《Silverstone》CHAPTER 14


"What the-." A loud groan cut me off. The bed creaked, echoing throughout my room.

"What time is it?" He rolled over facing me, his hazel eyes softened at the sight of my expression. I was speechless, Leo Silverstone is laying next to me.


His eyebrows furrowed and opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey you okay?" Curiosity filled his eyes.

I cleared my throat, and sat up.

"Uh yea- I just- the sunlight you know really getting to my sensitive eyes." I covered my eyes with my hands, blocking any light in.

Leo softly chuckled. "Yea sure."

He went to look at his wrist until the look of realisation plastered his face.

A grinned widely at the thought he would sleep with a watch on.

"You sleep with a watch on your wrist?" I smiled at him.

"Uh- oh look the sunlight, really getting to my sensitive eyes." He whispered at the last part, mocking me.

"Haha your so funny." I said with a straight face.

"And for your information it's 10:30AM." I told him while looking at the clock across the room.

"Oh-." He covered his face with his palms, shaking his head.

"Uh what?" I questioned looking right at him.

Him meaning his stomach, which happened to be his abs.

I tore my gaze off of his stomach, listening to his muffled cursing.

"Theo and Noah are probably waiting for me in the main room so I'll see you,um- later yea."

Silverstone cleared his throat and sprung up from my bed.

He was wearing grey sweatpants and no shirt.

No shirt, his bare chest laid clear in front of me.

"Yea you, go uh." I looked down onto my duvet.

I still haven't heard the door shut or any noise throughout my room.


I immediately looked forward and my view focused onto his face.

He didn't leave.

"What are you waiting for." I awkwardly chuckled, scratching the back of my neck.

"Uhm sorry yea." He looked down and twisted the doorknob opening my door.

Once I heard a click I brought my hands to my face.

"Ugh why did I say that oh my god!."

My whole body dropped onto the pillow next to me. My muffled voice coming from the pillow that still had his lingering scent on it.


I finished up from my shower and got dressed into an outfit.

here's what her outfit looked like:

I'm still thinking about what happened In the morning. God why am I so awkward? I whispered to myself.

I started walking towards my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I've been wondering on how long we are staying in this hotel, and why?

I slid it into my pocket and took a deep breath in before I went into the living room.

"Your fine, we woke up together and nothing, nothing sexual or bad occurred."

"You just happened to be the most awkward person living the night after." I said to myself.

I reached for the doorknob and stepped into the room.

Claps echoed from each wall in the room.

Confusion bubbled inside of me.

"And look who finally decided to show, your worse than Silverstone." Noah said while smirking at me.

I shot him a dirty look while making my way to the couch.

"Uh uh uh, what do you think your doing?"

I looked at Theo with a confused look.

"Um sitting down because I'm not standing silly!" I smiled widely, shoving him off the couch onto the floor.

A deep laugh caught my attention. Well two if I was honest.


"Yea don't leave a lady standing will you?"

Noah stood up from the ledge of the couch, laughing at Theo on the ground.

"Haha very funny." He stood up brushing his shirt off, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Aww is someone sad?" I pouted at him while trying not to burst out with laughter.

"Can you just shut the-." His sentence was cut off when a tall figure stood before him and pushed him on the couch.

I sat there with no expression on my face, we were all just joking around.

"Theo Jamie Brown you better not end the fucking sentence or I'll fucking end you."

Leo hovered over him while fear made its way onto his face.

"Is someone sad that they didn't get to end there making out session with Black, well guess what, don't worry about that because I did!"

A look of regret flickered onto his angry expression.

Huffing, he grabbed Theo by the collar so they made direct eye contact.

"Now get the fuck out of my sight."

He dropped him back onto the couch, and Theo stumbled while trying to get to his room.

I rested my head in my hands, shaking my head. I groaned into my hands. I looked up at Noah's face full of questions, I really can't be asked to deal with what Leo was talking about.

"Okay well that could of gone a number-."

Silverstone and I looked at him dead in the eyes, I think he got the hint to not talk.

"Alright I'll be quiet then." He whispered to himself.

I stood up from sitting, full of regret.

"Well." I deeply breathed in.

"That was definitely something." I forced out a small smile at them both and headed to my room.

"Julia-." Leo called out, his voice laced of tiredness.

"Actually before you finish that sentence, how long are we actually going to stay here. Who are we hiding from? Like we've been here for days, and how long is it going to take until the Nightingales and Kings find us? They all want me for some odd-."

"Wait who said anything about the Nightingales Julia?" He stared at me dead in the eyes, his hazel iris not softening but just full of emptiness.

"Yea I don't recall us talking about it..."

Awkwardness took a toll over me. I stood there at a loss of words.

"Leo, you mentioned it before when I found the pictures." I tried to cover up my sentence as much as I could.

"Yea uh I must of." He looked down scratching the back of his neck.

"And to your other question we should be getting a move on tomorrow, so um you better pack."

He looked at me right in the eyes, his gaze flickering down to my lips.

"Yea sure." Noahs gaze met mine and he looked at me up down.

I turned around heading to my room.


I had finished folding all my clothes and getting all my personal belongings together.

I took my phone off of my bed and checked the time.


Not as late as I thought it was.


In the process of putting my clothes on the floor since I didn't have a suitcase my phone started ringing.

I picked up and it read:

unknown number

Weird, I thought to myself. I pressed the green button to answer.


"Who is this?"

"Julia? Sweetie is that you?"

My hand was shaking at the realisation of the familiar voice.


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