's luke?

I was so blind to everything around me, my hand felt wet and throbbed in sync with my rushing heartbeat.

There was a large amount of pressure on my palm and it stung badly.

Leo was holding my hand and there was a bloody tissue against it.

"Your nails were digging into your palm."

"You were bleeding."

He was saying looking up at me and glancing to my hand.

"Yea sorry I didn't notice." I blurted out.

Way to go Julia


He grumbled.

He took his hand off of mine and was digging in his pockets for something.

Leo pulled out a pack of tissues and handed me one.

"Use this if it starts bleeding again, or if you want to wash it out let me know so I can move."

You're joking

"Thanks Silverstone."


"Going by last names now?"

"We always were, dumbo?"


"So does that happen a lot?"

He questions

"What do you mean?"

I questioned. I really didn't want to answer this now.

"Your um hand."

He looked down at my bleeding palm.

You could practically see the nail marks on it.

"Uh yea I guess only when I'm nervous or scared. Something like that."

I answered in a rush.

I really want this conversation to end soon.

"Nervous, scared." He said under his breath.

What game was he playing at?

"Ok just asking."

He said with his lips in a thin line.



The plane still hasn't taken off yet and I'm still sitting here staring seat in front of me. It's been about fifteen minutes since Rivers phone call. I honestly can't pin point it but the persons voice sounds like someone I knew or know, I just can't figure out who.

Taking my mind off of him, I have been side eyeing Silverstone for the past five minutes. Don't ask why I'm just curious and bored.

Snapping me out of my stare, three chimes blared throughout the plane.

"Flight attendants prepare for take- off please."

Three more chimes entered.

"Sorry for the delay Ladies and Gentleman we are now taking off, please ensure your seatbelts are on and please refrain from smoking. Thank you now."


Where's my Xanax?

The idea of being thousands of feat up in the air makes me want to vomit. I am not particularly afraid of heights so much that I would instantly throw up and burst out into tears but I have a minor fear and tend to become more wary of my surroundings.

I quickly fastened my seatbelt and then started flipping my pockets to check what was in them.

Where the fuck is the bottle

At this point I am fully panicking, I can't even get up yet as we have most literally taken off.

I swear to god if Julia ruins this flight even more then it is, I am going to shoot my-

Interrupting my thoughts I heard loud ruffling beside me.


We have just taken off and I can't stop focusing on how we are moving in the air. I hate planes and heights to an extent. Meaning I wouldn't start throwing up or immediately crying because of it. I just simply despise it.

I turned to look at Julia to see what she was doing but she abruptly stopped moving about.

She's going red and her right leg can't stop moving about. Relating to her hands as she keeps on fidgeting.

I cannot deal with this today.

"What are you looking for?"

I ask for some odd reason.

Her head snapped towards me, glaring at me but she was trying to avoid eye contact.

"I-nothing, nothing."

"Have you heard from Theo and Noah yet?"

She tried to change the subject quickly.

"No I haven't, I doubt you have."

I quickly answered back.

God what is wrong with me?

"Alrighty then."

Her eyes were now glued to her hands that couldn't stay in one position.

Something about her behaviour reminded me of that one time when I got a letter from the Kings, and pictures of her house. I made the mistake of not taking care of them and let them fall into her hands.

what is she doing to me?

"Hey are we allowed to get up soon I gotta check something in my suitcase?."


"Uh I don't think so yet as we have most literally just taken off so..."

I tried not to come off as more sarcastic as I was straight up telling her what the plan is.

But I think she took offence as she kept quiet.

Did I do something wrong?


It had been fifteen minutes since Jules was talking to me. I am so bored. And hungry.

I could smell something. Food?

Metallic smelling


I looked at my shoes and saw nothing. But then I looked to another pair of brown converse and saw a red tissue.

Her hand

I quickly bent down while my seatbelt was digging into my stomach, to grab the tissue.

I picked it up with my two fingers but while I was doing that I could feel vibrations on the floor. Her foot was bouncing up and down.

She started moving her head side to side due to the heavy amount of crying. At first I didn't know what to do but now as I look at her and I realise on how easy it is to

As I sat up I was contemplating on whether I should do something about it. What if she starts talking? I don't know how to fucking reply to that.

I threw the tissue in a small bag I had and then tied it up.

Glancing at her side to side, I grabbed her hand and set it down on my arm rest.

I look at her and I realise on how easy it is to comfort someone

I intertwined our fingers together and she just sat there.

He grabbed my hand quickly and set it on his arm rest.

What the fuck is he doing?

At this point we were practically holding hands. He was angry to sit next to me or even be in my presence but now we are holding hands?

What is he doing to me?



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