《Silverstone》CHAPTER 10


Sitting on the couch I am bored as fuck. There is nothing to do, I can't go out, I can't call anyone due to very obvious reasons. So here I am, laying on my back staring into literally nothing.

"Hello?" I blinked rapidly while Noah was waving his hand in my face. I sat up leaning my back onto the cushion.

Theo then sat on the side of the couch I was sitting on and unfortunately opened his mouth.

"Finally, sleeping beauty is conscious, took you long enough."

"So are you just going to sit there and do nothing?" He asked me, was he being serious? What could I possibly do in this hotel room?

"Well I can't call anyone since they will ask me where I am, I can't go out since your so-called boss says, so what can I possibly do?"

I pointed at my fingers listing all the things I couldn't do, wow this was really not what I expected.

"Can't I just go out, pleaseee." I begged them, getting up standing, folding my arms on top of each-other.

"Where would you want to go?" Noah asked me. Progress I guess.

"I don't know, not really anywhere just a car journey. Anywhere but this place."

I threw my hands up to emphasise how much I hated being cooped up here.

They both shared eye contact before looking back at me.

"Okay well it's." Theo looked down at his watch checking the time.

"9:30AM." He read out fixing his gaze upon my face.

It was way darker to be in the AM section right now.

Noah scrunched his face up in confusion, sighing turning back at Theo.

"It's not 9:30AM you dick it's."

He brought Theo's wrist up to get a better look.

"9:30PM." He slapped the back of Theo's head, bringing his hand immediately up to his head rubbing it.

"Ow what the fuck was that for?"

"For being dumb."

"Bullying much?" He scoffed at him and starting walking towards me.

I giggled trying to stop myself from burst out laughing.

"Okay, um so let me ask Leo on what your allowed to do, since we aren't going anywhere just driving, right?"


Noah look at me for assurance.

"Yea just driving, I need fresh air anyways." I looked down not knowing what to say after that.

He turned and walked towards Leo's room, knocking and I could head a muffled.

"Come in!"

After he went into his room, that just left Theo and I alone in the main room.

I was getting a major hit of déjà vu.

I looked at his face, grinning ear to ear.

"Don't you start." He warned me, his chocolate brown eyes melting into mine.

Leo stormed out of his room, slamming the door. Making us all aware that he was here.

"Dramatic much."

I said under my breath.

I looked upwards, accidentally making immediate contact with Leo's deceptively mild eyes.

He looked at me raising one eyebrow, like he just heard what I said. Probably not, right?

Noah cleared his throat, looking at Leo. They exchanged looks. He then pointed his stare at Theo making him dart up from his position. Walking to the side of Silverstone.

"Get up." He demanded, his almost green eyes piercing into mine. I got up from the couch in confusion. Motioning my hands to Noah on what was going on.

He mouthed something to me, pointing to Leo's back.

He turned towards us.

"Are you both done playing charades?" He observed us.

"Um- I." My vocabulary changed into the span of a dogs while I tried to reason him with something.

He scoffed into the air, gaping at us with no expression painted onto his face.


We were all now outside, having a clear view of the night sky and the stars that accompanied it.

I tried to adjust my vision, but the darkness just filled it for me. I could only make out a black long shape.

Two bright white circular lights flickered in the absence of darkness. His car, of course.

I started to walk towards the vehicle, with the three walking ahead of me already.

I ran.

I darted.

I zoomed to the back.

Now your probably asking me why would I want to be In the back even though it wasn't as amazing as the shotgun view.

Well one word. Actually two.

Leonardo Silverstone.



You ever have that vivid dream of doing something, but then it goes the opposite way?

Well that has now happened to me.

I was sitting in the front with HIM.

"I actually hate you both." I called out to them from the back.

"Aww we love you too." They said in unison laughing to each-other.

"Don't flatter yourself black, I don't like your company either." He grumbled while gripping onto the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white.

"Ooooh." They both started to talk again.

What a great time I am having.

"Put a sock In it will you?" Leo questioned clearly irritated.

I almost felt bad.

Key word "almost."


We were driving for a while now, getting no where. It wasn't as peaceful as I wanted because all I can hear is Theo and Noah arguing while Leo was telling them off, and tell them to

"Shut the fuck up before they dropped them off stranded."

I love this car journey.

The car abruptly stopped. I looked out of the window and was in view of a 7-Eleven.


"All right everyone get out." Theo yelled, clearly stoked that we were going to get food.

I opened my door before anyone else did and slammed it. I started walking towards the bright sign.

But then two guys came running over taking me. Maybe this wouldn't be that bad, I'm going to get a blue raspberry slushie for sure.

We were now in the store and I forgotten on how normal this was.

I sprinted to the slushie options and grabbed a large cup and filled it with half and half. Blue raspberry and strawberry, the best mix out there nobody can tell me otherwise.

I went towards the candy isle and grabbed a twix bar, and started to search for Noah and Theo.

After searching countless isles I found them in the slushie section, standing there with Leo laughing at god knows what. The only time I saw Silverstone genuinely laugh at something.


We then payed on Leo's card of course, and I was now walking out of the store, sitting down on the edge of the pavement next to a lamppost.

So much has happened in such a little amount of time, I'm at a 7-Eleven with a mafia leader and his two crazy sidekicks, they have captured me and I still have no idea why I'm here or what they want from me.

Snapping me out of my thoughts I heard a sequence of "clicks" coming towards me. I can't be bothered to look behind me right now, for all I care it could be the Kings coming to take me. I needed to find out why I'm here.

Someone sat next to me. I immediately knew who it was with the lingering scent of strong cologne filling my nostrils.

"Look can you just leave because I know you don't like-."

His fingertip pressed against my frozen lips.

"Stop talking." He whispered huskily.

It's like I'm compelled to him, something is drawing me in to his trap and I don't know what it is.

"There you guys are!" Theo shouted from the entrance of the store.

His finger immediately moved away from my parted lips looking anywhere else.

"Come on let's go it's freezing and Elsa is In a


I didn't notice how cold I was from all this commotion, I haven't really noticed that much or thought on what's going to happen after this.

Ruffling noises started from beside me. I felt a jacket being put over me, it was warm and felt like it just had been taken off.

"Come on let's go." Leo motioned to the car with Theo and Noah trailing behind me.


We had finally got back to the hotel. Surprisingly no random attacks from the Kings or Nightingales. I was practically falling asleep on the spot. I started walking towards my door until I had crashed into something hard.

I stumbled backwards trying to catch myself.

"Forgetting something?" That deep familiar voice entering my ear.

I yawned and forgot about his jacket.

"No actually I think it looks better on me." I said half asleep laughing through my sentence.

I opened my door and flopped onto the bed.

"Yea your right, it does look better on you."

His laugh fading out, the faster my eyes were fluttering closed.

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