《Silverstone》CHAPTER 11


Waking up earlier than I expected I got up and headed to the bathroom. I flipped the switch making the bright light burn my eyes, I immediately closed them.

Rubbing my eyelids, getting used the light I opened my eyes, having clear view of myself in the mirror. I took my shirt off, leaving the scar visible. A long curvy line slashed across the middle of my stomach.

Memories came flooding back from the night.

"So dad when's the next time I get to see you in action?"

I put my hands up in two fists, laughing along with my father at our conversation.

He came closer to my ear, I could feel the warmth of his breath against my earlobe.

"Business is a hard thing son, you'll learn someday. But for now you get to see me work and deal with people, for adaptation."

He moved back to his normal position.

"And for your pleasure." I raised one eyebrow looking straight at his identical eyes to mine.

"Oh shutup." He waves his hand in the air, looking back at me with a serious expression.

We both started grinning widely and burst out in quiet laughter.

"See I told you." I pointed right at him, still trying to contain my laughter. We stopped after a while looking at each-other.

"You know this has been a great time."

"What has been a great time?"

"Spending time with you son."

Putting his hand over mine. My dad wasn't the emotional type, we had those moments here and there but not like this. I liked spending time with him.

"Dad." I assured him.

"No listen to me Leonardo, after my time is done here I want you to inherit the Silverstones. I've seen you attempt to work while I give you tasks, your perfect.

I even see myself in you, will you?"


"I will dad, I promi-."

The doors burst open, five guys in all black full armed stood there.

Shots were fired and aimed at people. Ten people down already, who were they?

My dad and I pulled out our guns while they aimed and people, invading the bar.

He was going to shoot until a bullet was aimed at me. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact to my chest.

A loud thud echoed throughout the area, I could hear muffled voices around me. In my view was him, my father on the floor. Blood seeping through his white shirt.

I quickly bent down to him slashing my shirt with the broken piece of the counter, stinging like hell.

I took my jacket off pressing it to his wound.

My eyes filled with tears,

"Your going to be okay dad, just hold on. Please."

He opened his mouth.

"Don't wor-worry about me son." He croaked out, crimson red liquid spilling out from his lips.

"No-no dad hold on okay?" I tried to put myself together, hovering over my dying father.

"I-I love you."

"Leo, y-you hear me son."

"I love you too dad, please don't leave me."

Sniffling away my tears, I attempted to pull him to a sitting position.

"T-The letters, below my-my dresser check there."

What was he talking about?

"Okay I-I will."

"What's that." He pointed his head upwards looking to the ceiling.

"What I-I can't see anything."

"The light, Leo." Hi covered his eyes with his shaking hands.

The corners of his lips turned upwards into a smile.

He was dead.

Tears spilled from my eyes falling into the sink, sliding into the drain. I quickly wiped my eyes, turning the tap on splashing cold water on my face.

I closed the tap, grabbing a towel and dabbing it on my face. Taking a black t-shirt from one of the hangers I slid it on my stomach fully covered.


I walked out of the bathroom, heading to the big window ledge. I took a seat on it watching the sunrise. The yellow at the bottom with the big ball of blazing fire rising up to the pink-ish colour overtaking the orange.

When I was a kid I loved watching the sunrise with my dad, it was an addiction, a religion to be sure. We would watch it, then fall back asleep as I couldn't keep my eyes open the whole time.

"8:00AM" my watch read, they would be up in:




"Morning the beast from beauty and the beast."

Theo walked towards the ledge sitting opposite me. Instantly, I pushed him off landing him on the floor with a big sigh.

"Why do you have to bully meeee." He whined looking straight at me, Noah falling apart in laughter.

"If you don't shut the fuck up in the next five seconds, I won't push you off the ledge, I will throw you out the window Theo."

That shut him up until someone else walked in.

She strutted in head in hands, yawning widely and started to talk.

"Next time remind me not to sleep in my clothes." Julia rubbed her eyes looking straight at us.

She then pointed her gaze to Theo, who was lying on the floor curled up in a ball.

"You know what I've learned not to ask questions." Pointing at him and turning to the direction of her door.

My vision was locked on the way her hips were perfectly curved and how her hair was fluffy and some strands facing to the ceiling.

Before I could acknowledge anymore about her, I felt eyes burning into the side of my head.

"What." I snapped at him, staring at his smirking face.

"Oh nothing..." Noah trailed off looking around.

I stood up and walked off into my room to get dressed. Slamming the door, I flopped back onto my bed. Contemplating any decision I've made in my entire life.


I put on black jeans and a button up shirt with a leather jacket on top. I grabbed my phone and then sat down on my bed with my laptop on my lap.

I logged in and then checked the security cameras. Nothing different just my people checking the bags and weighing them out.

The clipboard of leads was doing just fine, we were trying to check out the recents of The kings and Nightingales. The two leading mafias that are trying to get our ticking bomb.

The letter my father sent me was just information on Julia and the Blacks, even though I knew enough about them from her father.

One thing I didn't understand is why Adrien didn't keep Julia and take it out of her. If he really wanted to build his mafia he would of gotten his daughter and taken it out of her no matter what.

Still analysing the board I'm very baffled on why her mother committed such a daft action after her surgery. It wasn't like Julia was going to find out about why she requested it alone.

Coward. Coward I call her, had the guts to take her own life because she couldn't live with the guilt.

The next hours were a bore just checking our stock and leads and what we can get out of the other mafia and gangs if we took them down.

The Silverstone are the best of the best and deserve the most luxurious items.

Two loud knocks echoed throughout my room.

"Come in!" I yelled looking back at the screen.

Footsteps approached me getting more louder.

"Um, boss we have a problem."

"A really big one."

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