《Silverstone》CHAPTER 12


"Um, boss we have a problem."

"A really big one."

"Okay, speak?" I motioned my hands forwards at them and sat up leaning on the headboard of my bed.

In sync they both put their hands in the back pocket of their jeans, then pulled out a plastic wallet.

"What is this, I can't see through the packet?"

I huffed and grabbed both of the pockets as they sat down. I then unzipped both of them tipping the content out onto the bed.

A cluster of pictures poured out of the bag laying on the bed face down and some facing upwards.

I picked one of the rectangles up bringing it towards my face for a better view. Stunned by the sight I held it tight in my hand.

"These are pictures of Luke Black and the outside of their house how did you get these?"

I looked at both of them with a confused look on my face waiting for an answer.

"There was a knock at the door and a package." Noah replies nudging Theo.

"Oh and we opened it and a letter was taped to the front of it, here."

He grabbed a folded envelope from his back pocket holding his hand out for me to take it.

I took it from the palm of his hand unfolding it.

Ripping the envelope open I snatched the letter from the inside.

"Read it aloud so we know what it's about."

Theo blurted out.

"Dear Leonardo Silverstone,

It has come to our attention that you have the prized jewel, let me correct that for you OUR prized jewel. We know you know what Julia Black has inside of her and it's not something you come across everyday.

She's a living,breathing and moving time ticking bomb, one move and something could shift. As I am aware she is worth more than anything for ALL of us so that's why we want her. As you can tell we have send a few pieces of evidence.

We aren't going to leave any member of the Blacks or YOU alone any time soon. Oh and I forgot to mention. I'm Kai King now what do you say about handing her over?

Now, what's a king without his queen?

Sincerely yours,

The Kings."

I feel like scrunching and ripping the letter up but we need it for a piece of evidence to gather up anything if they pull another stupid stunt like this again.


The Kings have been our main rivalry since day one. Countless attempts to take us down which had failed, they never give up. Queen? His Queen? Who does he think he be taking ownership of Julia.

"How-." I cut Noah off will his daft questions.

"It doesn't matter HOW Noah it matters if she's seen these pictures yet? So has she because I swear to god-."

"Leo, look we got there before she did, she was in her room sleeping or something. But all we know." He pointed at Noah too.

"That she didn't see any of the pictures."

"Make sure she doesn't see any of them or god as my witness I will beat both of you to a pulp a BLOODY PULP!"

A flicker of fear shone in his eyes.

"Okay we got it." He backed up lifting his hands up in surrender."

I buried my head in my hands, stressed enough with all this commotion I didn't need the two biggest idiots In the world watching me go through this either.

"Your done leave and take these with you."

I waved my hands over the pictures that were spread out on the bed.


It was now pretty late In the evening and I am still in my room.

Time to have some fun.

I burst out of the door making the three men stare at me like I've committed a crime.

"What?" I questioned looking at them while they were exchanging eye contact.

"N-nothing uh." Theo gaped at me rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay then." I shot them a weird look and dashed to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge leaving me with literally nothing. There was barley any food in the fridge expert strawberry's and bananas. I grabbed the box of strawberry's, dumped a few in my hand and ran them over some cold water.

I then started eating them, of course.

I then proceeded to walk to the couch. I took my phone out of my pocket and started to go on Instagram.


I didn't realise how much my phone had blown up since my last disappearance.

Theo started to get up with Noah walking towards the door, but before they could reach there I noticed they were holding something.

A paper.

I rose out of my seat and wandered in their direction, as I was walking one of their papers slipped. Or should I say multiple.


The square pieces of paper floated in the air sliding across the carpet. I bent down to help them but couldn't not notice what was on them.

"Oh here, let me help you." I started picking up each picture. But as I turned one around to see what was on them, my heart dropped at the bottom of my stomach.

These were pictures of my brother and our house. I started flipping each of them over, someone had got into our house and took pictures of him sleeping, each room had an individual picture.

Shaking, I grabbed all the pictures. Taking firm grip on each and everyone of them. By the time I got up everybody in the room was staring at me.

Leo shot Theo and Noah a death glare, causing them to scatter their way to the door. Escaping.

Tears burned In my eyes, fighting its way to fall. A lump was building up in my throat causing me to struggle to speak.

I finally pulled myself together looking everywhere but at him.

"What- how do you even have these?"

I choked out.

He just stood there, guilt floating in his eyes.

"Huh? Do you not hear me, have you suddenly lost your ability to speak?" I yelled at him with full force, waiting for a reply he looked down. A hint of defeat flickered through his eyes.

"This isn't my fault Julia." Leo spat out, his green eyes burning into mine.

"I never said it was. Why do you have these?."

A droplet or water trickled down my cheek, causing the salty water to coat my lip.

"They- they were mailed to me, I have no idea how this came to be." He said truthfully. Regret plastered onto his face.

"Oh yea sure, how the actual hell does someone get into your house huh?."

"You tell me because I have no idea just like you suddenly don't know anything."

I looked straight at him. Tears flowing down onto my shirt.

His jaw clenched and you could see the veins popping out of his neck. Coming towards me, Leo grabbed my hands and snatched the photograph out of my fingers.

He flipped the picture to the plain back and shoved it into my hands which were still held up.

"You see this? Or have you gone fucking blind."

A wave of confusion filled my expression.

I looked down at the paper, there written.

The kings

"You need me to read it for you? Or spell it out?It says The kings.

T h e K i n g s. Is that better?" He babied me, his head hovering over mine.

I was speechless, all words had disappeared from my vocabulary. I opened my mouth and nothing came out. All I could was just stare at him, I don't know what was happening until it felt like all air was being sucked out of me.

I felt the walls closing in on me. I could hear my heart beating, thudding against my chest.

Air was leaving my body rapidly, my lungs felt deflated. I was drowning in my own emotions.

My hands started shaking as I lifted it up to my mouth. I stumbled backwards, my back sliding against a wall.

One last straw and I was going to trigger a major panic attack.

"Julia?" A familiar voice entered my ears.

I felt two strong arms wrap around my shoulders, shaking me vigorously.

"Julia? Seriously don't play with me."

He looked right in my eyes, full of concern.

"L-leo." I choked out a sob trying to breathe.

My vision started to fade, black and blue spots started to invade my view.

"No. Julia you need to keep your eyes open for me ok?"

"You hear me?"

I nodded my head slowly, tears flowing out of my eyes.

"Your okay."

"Your just fine Julia." He reassured me, rubbing his hands on the side of my arms.

He than sat on the floor opposite me.

"I want you to name the most annoying thing Theo has done. We both know he is the baby of the group."

He smiled at me. Not the usual cocky smirk, a teethy smile where you could really see what was going on.

"T-the time were he kept on- sorry."

I apologised looking down I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"No it's okay take your time."

"He kept on telling my to buy clothes from American Eagle, when I wasn't really interested. He can be so annoying sometimes."

I slightly smiled. Laughing over a cry.

The feeling cane back. Suffocating on nothing, I could hear my blood pumping in my veins.

I realised that he noticed when I started to look around and backed away from him

Leo started coming towards me, unexpectedly putting his two hands on the sides of my face.

His eyes full of desire, he did the most unpredictable thing.

He slammed his lips upon mine.

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